TWISS FUELS, Sheli Fuels & Lubricants Installations - - High efficient fumaces and bumers ' 24 Hour Emergency Service - iyaLà Pontxes -i s ... - * New heat & fuel monitoring system * Equalized Billing HEATING OIL AND PUREFLAME IS A HEATING OIL AS KIND TO THE ENVIRONMENT AS UT US TO YOUR HOME O FOR OUALITY PRODUCT à SERVICE 878-6380- Week Ahead Horoscope Uao e 1-18e1800 e e a 132 Steeles Ave., Unit 15, Milton watriii - e mYm"qà M-PILTON GOSPEL HALL 'h HOLY ROSARY CRACK ANOUCAN PNEW uy 3m5 ontare.Nc 878-2022 1000 &m - BuêsnBmad 11:48 am - Sunmdmy Scitoo 6:30 pin. - Gosevice Y.Wby 7.30p... mW -g Stiam A..0 Fin M h-t tSUO qnd crý SOlt Of lt .1t CdGO R.. 3 23 <BBAHA&FATH "Re tisa as athrcthng alery PUIhaME Ln the body of dhm coite meno, that! kosh the hmU gerred by h M oi hrre May qIaW tha whid vol P"ihe Ille hosm Of uls Whto limnée. o bw t.w millin Tm~.~ E PUESSYTERIAN U CNURCH IN CANADA KNOX MILTON 170 Main St., E. 978-6061 Uhfilier - Themfini. Rcd Lewis, B.A., 8.D. Dineoi mUiellt - Miela Colka.e UmMth SILNDAY, S1EPEMBER 12,19U3 11:00 ar. - Mamkng Warsip - Churcis School <Agea 3 -Grade 6) - Nur" (Infants Up foU 2 ymare) D~~ .,.Wu - -W ROMAN CATHOUIC PARISH 139 MarIn et, Mtax 878-4536 Mm 7:15 pot S«uty m:00, 10.30 à:1) OSeaiay OUR LADY OF VICTORV Mm eat 1O:30a rn. Statdal ST PETERS CHURCH faya. Eai Tïbai. ark Curtis. omer Fan, arold Dedtard. S. J. UNITED CHURCH 123 bw i st ijeva mimon ont. Ras Rém Syl Rav. Blm 0w i DWMn Ci Maie - à4y Koua Sundsey, Sept 12, 1M9 10:30 a.. Ordlnry lima intergeoeaioet service selTion Titi: Look At All The Faces) Sept 11, 7:30 mun - Ftap Jack Bremmotu on Civoitt Lawn Sept 12 - Clapait S&col Ragsa V4. i dner clapai Nwwry cara cmbi *# inomco 3i7 Main St. E bion 8782411Ï Rav. mark McOmcmof SERVICES Swiday 8:008.rn. 10:30 arn. fllurldy 10:00 a"tt Stud- Tuadgy 7:30 Prome Graup - Wemaday 7 p.m. --Eve>ne ilom - GRACEWAY BAPTIST CHURCH PeStai: WUIe K4 lm"a We ciene you to mmS cOUl us 407 Pin@ Stm«e Nold 10 MUOts Ltyary 10:00a8M. - SUtdBY ShoO 11.00 a.m. - moTelg Worsltip 6:30 pý m. - Evewtg SorvSc Thud 7:00p.m. - BibleStudy 'The 11 ch.1t TM -«Fryd rnCHIJECE fiar. nmuu E. Poue. Sets. PMW Aobà Hay -cn. Cinena &uta P-Wi SIJNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 9,.46 a.m. THASNINl TVA"l PaN Sunday Sdn agl bruMagi 10:45 arn THE APPOJTR WWH 600 ctsdd,mi's Ctwrc5 tA@u 3~ 6.30 pm. avUO ISl RâU.Y A pieti du Cimian kW@ V60Mh Ode Plaie chire (Gradu 14) A Christian PUaOapMh 0i Raeoel lot io Smaiuse m » mua w01 Frilay eintKkeand Saturdlay mrnifea *m~ ~~~ei Md om om Li [~CIRCLE OF LOVE* Milton Bible Church mm*q atfSnttu 001100 Jà z:_-10:30 AU - RALLY S4JNDAY 10:30 AU - CNILMWS MINUlES NwMat AVelehie - 5:00 PM - LOVE FEAIIT à BAPTIUMAL SErVICE AIt MSun W XU01ea Paie Jiu Deum"i - u yrn* Nier Cijuv ASIES - (Nanti 2ItApa 20>: Weekaud p- -aY mu go a YOM hWt bop@& But don't bc dump Pô.na m es seaunthig gant Win comme aui of i. A pue demi of diplassuy Win b. rq - -in kmade to haep buooy in oewuuMa. A bffl-to-baut consimatl ion am Iaved ose Wini b. mv*aUng. TAURUS - (AwIS 21ffmay 21> Yom my Bi ii mUtait éo cm- caeu on the .in8tlest thip di euh. YoWre berne off relalmq and tahsg cms of daons lme on. Meditation ua a good ey Io amide pueao f MW&d Doeî aut peymg queoti. empecially ta sahaidonma am woreh An inletig lee ciH comein the nud. GEMINI - (Maey 22Jm 21): If yon cam iaige to spend tht eiceed sway frm om s. you cdl batufit bois ctodooally anmd physi- caily. A champe or weuy la jut whae yau meé m».PucWm paoblen. ean't mma me .otumu.ti se uey haW aaued a few "kae &lo. Yoea clin figur ont a way to Save sone CANCER - (Jume 22/ 1 idy 22)M Don't wat tan long ta diac oln - panant matser with a loved one. The amem you don the m. tht -one you cum Set on with athier aer Yom Win hav «May meulan ta d 1ebrat. Saunthing yovnve btiso -M 110 - (.5* 2IAp 23): Vf yomrt soi ceful, Yom UWOh MMi somme claely gtawchd acsyuLs T11 comM cess repaissnt ch ouid one". wteic hiYom My. Jut b. case ye'* feelig dlmco.lemmd i domtu' ue yau muc mar wîth mohia ecedsa A meu esue exeri. raass meha Yom muid VIRGO - 4AUget 2605elli 22): ehYa ySa even buain m v. Re m the loocant Wn Capricorne of tht agppoitte. Ifaàlmgheopm wcàe is mobag thmmg bord for ya. tamm to modur persan of mmfimenoe for encament sid support Mm enth fei l i pove nmebsting. UIBRA - (Sept 23/Ott 23): Tis shoaid ha m exceptionfy meemid- ing eeh if yam me trying ta Nid new solutonsu in o"Mg prahieni. Finanealyitedln be cath ebtie na inesa ia sohtemg ta spei up proâacftiviti. mO be -m- , gd taa oui momy os .epuum for yon bmesa i or b . Expace ta have a SCOPIO - (Ott 21/Nov 22): Thi efllhe àcm.hkofcotrint As tines i my ha mxtresntly dhffcellt tac coni os yau ri " mea cUber hases. you wMi ba t you bus. Wýsa yo pl i s lâcely to ha quiée di. tisa chai yau expecL Yaus ralnt chuntcer is fikely ta bc oser- bo, g to Iascd ansem SAGITTARIS -(Ne,23 1Dec 21): Unexpecied ina set lmhely in accur. Ray my Ionternes "ut cane yar cay. Yam Wini be unumdaly soc- oessful to .potg eveslt of any bad PeoWl and famway pinte Win be oyur nandi towcs dhe end of the week. You cill fiai youmnelf in the Itnellgbi at carat CAMSCORN - (Diac 22/Jas 20): %bs is a gpoil ee for eaehsg on peojecta. maney mason Win rue mmathy, piloviciu yam doat gem n- voived in gt-nch qmich schamnes Yam'U tet illai b.d euhk dos pay off. Expect to be reccird with a pranoion or tmlary nclease, You'Il tua iue m ohd fr. AQLUARIIJS - UJas 2lIFeb 18)»: Nec ftlendships could play an un- poirtent pan mn this cerhts events. You wiii be soctalizing mmn tisa uuiaL. Good tews i on tht cay Finanme Wiin he lms of an issue nec. An open nund! ie neoesstwy t0 achievmssty as houe Yosto way ilu't always tt has cay. PISCES - (Feb 19/Match 25): A horst e erg Sets you nsovug full Ventd aloei on projects yau've been punis off, W sorne due You'l Wonder ehy you eaied ten long ta accaqsWlInhch sinq*l taiks. Miné ta ont tde dis ta qilmeg. Spendimg on youmlf - ai others - could lead you to finuscial disasier. IntsreeW< In pomSr Skatin wlt a diffrefic? Why not try Rt wlth MUtai Skain Club. Enwllass on pure katin sIuNItat4t by Sept 14193 7-9 p.m. SI:LiansI4d. NANCY TONEWL 878-9521