ILLa5 Box 451 MtondCommnnty Newspape Vol. 133 No.11 WEDPJESDAY OCrOME 20, 1W. Clyde Wells coming to town Newldundlan Premier Clyde WeIs soNl "pnd loffiorrow (Thursday) momn- hlg ln th. Oakvlle-Mifton rkling on a s&4idule ltai la- cludlea a taJk wtii Aisop Reong Seondary Scitoaf atudonta. The Liberal, who ham won baclc-to-badt malority gov- emmerda, wlll amnistia Redinrg studor4 et 9: 15 arn, followsng a breakfast wtlh votera ai th. Howard Joitason's in OacvilId. Mr. Wells la iting the itustinga with Oakville-Milion Ioderal Liberal cantdiat Botnîe Brown in a tast- minute tour by a higl profile LUboral. Tueaday, OakvlI. Mîllor Tory hopettà Aria Mult- vais adoptod a salmîlar stratsgy wiit a vieil by Primo Minogter Kims Cam~pbell. A lawyer ln Corner Brooks, Mr. Wells lira Ontored public le in 1966 elsen h. was elocitd ta the Nowfoundlfand Houa. of Apaambiy for the istrict of Humber Eaat Appoinied mîrsisier oI labour by. Premier Josepht Smalrwood, ho became* theo youngoai cabinet miniater in ifs. province's hlatory. He aat in cabineti untl 1968, whesn h. roagmed on a pomni of principle ovor lte of an oN refinery projoct. Features Police......... 5 Distelide ..........17 Sporu ........19-24 Claute. ..25-27 Real Eatate RE1-REB MIum Ca'scade ofcour huhS ofHaenby tu* h l #e ta Ctours dienci lnq lt.s arie marllu titI . M t ur Ihume av 1mimnota l rcitbel lir peak. mn dOllan y a mlIosIng &WI. Town scrambles over news of toxic leftovers at abandoned plant Dy SAL BOMMARITO Thse Champ in Action bas becs taken 10 clean up and secure an abandoned chemnicai warehousc on Main Strseet East, town counéil was told Mon- day night. Tise warebouse, 'bu former location ot Pigment ami Cbusical lnc.. bas been abandoecd tisce 1990 abter tbu company wen its receiversl4p. The Royai Banik of Canadla trask possession of sbu propcrty ai Usat turme. Tise banu commmssianed inves- tigations ot te building as eli as an inventory of chemicals Icit on site by ils tormier otener. However, in a letter date October 5, lte Ministry of Environrnent and Energy sosified sbu toten tisaï the batik "will isat bu taking any turtbur action on its security in te property and is prepard to abandon thet propcrty. "Tis cancen is bcmng brougbi ta your attention ai ibts lim as tise propcrty îs not sccured ami is quite ac- cessible to ail (tic) public," John Budz, manager of lte Haiton-Puel district of ie MOEE statcd in the les- tc, wbscb lte toten received seves days laler 9. Mr. Budz alto stated in bis lester ltat Iul-y a company seas bired ta, remove bu-d f gallons of 0 ___w- .ýan extreuely hazardous" produci known as ant- monium persulpitate froin lte site. :*Although atiditional work was dome on-site te secure te rtiming chemicais <tiscyl continue te, be slored in te buildings dma are susceptible Io van- dalism." Aitacbcd In M. Budz*s leter is an inventory of the chemaucals, Town counicil heaid titat the leiter took town staff by surprise and triggered somte quick action by tie build- ing deparmnnt to head off a poietal safcty risk te m. C54EMICAL PLANT on pope 12 Sheïep attacked Fise siseep were attacked by a pSk of 41d dogs on a Derry Rad fim Swade-fiernoon. Halion Regional PoIlice>ppe- Two of dic sheWibmr killcd ani thice were fsernossly iijara('li tise incident ai tise fain. lo- cased»Mlitery Road t vfie aitack occurred somteure bclwecn 4 and 6 p.m., police sad. flic animais were keptin an enclosed area bchind th iurmmiouse. Allégations of wrongdoing maiciýous, false: angry Malbioeuf says Dy BAL BO&IMARITO The. Champion Retors Paity candidate Richard Maibocuf says documents contai- îng allegafions of inspropriely againt is aie iirepresentations and a deliberate aitempt by bis political appontents to desiroy bis campaign. "l'W reason ilry've tisrown this on your lap is somieoiic musi have found out we were wînning Ticy've pulîrd oui ail sthe stop%- to derail the campaigs. the Qauville- Milton candi- date said] in an interview lasi Fridy. I ~ The docu- entsd anoy- mnSd drusy- mausly last weck te, lite Champion in an unmnarked Richard manilla rn- malom uf velope, alirge Mr. Maibocuf failied a credii check of nornanation car- didates becaute bu had two court judgemrenis againsi humt lotaling mont titan $27,0<yl, Tise papers include copies of i -sheriff's file and a credil cbeck in- dicating- judgeirnts hase bees awarded agamnst Mr. Maîboeuf for $5.700 and $21.ý550- Mr. Maibocuf presented bis own documenaion ta refuite tihe allega- lions of imprapriety. Hie said the judgemeni against bim rallier titis year for $21550 relates In a successfully concluded bsitness negotiation. Tise oliser. is- sucd tn August of 1992, arose oui of.à dispute wisth bis ex-wife Lyn Malbocuf aver cbsld support for the couple's daugier. fi bas silice becs resolved. bu sircssed The laiger sm involves negoËta tions wîth a leasing firmrover ibice vehicles. Wbca a company in which bu teas a principle ceaed .,Opeabons in 1991, Mr. Malboeuf said bc, as the sole renaaining owset in wbat bad bec. a thir- way parsiicrship, becante respon- subie for dit hauiglitles of tise Isses. 1 accep"t ami agreed ta the tact tisa I bad some responsibiliiy pertainisg ta tsese leascu. Wita e could sont agice upon teas the amnounit involvcd,' bu suid. Mr. Malbacuf said the maier - O CANDIDATE on pelle 4