PC* .. ,-A , .. 11 A- sansv1? Oflel amm ba -uV d oeU WSW.m sur 'blSu V4.h b mohi by e Umm011,00il ID IM o"ý "M<ii furh am ~U hi 101111 " « - lm~ le ~ufMam* mm*lui himubui COMIS ont * dme or nua 191 MaI B.S8 in et m ès nusa ~~~~ui ~OMM ne OuS.duo PUvh enr duos le mm "tet the Pros bha nd 1 e your next vehicle purchase At Milton Chrysier aur sales staff are experienced, courteous and knowledgeable. AN sales staff are qualified ta cicLs*yàur requre- ments, trade value and financial arrangements, sa corne in and talk to a pro - yvu t.o 't be sorryl FildwOt 11M Uud %y off Mita. hblsâ lu amw dioner msS.. Mydmrim Mugm -A NlWd )Mm lwmuu Mt Balla. Fm plans, NIsMq or macto. lisas, begilmM 6 p.-. faoMowi by dlitae md Wlédaas. flckets ans avili- iren f a.DoguauP"ime Wlpqo n WD. Semt Ei and &Di SospBflcy Slmp a Milto. ma. FS ore imqui. caS 878- 0M2. re4 PrldoW Oct 1.2 lb ht lau"im Nmp Ast stv Mmd sale akes place se rte cOM"Y hail in Brok vile FRiday hmo 4 o 9 p.m. md Safwday 8cmu 1l i.M. go 6 p.m. Aduiusia cosna $3. The event Iémw 22 mma m iocludig Miammuca uullr. Vacki FUTU., EdWu Ledaha.. and ftIMay Simpnça of Mlles; MIa Mewu., Barbons Ayres sud Ursula RSof Campbellvills; sud Nicole Southucetit of Moffhi. Ait by BattrS sabdont is abco on dlqdmy ut rit event. epousored by Ebenezoe Uni6d Omwrch wmn Ueturdoy Ont 2 St. 1dm': Anilcie cliveb premn Juable Jambe Sale ai the CmnçlielvlilsLUnes Club Hall to 9:30 maiL to 2 p.m. %h sale mckum fum.ln - OI-itYle dasedkIid and chait wilB woodea féet -, washin machins and &y«., books. dishos. wbite scis table, bad gIda md lsoit 9 lunch. For mar in- freaulo. cai 854-0328 or &54C 2597., Tusdoy 0.4.a h 111 ctrMM Oel of Nurs hod a rem cse lcl ic t he iàa- Mo.y Court apmuoonis, III On- tarto. St., boum 1:30 ta 4:30 p.m. nRe cau s $ 13. For furdiber fintramnion or an appui t calt 827-880. Nass»-mya Piesbytali Q-crh beMN a btcma W16. Mma sI d u ti. bon's thiabu mbb vheda t,~s Fo icosWb cc S10 Mr. lb llwy. or by ouspr md..ta at. salI 85e-2373 or 154.243. ctiame personda syclent in à@ces Tht Hales Wtman Association uchb Mmd aMIb. peses IMU nob Ou Mât- A mmeus vu~ e ugmmhi &-ai-a Bcug Pas.. 111 et wose bellinsid NU"lt Cou- 7:30 p... Judgs choose lb be* auiy mnd Information Sver- tamlq vepoulm lums (ladiq (hCI> in lbe Optix Ceutre. 311 * )md lbsise mdam voeu Commueial St.. ai 7:30 pi&. le lautn&. PliesB flo en àimw reglaanr call WOnua's InLgmuti mn coïs $2 for neaa-umbtors. Support Servicss of Hd»Itnh Simple die utimes (bda ove usen- 847-5520 or MCIS ai 876-4756. No sus>b md iess asfmom ho. li1ps o. M*iq M n-IBmd Malah "a Memu." 70 eiter or for mm lut id-idyOc eulat, c@D 1Cm. Dchtbroyd as The MasS Ria. Llt.raq OuWI 177-04. botais- orientation evfl ae 328 Tht lsancil of mme la co.. C»Icph St in Coeçeussovne 7 p.., .idty laine"al. vim aci lot peuple inhesea in &Wpyla for otuute "mme tmku place as tht folivan vomis. positions - Malto Psitc: Làbuy ne 7:30 p..L bard mo Mhr. nhg conts T'ht pmuamàgi beOwn MÙta tee tmbder, public relaaoe coué- Comam.sty mnd lailtiaion Ser- ne Inoeu r, and sut. If i.wr- vices ao~ the MOSan Publi Utrary ssd »Il 8732200 Mren o çplca adoms Cb psblic 10 acoeu Wina- don. %ru Spire is Intiud Flu vaccine à*vailable TIb MW flu vaccrine as nom available to pSiss or Imsme du effets of Bhe Bil»ag Tress md Pananu strias of dhe influmua virus. FIn vaccine tisomvkd froc to Bhos sgod 65 or olr md tu psople wiâ srians huit. lma or kkiey" lisuS. duabsas or cancer Other amy purchis Bhe vaccne. wlth a doctoe's presciptlcss. Icci pharmacies. For mar information, contact the Ballo Regionmi Hcakh bspu«nsn as 825-6060 mi ack for dho coumnacable dliseuse propana CHERISH Wouid yau lice ccmpany for yau ctsld, a regâja in- corne and the support af a profMmsln agsncy? Con- Sid9r beaming a CHERISH- Harne Day Caré Provider. Call Denis. Lord at 876-436. Mifon Conm lthy end lnfom mtloo SeMMes - 311 CommelIl Shot, mmlle 1 Ir", [ :-