r it UnibedW1 Mfi V United we stand Mayor Gord Keantz (rlght) hlpod th@ Unlted %III of Mlton Idck off Ils Octoiter fundrolslng campoli recently duijrng à flagqgdslng .em NNY et Town Hall. Fron, the Unft.d awray gi Annle E&di@, ex- cutive directore and camlgn chailem Ron Fwlik. Miton graphics comj victimized in $17,000 CRIME STOPPERS 0F HALToN If %(eu hie an% infoirmation ihui Ieadiý ts, an arrei in thi.s sor ans (alter sase isu mna.i be elîgie fis ma sais reward of tir, if) $1.000 Ysns need i5 vice issir nassre ans! sssur infourmatiosn %iii he ireated issh isimplete aniinsmiri Cou i«* I'iAiC6m5)¶ sir 82. T1PSl5477î pany breakmai Crime Siqîperî% su Haltiiv sw srperated in a hisani of drireS made art of 1 ivi isans fron ail arras oiihe regin Thse ressard1usd n resuils firîm the finani rai supprort 4i burines.%. imduis, senvis e , luhs ans) prisa te itizenlç lite hoas) of dss'sslirrces the m,înes, dec ides% ssi tiselsamieunh (if ru. uis a r icuailh isas Mie rew.anis Cime Siopperr hs inisr- pusruzed a% a s hsacsahie ssrganî:sî tsssn. therefssre ail issnatssssrs lie the mr ,dfu..d are tax ilds ti/e. Employees of a graphics destgn and installation bustness aie vidtout srune of thse tooils of thetr trade after a 517.(XX) break-in ast mionth, Halton police and Crime Stoppers need publie atsistance Io aprehend those responsihie. ise burglaty happencd durtng the night of Monday. Sept 13 ai Graphit Mati. flice business is mn a pIa.m at 895 Matn St. E. in Milton. liomry was gained by smashmog the glass osf a ,mall sstndow ai Uic front Articles rcpi41ed stoen include a 3M copier. a Itarrîs fax machine. IBM and Apple computers trnchai- tng monitors and fermiers), a Panasonic fermter. al Makita, power drili. and soote adhcsive vsnyl sheet- top. Tse vient ail pasc out the rear doors Io a wiasttng sehtcIe Crime snch as this bas an impact on product cot aind pccmniums paid to mosoraulce compaues. Yoar assis- tance in solvtng snch crimes could have an impact &s vieil. Cops, MNR, will patrol deer hunt Nov. 1-5 (soseîstîion ssItcrs . Il team up a îh leir ionertrin thle piolice i, iake orie a lil'c day ,ssntroslled lor iiiiii in I lilion roc gis.. stiithl> %\c -Il ha,e our iitîrer, in lise t lielt snd polse ttIll hia i 5 dl ied -ud Jouhnî lîessieIi ut the Mîiir ut 's ut vill xsuiItte. i Sr thoic ahe vîmes h.s Iscti Iîrjan Io paiitin tise ssnirijlled hîîîit Sortie tanner, tond latislsanets a-il] Ilso qjaI if: Mlr Ileririeii 'I ls. 575 iag, aIII bc, is ted Ve asis a hunier hosi lia litente hi- lith uujre tamg. h, Knrilisslsuil trusits he tandossun andi 1% ini are ssci ss ht're iuntîng iý pect truiite'l *li linricii .id lIt Ilenneti aid humier, isi foit lis. municipal d i.%charge hyIjwN, .hîis. varv huom mnvcspaliiv tci, mrusoscipalit> atin laîttîn Weank that uses reer tii lic local municspalsîs to find out waa tise resiction, arc." he sald Mr. Bennett said thse %SIR aîl ise coordinatsng tise huot tlosely aisfi reg itnal police and tise inunicipalities s- tisai safety and irpassing complira, arc deali ailh "I omeone sies an individual on heiir peoperty icey diot want ltsre bey sisould callIl u mimdiaicly." hc sard Ise MNR's statistt(s show bhni- ing-relalcit complunis in Halion have dropped dranattc.illy since 1986, wben 201 were rcceived. Only a handful of have cornte to tise MNR in tise labt fve years -tc MNR, reionai andl provincial police andl municipal representatives have fornici a worktng grtlup tis uleal witb issue, of enfoncemnent ani ctor- dinahon of tise boani. The group lias met once and will mecs agauo toI- lowîng tise humt. Tise Maple Disnrit office number is 19<5)832-72(X). 8Ing - Io a 24 Hapves ofSon sx.201 Storso IJRoceiver -50 wch strer tad suts; FWA 16/S anoim iveseis ee sele SX462 ProLogic Receive K 50eh t 5105 60 e11 osI" 5i0vîi .Se a VSX-452 ProLogie R"ver gr, wich stereo -V wich t'om. xweea, 6c A crire Sýr,,m sou'if - S" Bau IVSX-512 ProLogic i Receiver 7,flv ' CIIlort 4 uul & a veSo sopas -The. 6dlac magazine ls cnvonienc. pluSl -O ]PDMS02 PD - ..Z .6 disc * femote control * ieadphose o/p g/volume ÀMWSET[ au< -MN ïake fiemOStOUtàm' Singlebay ai Dual auto reverse HALb X r ,Le .ýlxauotnn Puusnic~ ~ PINEE SOY ~W E SMsUG ~~gn 1~hOIcS: [ $2 IIVE BEEN ROBBED! *Attiough this es an extremoly traumatie situation, many Stolon itoms Au~ recovered by the polie Howeite< trou IMM~ be alie to provo ownerssp. COEJLD YOUJ DO THATi *If pour hom wits de$Uoyed Sp rue, could pou romomhottr IYMY item in EYIBY room in order to maire an accurate inauraice clafm7i il tout answrsd -No' Io miher question, wo can helte WE WILL,ý *Vidootape inieri0.IEntior of properp *Engrave4nvisbIy marliiisograps dtemie of value *Record modal and sentat numbors Issue vîdeotapel iotographs/negativestisrngs ansd socuntp decels -Y_~a~ Show pou how Io uridite pois spstor en moinutes CAti. NOW AND PROTECT YOIJR PEACE OF MINO