Trhe Unre Milton 1993' Has 1, i' fundraising divisions Plans about 20 special events Prbvides funding to 25 agencieà Receies 3 perentof afl donations trom Recejvut .34own payroll tioductiont Supported by at loast 300 volunteers Mails out about 6,000 'donation ieques1à Canvasses nearly 7,500 ,householcls Helps provide over 129500 unîts o&service *Hopes to raise 250,000) dollars So, what s theo0 8TOM LINE? MILTOKWÇHILDREN& YOUTH CENTRE A famÎiy Resource Centre 917 Nipissing Rd 876-1244 DWNTO WI ¶'eo1de HelpiuLg People't' If you don't help * wh< w.1117 ~> 875-255 FOR OUAUTY PROOUICTS &SEVC 878-6380 32 Stebe Ave., Uit 15, Milton __________________ w BILL'S AUTO BODY Cohmm GIMaservmc m-d I nsurarnoeClaWns (416) 878-2721 (416) 8703251 155 Npossing Rd., MiNon, Ont. LgT 1R3 NORTH END NISSAN 610 MARTIN ST MILTON 878-4137 ,9ôe,9 6 7/93. LeIII" w4t de qeo e44j e" Md40« LEAVER MUSHROOMS CO. LIMITED P a. BOX 190. CAMPIELVIUE, ONT. (M0)$7e*775 FAX (OW878.5045 A Asten & Noble ln%uratnItc Brgker% L(d. *Horne * Ufe 878-717 W 205 &am Street East E. I a M