iBoard mxmonetary reward for saving suggestions, - ft un Urfll us and extra reccgsdti." SIOO,000 in svaspudly. volve nseesm rew"d aid cms hi pariesm il. SSp.a" to The. Cha,*lo saud siis difficuft when ukuicng Tissile Pennsy Siebert ogpsed thei imusltisn." 1* would tîki te m a formel forea tent approëcs fin eniployeei .sggesois proguamg qsgxoah ativo- Sirice tihe bond iducues clidren procs t keeps eniployeei Oppomsnîs fefa mpicyoe sugis- soe sndsvidsa recognition. caied by trustee lÀnda Ligne. aid doissis malli widgeti. st sid. nsotivated aid coaung forts with lion Prai thedi Helten Board of ve Barty. directie of thse con- Froni Ms Sieisert's mis wott ex- il i bard te idientify tauible Suggestions." Edcbnsseuthsisk il is tou su ing finis Emnploye Managemet penience durge wau "a gran deal! of savîngi. Frunik Gui. spoicesperson for thse erai to puy professionals fcr ideas li olvemnn Concepts, secomi- limne mpent for tise valse of tie sug- Howevir Ms Lanie.wshosi motion Taxpayen Ccalition Hiaillon, said a 3:o aignS.a systeni te die liaS gestions" on a suggestions syilem was votid suggestion syçteis was among an Bob Williams, directer of educa- d %wherehy essgloyees would "Our staff aie mosily profits- down. hilieves mn tise idea array of ptopoçals lis orgaruzaicns lion whi she Hiton bard, sud te ive cash awards for maiiig sug- siograls, osen tise system and "P>eople in tise front line," sibe made te tise board isso years mgo, recengly,ýô 'or s kinti of orgaia- ge lions that save tise hoardi roney. sislduil havi t bch past 1 isiprove saud, "art mn tise hisi position l0 tec, Hi tisinks such a system is greag. if 'lion we wanî suggestions as a H sssd th1e ceat would hi $20.000 il," suid Ms Seihe$. wiiat insprovisients cms hc made." uure is ne, ai expensive bureau- Inaturel pan of th1e joli ralier tisai a prograns. which would ymeld *'Engloyee suggestion sysiems is- Sbe a dm ti a ny njo cernt- ccacy. Hle concediti - thi sa .aing% arc -- more dîfficuit te nuasice in edukca- c - ~... lion. but tisait doisi't mean lisey Thse suggestions sisould bc on %omething thk propolient bas controi - Peter Earte, director cf corpocate S~Ss4~~, affairs; wiîh Dofasco Ic., uidse lis 4 '%Z~" copny ne longer secs ils usggesý - I/j ~,lions syslemt as an instrument of lise 199(N. O ~TH S TR Silied in 1936, thse progrant was discoiued aitie end cf 1992. "'Il was effective in its day' lie suid. "but il gel cumliryomc and il didn'î fil philosopsicaly nts vhere we are goîng"- AI Dofasco. employees cossld cars as mach as $50.000 foc a sîggrslîen Mr. Earle dîdisi rate out tise adopi- tion of a sn suggestion ,ystm Wlaored te dîfferunt nords ai Doas- Co. Truistee doesn't like document il - - - - - CEIwI0 WUn LATX 25 P- $2 92TE tm Akw ocP-$319 -p.S1272 2 1w*ý.Ç_$15 10155 W 1065 '22 I i - [~I1017 a ~~~~~in'*....oaas.. *?5JStYmU AV ILA»RIn»U-311 1 ik- 1~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~ tiIu:"nliig nvstili ';o "o n" W wording. AIl Builinglon trisai Lynda Scieiier suid se waited te do was give priocnty te studests. Instead, she was accasid of igrying te com tis Hlton hoar if Educaion tios"ad ef unhsecessary dollas ai a receni mseeing. lIs thse hoard's straluglc diceclioni dcumenit, cucrinlly fraid aid haigisg in every scisool. dict are a acides ef points utidir lise section, Our Beliefs and Values, one of whîci s "bîgli expeclations for stu- dent Ieamiing." Tisat particatar -'hetier' us neî firsî on tise tit and Ms Scisacîhir frit it sIud bc placed "hiefece alt oduers" The rasons bhind lise order cf betiefs aid values have nedsing te do wiffi isispottic, siniplyliow the =odng ondipage nisen kig t e z crdîg to superin. Rendenti o sclscet services Bob PasrY "We couldi comac ap will a con- sensus ...dsey were ait sO impor- tant." henoted. Il cous tise homard $8.000 t0 print a hiciem tis doccuments. se te change gblhin non nouti k "fidiculous", suid Burlinglon tsme ànda Glover. Mr. Party sud iî noslt cost tiscusands more dollars te niaie tite changes te0th documnt Il wan'l lier intenstion te revamp existing plaques, saud Ms Schistber alisogb stie ceukinte corniprekind tie higli ps-ici gag allacked go sucli a mrove "since il's atready hies typewet and you denti have t0 buy tien fraias.' Trustecs did approse a smail àd- jusiuelu 10 bic motion, stalisg tlia .'in alt future pintingi" of tise lutrigic -directions documnent -h1gh expictations cf student limrsang" hi givun Ai priority. rM sui n u MuIaI y ili r MW~ lençl.CI h l rieu t j " Su n iw fera fimig " i igdmsgutiyaaahpb W-lm~t i 7 Osmnaca pud eICm e..AA 1Z