IUJRCE. Spney sla Poch PmWu4 ,0 81,EFI V-6, P'mOenMM.,M )00 kr uttht line. 87 G S.T 111CIde PC candidate Ami Mulvale. wants to shape change i Ottawa Edî;tre noe: 71Wç lis ont in a çeries of OG1IviliU.UIoP fecdtral tiecion canefdaide pmfi les 7ht Canad ian Chasmio is pubhshing 1 e~Io eite, Champion There are dict who belteve a vie- tory by Oakville Mayor Ams Mul- vial in lte fedatil electon wouiW ac- iually he a lm&s. suggeçting that a valuable and dedicaled public ser- vant would be swallowed b> the par. tisan Ottawa political mare Thte Progressive Conservativç can- didate fr OakvtlleM%ýilIon has heard ibis concert, but SsCIt buying il for a inuute. .Titere ta a view thita Amn Mulvale iv needed berle. but 1 can effedt more change by betng (in Olttwa) than b> fl bctng tere." site says. .Im stepping out of my establmshcd con)- fort. level, but you cmit sit on te sidelines or nou can gel involved'" the etldoraie's appreliension about the future is a feeling Ms Mul- vale it wel acquainétd with. but site nlantains initer strength, flot self- play, is the ansteer. Ann Mulvale As a neely wed -Site and ha, band Peter came to Canada front England only days alter they'Nvere married -Ms Mulvale says -%be faced trenendous uncertaîniy but found the sircnglth Io rive abote ber Jeaes and, succoed Sht applies a similar attitude Io lier cuneài quevt. 'j have lu, believe 1 can go 10 Ot- tawa and make a difference. I'm no& going on a power trip. I'm running dei vtng conviction mu malie a dif- férence.- Ms Mulvale doesn't taille credig for ail hier accomplîsitments. itotever explanîng itow they have been.de- pendent on "the enwowerment of otiters." Her **ocused and con-. mîtted"canipaign team ism fieritly loyal and ber appeal aong voters ranges front unionized autowoekers to white collai commulers. "Ver few people on my campaign îeam are svorktng agaînst something Titey are a orking for somctiting. lthe vision at can dlain, site says OZr example of thai support she say,, is lthe strategie pla.rmtu - rathier titan sitrer numbers of ber elecjtn signs C 'ter flot ainning lte battît of smih on puic propeiy. We're wîn- ging die bâille of %igns on people'% lawins.- Ms Muls.tle matntaîns- a Tory majory is stil a srong pos- sibîltty ~Tits nidtng vs very wmn- nable mand ibis country ts teinnable." Ms Mulvaje started iter politteal carter in 1977 a% chair of an Oak- ville residents association. In 19801 sbe iyas elected as a Halton regional councîltor front Oakville. leI 19)85 site made an unsuccessful bad for the Oaksitle mayor's office. runni ng second to Bill Perras. Sbe won the seat in 1988. and in 19)91 was acclaimeod for a Secon three- year terni.. As for ber sometîmes controversial affiliation wtith the Progressive Con- servative Party. site maintaîns thai is anon-issue. - 1 ast always a PC. but 1 wa.snit alsvays a Cunadian." However. -1 defy you to find ont more pussiolinle Badminton, anyonc? New members are welcomne Io joîn the Miton*Badminton Club, icit recenti> begaul lis Ocîdeer îo Aprîl. 1994 season. Tht group plays ut Bisitop Rtdîng Secottdaiy Scitoot Mondays fromn 7:30 te 10.30) p m. and ut the Milton Leisure Centre Tuesdays front 8 10 10)301 pin. and Ithur.,days front 7 to 9 p.mý Menihtrsip costO $60 for adulis and $40) for students. You must be 16 years old to jouin Cali Susan Grahiam ai 875-3013 for moire information ILVjIJ LEAF COLLECTION PROGRAM -URBAN AREA - Try coffippsting leaves aYid garden annuals on your property ..ifs easy anid its practising conservation! Excess leaves should be piaced in CLEAR PLASTIC BAGS at curbside by 7:30 A.M. on the following days: OCTOBER. NOVEMBEI 15 22 29 5 12 *If your property fronts onto a drainage swale, please collect ail leaves and bag for collection. J.D. Matthews, P. Eng Director of Public Works - MILTON SANTA CLAUS PARADE SUNDAY, NOV. 21, 1993 2:00 P.M. For M'ore Information please calI the SANTA HOTIUINE - 875-3942 FLOAT ENTRYFORMS & DONATION FORMS CAN BE PICKED UP AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: Milton Loeure Contre Milton Public Llbrary Town Hall The Canaian Champion