Writer explores failure of old-style politics i Accord Ov KAREN SMMH4 site belieses. Ms Delacouri argues United We Fait <s îost available <nt promoie, il in lostu soi<ictiuç gnon. Tie Champmo glialin vouing"No"<bey effecîîvely boùéksiorsý The aullior plans go she says. witlidrew <heur suipport for tiemoe- Milton native Susan Delacourt look a tlrtW-monqh leave of absence frein lier job to gel sortie staff out of lier sysienti The 34-year.old parliamentary correspondent for ithe Ottawa bureau of thec Globe and Mail is <lic authoe of United We Fuit, whicb recenily bi thOe marke. Her opinionated book is bamsed on tlie fait of tlie Cbarlottetown Accord and ils effwcs on Canadian poliiics Ms Delacourt argues <liai ail mâgior polilical parlies bave conte to recog- nize that <lie 199)2 constiluliona debaie provokcd a fierce drive for a new cea in govcrning and <liai. in tlie isords of Prime Minister King Campbll, ste musa "change polifis by <lie s<.y ste do poitics'- "The future of thie Canadian polit- cal sysieu depends on ilie ss'll of boih people and polilicians to resiore failli and respect in ecd ollier.- says lie <lie auilior, wlio stas raised in îow arnd atiended Milton District Hîgli Si hool Contrary <o many, site argues <liai politicians are noî "a buntli of buai. To sec liow politics bave been Iransformied over <lie lasi five years. she says. oie nced look no furilier I<han <lie creation of titrer pallies - rReform. ihe bloc Quebeçois and the National Party There's likely no one more qîîatified Io dîsseci lie referendum and is, atierniall A, parliamien<ary ýorrespondeni for thie Globhe. Ms 1 )ct.iourt covered every aspect of <lie Uiarîoutown Accord hron puhic forum, Io <lie backroonn poltical manoeuvering, ln a«tempuing to make sense of the trauma of the consti«uiional dehdte, site says site cncouraged poliucians <o mect i tl ber and discuss thie dis- uppoin<mcrgni and confusion <bey feli about <lie doomied ntta<oal-unîiy eniciprise As tlic fait clecîton apprgaches. polilicians arc atare <liai the 1992 conslitutional debale bas produced a simmuening stell of resenimeni among Canadians about the state of politirs. says Ms Delacouri. Slic says the public <s outraged iliat <lie referendumg grimpent Canada's dwindling public purse tby as mnucli as VIN0 million, according Io soire estîmaitest. and <bai politiciais and national opinion leaders pîl so muci tinte and effon ing au issue of liti1e rrlevancc go theliclves of ordinary Canadiai7 To thie public. she adds. ihe con- siîiutional debale stasnt a sbarid ex- perience beiweci thec voter% and <lie politscians. I< sas yeî anoîher ex- ample of poliliîians sîîying. Here's our idca -lale i oe leave i, cracy <iself 1 1 flic book defcnds the <dca <bai the constiiuional straiglîng signalled <be dealli if Iraditional polifcs in Canada. Ms Delacouri says a ttnew poliuics- has yei to lic foêind -one. <bai emgbraces respect, is not afraid if dissent, abjures borse-bradig around the firsi miniscers' table, and stelcomges public isolvemeni fromt ail seclors of sociely "The future of the Canodian political systemt depends on the wiIl of both people and poliftcians te, restorefaith and respect int each other." SIJSAN DELACOURT Tbrougi lier dciailed examinaîton of tlie referendumn process and is afiermnaii. Ms Delacouni suggesis <hai tlie "No" voie was the voer r <dca of resoluison -qe a wiolesalc repudiation of elected' officiais aid <beir brand of poliics. Canadiais no longer saws their elecird leaders as reprisening <hem, jýXGENT OLDY BEST DEAL CARIBBEAN AND TRANSATLANTIC CRUISJNG UNEBATABLE LOW LOW PRKESI 2 WEEK TRANSA11ANTKC Nobody lats; Regent's crise onices. ait of wtlich i moe ~u~ airtare, cruse ail mets, eterain.nen, actfius and mr'AMIEIITII E CRUISE À QUAUTY CRUISESHIPI @oca"TT 2 Regent's mts Trilnn effets seven deada of first cass facilie, -D W E 1 \ 2- , I gassenger ainenities, and cruising fun andi games' NO ISPiFRSON Expet a l. n ri vrgewg doner tao! 1' M u # 5 ý/AIGHeIN0W INCREDIBLE fITNERARIES WITH VI Gdlll/A~Wi(AS HOURS AND HOURS ASHORE 'pî~ A new pot eery dyon most crume' Thres Ienty ofaiteDA in port-no oneaI a i na hur Rta n 10 A CHRISTMANEW LOWEST SINGLE SIJPPWMNT CARIBSEAN Front aust$2W0 CRUISES 99a 7ýERCAISA uUS- ~~~~~~~~~-K f rn IIoaeea....î 0G 22 TO J*MMý I- 1 1949 ~ - __ ~SANTO DONNGO/SAN JUAN/Si. IHOAU ?5AIDJITIA15A1 ibimhneS..W...aQ..n Ia SICUSDAYi 1WIRIOLOI, MWIEN/I kIIS NI Bruce Hood I rve I«o Carporat. Travel 1 6 Martin St. Vacations/Cruises 875-1010) - Serving 2>sevellers Sinoe 1961 - 878-2886 ý@II Vis-Medîcatrix Naturae Charlene L. Summerfield B3.A.A.(Nutr.), N.D. Doctor of Natumopathic Medicine 225 Main St. E., SuiteS 6CIinic Milton, Ontario L9T1 iPl (416) 87"4200 ,ýÇÇS@AWeekend Get-A-Way from IGAM Look in Wednesday's Champion or corne l into the store.for details. 327 BRONTEST