tii ~js E~Ont. 1ommIlnCnt.Newspaper OAKVILLE, Ontario- L6J 5A8 ciet0and Commsmaty NeWqe L. 135 No.7 WEDNESDAY SO1TMSER 2Z, 193 More than 220, honour Terry Fox5s quest mmr thion m2 people 9 M~la honourod the memoi of T"n Foi~ by revlfalizing the one-loggod njnnor's quasi for à cancer cure Sun-j day. Paiciapants in fih. T.... Foxt Run ralsod mare than $10,668 for cancer rsseradi, auwpassing Minons 810,000 .Even>itody eailly had a good lime," "l DM"bl 'aharNon, aiho organred "e evarit lell her hueband David. "If was a grat day." One local farnly bobaoed $1,100 in pledgea. accorl"n to Mm. Chaion. long and Craag Thomnaai ot"' 0"ai Court and OWr thee diIwu ralud the mon.ey aler bdNg the 10.Iasi coure.f amounid #» "Wrnhi.oalEC. DnJry,*0 Schoal. One of their cNtldren live- year-ald Jenny, who's a leultomia surmv, was chosen as Tony. Teammale ta start the rn. Meanwhile, a Misoisag woman generated $M0 for the cause on hor own. Ollie participants came tram as fZ, away as Dudham. Tala fundst raitied Sunday exceeded Iagit year's pro- ceeds by about 30 per cent, ad Mes. Charlton. Features Police ............4 Daieline .........12 Sports ........ 13-16 Claassfled... 17-19 Auto Section CC1-CCB Roya Ceiodloi Le"glon imber Geoirte T &i*«raw con't baby.v tie aanaelm »@mdain tte obp ORtA Viri Legion posts reward for war menjorial vândalism Dy i5AMCiI aiM I l lb. Champion The Royal Canautan Legjan has posted a $500 reward for Inifornmation wisich resulis in th. arresi and coniction of those who vandal- ized the cenotapis as Victoria Park. Overnight Friday. vandais spray-painted tic monument in the park an the Town Hall paOunds and mairrcidtie bandaseil, walkway and nearby stop sign wilh the words -flai fine." The words apparenfly reffer ta a hospital heart monitor and aire knawn ambong youths as mean- ing "you'rc dead." said Mayor Gord Kraniz. who, puzzicd wh.ni saw the phrase, inves- iigated ils ifrflnition.W 'I was surprised, but probably more dis- gustcd ihan anyiliing cIte.' said Mr. Keaniz. dcscs-ibing his reactian ta Uic damage Satuirday mnontng. Vandais used green and black spray paint on the property, including lis nese decorative stase walkway. and wrapped a roIl of toilei paper around thc head of die statue of King George. Thie cenataph is tic property 4pf MUtons Branch 136 of Uic Royal Canadian Legion' President Bob Randil said ise's having a haid limie understanding th. actions of Uic vandalsw *'lt was hard la beleve Why w 1 re do mimi! Anxious ta catchis t prits, the legion decided ta ciTer the reward i they werc Friday nighî. or if dgey have any in- The cenosaph represents tdm freedomt Canada formation in connection with ie incident. enjoys thaniks go those who fouglit in wars. said White dhe Legmon has hired workers te re- dic Mayor, adding that is "unforeit" the move dmc paint tirent the cenotaph. Town staff vandals didn't respect that. wilI chan Up the reuainng Iness. said thse Mr. Krantz said lie suspects tdm vandaiism MayoeAnyone with information ta aaked ta was dotte by youths ansd bas suggcstcd Io Mi-tontact legion rinhers Bob Randal at 878- ton parents that they aak ieir childeen where 1380 or George fliornborrow at 878-5739. Fali begins with fun at annualfair Dy KAREN SMITH lits Youtli Day Friday and school childien. The Champion sanie of whom have neyer been on a farm. wtt - h. thée special guesis. flic Milton Fal Fair will h. prcseniad in Hall and exhibits, including a135.4ntcrafts, traditions! style ibis weckciit wiih a raix of tic wil! open ta ie public ai 11 I fi. and close ai 9 usual - agricultural activities, demnolitiont der- p.m. flic mîdwaq wili pen ai 3p .. followed bies. children't eniertainnieni and Uie mldway. by jcrsey and hoiatein cauicl shows ai 7 poni. flic top crowd-plcaser, thse demoltion derbies. Actaan-ça'cked cxcitemeni wili gel underway will lic held Saiurday ai 8 pin. and Sunday ai 2..he ie vening with a truck pull inctudig poni Each derby wîll include 48 caja5 #4il stock, sireci-tegal. niodiied 4x4s. ande fiflis Charlie Speck. presidenit of!ieÇaa whcel hsltway iractars ai 7.30. flicdemliton erb biot item," sas! On 4-H Day Saturday the midway wîll gel an Mr Speck. "aîuhVerybody conmes in caey star. opcning ai 9 a.ni. Halls and exhibits sec.- wîll h. open ta tie public as welt. Animal Orgg'. by dmHlon Agnicultsra Society. levers wtt enjoy a pet show ai 10 &m., fol- _!W 39h fatr wîll stan Friday wIsh opening lowcd by horse and catile shows front 10:30 ceremonies ai 1 Oa.pi. Fair board memisers aie a. la 12:30 p.m. hoping thse wêaiuier will cooperate over thse fli highlighi of the day. aid Mr. Spcck, will tiree days. * se. FALL FAIR on patte 5 MIL