COMMENT J Boit 243 191 Mata St E. aie~ Milto L9 4N9 PE~ TrnoLiu 821-3837 aii, - ". - Fax - 879-4943 pn - Claauied Advetn 875-3300 UW' TN F..i. à _ Ian Oliver PublA. lm- (Nf .L0.- .1.a oel u Adwn.ù, Direter/ .4 J ~~Generai Manager $ý"-~ .- ,. OnC" Of Managersij M li's t00 bad there are no veterans' &emeîeries around here because when and if the people who bekmirched the war casualty memorial at Victoria Park are caught, lhey could, hopefully, spcnd a few months tending such a place as work program punishment. We can't think of anything more fiting than t0 have these undoubtedly youthful offenders forced tu confront' ai least a hint of the sacrifice represented by thé monu- ment they apparently so casually defaced. We have yet to meet anyone unmoved when confronted hy the sheer enormity of wartime cemeteries - the seem- > îngly endless rows of simple headstones or crosses that lIand in mute îestimony to the cost of large- scalle armed conflict. suiant Il would bc appropriate t0 have the thoughtless vandals Y<Ouegf who îarnished the Victoria park cenotaph foçced (o reckon wilh the scope of that sacrifice, especially as il stands in P sîark contrast bo their own mean- spirited and petty ac-- tions. Vandalism indicates two significant societal failings; One the oMlous one bcing on the part of the generally young Pi people who do iî, the other being a certain culpability on uJ more the part of the vandal's caregivers - parents, leachers, School cc adulîs ini general. really. for fostet!'ng an environmenl in Ru". Abo whîch vandalîsm flunishes. 'Perry of Ingle. rep Vandalism can be a barometer of an area*s social $1.000 in wellheîng. Witness the American inner cilles, where il -the course U l'le flounishes, as opposed 10 the more affluent and account- Budworih ahle suburbs, where iî generally does non, prvou Milton is flot burdened by an overabundance of van- tale agent dalism, but il is far from Urc of il. We must ask ourselves Clair Pair owtk witli if we have donc ail that we reasonably could 10 decter the effomt Ms crime. ber titis ho Do our young people respect the property of others, the Cbiiiikr District H- righîs of others, indeed themselves, as much as they could supie or should? Are they gainfully occupied mosî of the lime U John and relalively content? Are we ail even certain jusl how' points leu Milton's teens do feel? When was the last lime we ranflg, as race. Thei demonstrated 10 them that we acîually care? in the pol This is nol in any wa toi excuse Uic actions aI Victonia Shaw of G Park. Justifiable anger is Uic emolion of Uic moment, land Gary In die [in punishmenî is Uic short lerm answer to the crime.seodt But the exercise of punishmenî, should Uic opportunily presenit itself. is flot a full sqlution. Ail of us in some 20 YE small way bear accountability for a heightened level of Fro vandalism, and we believe it ha heighîened in Milton DRi over the last few years. If our young people are bored, atiendaic resîless, destructive, it is our fault as weIl as theirs. but te sbc We propose no solutions. We merely highlighî what Pl-MdiOt on may be a problerit. and suggest that those who can speak PUD effectivcly 10 young people do so, and that those who can'î, or haven't in a long urne, make an attempt 10 do so. *Deserved pride T"rr Fox was in many ways an average young Canadian, which makes the courage lie displayed perhaps that much more remarkable. Last weekend so man>ý Màl- lonians honoured his memory, in aid of a good cause, thata the communiV~ should bc proud. One can only hope Uiat Mr. Fox. somewhere. is proud as well. 'q LooKING. BACK aufocbd Io the pootll daly Il nl for -gbos for ~mmro publié lWMMng GIES 0F THE PAST Year Ago nàà the september 23, 1902 taaue ihan 130 people cîrcled tit E C Driuy Hîgh impIes onie way or another in the Tetry Fox ui$8,00was rased fo can*îqarcs Sam Churchill Avenue raised $2.010%Lu Betiy reentîng Renm Mîhtowne Realîy, collected the rus Participants, lait. walked or cycîl ilion Chainher of Commerce chose Carole as ibeir Businessperson of the Yenr For the hree years, Ms Budworth had been a mal es- wîth Royal Lepage and belore that ran dite Si 1 and Paper store in Milton. which she co- husitond Brian. However, it was the uie atnd Budwortit pot mie, tim communuty ibal earerd nour. Ms Budworth bad served on tIhe Milton of Commerce and the board of the Mlton lospita. Ms Budworttliaid suid ske was tad thitlrd by dm award. Fletcher uitowed why he ws the overait Jer ai Flamboro, Speedway in hobbsy club car lie won die End of Seaso Chantionsbtp MI»f racer, drivmng a '39 Plymouth, started r Position andI led for the esire race' jasci uelps was second. while Milto's AI Hmnga ..olling rinished third and eigbtb respectively. e fecature event Mr. Colling firésbed a close Ron Eason of Oakvilleý ~ars Ago la the~ September 20, 197 inaue ad dampened 1k upirts of neganizers. eut the anI amy of the activities ai the Fait Fai. îw went on neverihelesu. Many of the evenis ithe tiaci and die dirt infield had to ke cati- celled because of die mudidy conditions. It was noon on Satuiday befe the midway could operate becîsse of bîgh winds, andI beavy rain Friday nîgbt croutIs. bow- ever, were bîgher titan i otber yearï. hetping to offset tir low Saiurday attendance. U Vema Fisher andI Joanne éVilson won the 4-H Qîteen aid Princess Conspetîtion respectîvely Bot were honoured aithek opening cereionies of the Milton FaIl Fair %h Iwo were 16 year-old çtadents ai Mîtion Distrit llîgh School. Thse girls were judged on projects they anderiook throughout Wc year The queen teceîved a 'trophy presented by G&rge Brown of the Royal Bank, roses front tbe fair bonrd andI a sterling silver beacçle Thse pnincess received a peu andI jencil set fr m die Banik of Commerce andI a corsage froat the fakýJoid AIl the girls in the coiffleiiostreceîved carm 1celets U Voteid newly creatgd Centrai Hilton borougt were goîng to the polis Ail but two.of tbe Il Centrai Haiton seats were up for grabs. Depending on a voter's place of residence, ki would have ai feu, as titrer or as inany as rive ballots to mark. There, was aiso a rare for the Milton ward's school hoard seat plus a plebisie on the naie for the new iown - Milton or Mohtawk were Or balloi's choices. 50 Years Ago Prom the Septeanber 23, 1943 luaue D More ibmn $2.700 in prizes were bing offered on the Miltont Fait Fair prze lîsi. besides a large assr- ment of apecial pfizes. D Ise Doris Hall Orchesir provided the enin- mient at a dane Ai Brookytîle Hall, sponsceed by dm Buny Bers - oJ Mr. Randait aid Mr. Moeley had leasrd the oltI Banik of Toronto building nexi to, the Seblse ctore amd were baving i made inîo ai up-to-date butcker shop,