OPINVION Box 248. 191 Main Si. E.,. Fdyn 19 CUin 11. c Àl.m O nt, i UT u~ M 241g mc - Miltos L9T 4N9.ý' The Mmohnd Prntingg. Pdâddn à Dm UrtmIWU W « di s1ul: 8M82341 abt aw cu m t wmd du» Ap&9duwm Nais A&oda.. Toronto Lise 821-31837 Aulura e~. BOMM A*ui.. Baireni Osaie. Bi*on Fa - 878-4943 Poo Conm.s C«Ém'.un. Bokinoka Gsadmiakad, M ix qma.. Goagisan lodiwd. Acbn Fr.» Po..i Krouan IN@ Classified Advertising: 875-3300 = L.ýhub&MmWwoBanr- t.& m, IwmIIp Ne«gi, Na.utiS En. Odlie Bsc. Or Toil-Y. Odwtd- SInn Oliver Paiblsher byTi W"i w..m wý* Th li.c gle . -d Fm.~ ~wwiiioT* N 5ei1 Oliver Adweecsing Directrso Vm*mu Lbea. So-enomug Mito Todnv s Seas ami L>s. Grimeral M1anager b' rinul Adgééit.et xr &=@ unçt wtu onitbal in aie ta .of à JaeMuller E& gr i>yioWept"a ,ucoe a~.iMg= cg iv. etceM.q qý oiuoed ii Kare Huisau îroaro Mariage, the Muonoui à. logatU .51 a r..i atimiostagis TerfCailait; offie Afegag, %» bgI. l diagod Ie W Ou gi a Main It.M.ueni W« Ton pag ruec Maete 5i w apbeb nu Th ,*, ýv m e igi~ Io Tim Col" Prod.cno. Manager gý ý acs. il.ios , The lingering tragedy of the toothless tigers How many ef you underxtand the rote ofour town counicil andth le vagnoos depcrtmnls courcîllors contrai? lThe biggest isunider- tarîding 1 find in Waking Io people iv oser thie peecçplion cf bow much cicol counicîl actually VIEW wîtTi Il ais i mucli As counicillor Brad Clemnenis, a newly POINT elecied director of iuc Associaüoe! o cIM«IF ".maanurmwaaUW Municipalises cf Ontario (AMO> indicated in15M 7Te Champion lasi Wednesday. rnunicipalisrxs over-ruled by bis regconal cous dcclt gel mach respect from the provincial Niagara Escaipqrnt Contiu govemment. 0MB, by wbaiever ier hig Wbat ibis oseans to us as cloizens is ira level cf bureaucnocy thaï dcci dcspile oot input gogo local affairs, the layers noxe loeo local affairs. of electcd and non-rlcîed fai abose our colio- lise mac's sklîls and cor mec cilors can. in mcvi cases oser-rule ltent by the weighl cf boreaucracy %si* aetepooel4-d nt o-caii sbogtt h o profit housîng comiplex planred by the Mîllon lThe salne ccc lie said for al Fairgrounds. Il wcs upposrd by counicîl, yel govrrlmenl position, elecred Halion rertai.s plactners say ir's ok.xy Acd the cluded. Ontno Municipal Board <0MB> wil> likely Out chief -administrative suppcnt i l'ie ciluzens lie damned Hipgrave, was also elected loti Thse question of boss te apply niarket valse 1 wish lioth lie and Mr. <lien asse,,nieni (MVA). regcrdless clithe recomn lock in wxhig I hope wîll kc ih meodations of a cilizens' comitclie set up le bning more authonity siady il. wtîl lie decided by regional and ntunicipaiîies. Frankly, il llîey proviccial gosrretiins. We are ccnsidéed fuI, there i.. very lilile reason gc too simple micdrd te knoc abat's lest 1cr our ol govemmec communty Il wocld bie ioîeresiing go lie The feds and the province licld thr big guns mnts and npuve's viesss c -mocy. Fcnding il baie glial word>. If we well as ihat cf Mayor Gcrd Ki dcc'i tow thr line, curfunicdng atîl lie cul. the next munîcilial elecgîitn, a Wr really end up with a lunch cf cacetakers for llieir positicns shculd lie pu as councillorN and muncipal departtorci ing Ibeir trsue responsiluiliesa heads. becasse their autltonty is minimgal. But tley appear aotE cn iernis e lkey stîll have te le respoosîbhle. A lait way te aho needs tIerril ton anything To qole Mr, Krcoîz, Ilr Wr recectly spent approuîmately $70.000 lc 'if ycu pay, yos say' -Tke toi lite c tac chaef planiner Let's assumne is ly pcying. bot iîky have ver fi qualifi'èalîons arr impeccable. My question is, Whai abcut us' icsy and ici wb.st ccc kc plan? 1-e's secocd-guessed or ame o real toothless tîgers. Teenagers don 'tfeel invuinerable lerparis, by the usîo, hy the lier cr parallel des te pcke is nr9 are wasled ifing whciever niosi ccy local Iofficiais cr- officer, David lie AMO board. lits the hest cf iîr .illemptsi te ack te the are cnscccess- have ihîs level ,ar MsV. Cle- n the mier, &.% clz, Mayke in job description iblishrd. coser- gin auihorîty. Il f true autboriîy, s an old saying, cils are clurresi- Il say. *Taspayer We Parens have ibis inutage lt one lîntle manmchleins luin mie, leenageî corne rabid risk-taknrs, thky leel ie expernieni with everything Iront cobol to sex and gangs. Gcîng to bîgli school cr coîlege amil kc in a hîglily concenlroiedd agers - sortie nf ahon wilI kc risky and leel mort invulnerable, bcd cpbningîngs ccd bad morals. Pcitîag car skelîered kîds tn fig qhee clker cnbrîdled teenagers. a sjsl»e and gise t1km tke do's OW'rrely undo cIl tke moraîs aoi lord îo gise then, ini minutes. Se, Wken il*s linge for dikmg io go te or te lise on c collrge camipus, martyrs. qsîeîly have connipi Famtly Tirs rercos intheir connu fer the phone ccll i ell'ls os tke thkir lises, As a keginning-io-get-wocmedf first pre-adolescent, il was lremrîc fcnîing Io fimd oct lIhai teenagersa risk- takers. bey do nnil led invul more titan yos or I. A rececl sîudy in îbeJsnierican P (Februcuy> was one oithe lirsig 1 cEgs of invulnrrability in teetio cmaed grocps of ixcubled geens rte.ns Mnditk parents cf umrouble found thli feelings of invoînermil huggred him, then he was gone to Belarus I've put my Russian-English dicliooary bucke on the bcokskell I may neyer cgain have the opportonily to use it Dima, theI 5-year-old front Belarus. bas retumrd tu lisu lamily aller spending six weeks wîlh us. Wken we xaid or gortdbyes. i was iîl ithe thcchglia la il could most lîkely kc 1r hast limne wr aoold ever sec bum Il saerid su final and sad. I dîdct' ceaine untîl cer the end etDirmas vsit boss mucli I would miss bum Six areks deesct verni liCe a long lime bol il was oh- viously ecng eneugli go develop ani aller- glciale attacliment Ici him. Oh sure, Dilm was tcytng ai lies, bol only lecause ki was c teenager wîîli a miod cf is o-an cen difféet Iront Or 15-year-old He lîsrd in ose midst, ccl al c gurus bol as a member of ort faniy, paricipasing ini ai cf our acluxities, includîng tedioos disbaasting. We sofféed grrally lecause cf * cii ig- notance of ose another's language, and wr only scralcked ilk surface cf the mal Ditna. Wr do koow ki badi a terrific sense cf huimu We lauglird ut is porpesefuî conibinalcons cf is limited Englîxh with facial expressions mnd body movemecis. Amdiek was c lyracli about pcnctualily. If 1 teld hi supper would bc ready at six p nil., ki ssas rîght on nty case il h missrd the deadine. 4 ON THE HOMEFRONT Aller ai, lie needed te be out fishing as scon as possible aller the inca] But howl dbd lie fesel' Did lie feed homesick ai ties? Did lie gel fed up wîtli my son's con- stant leasing? Was bis visit go Canada un ex- petience of a iffrtimge? Did we as a faily tiet hus expectations? Were bhre things lie aaid 10, sec during bus stay in Canada huit lie wvast omble Io comminunicall tu us? WiU lie iliink of as front sinren 0 Unie? Tmese are ques- tions Ior whiclt we'll never have answers. What souvenirs does lie have of bis sommer in Canada? An album cf photos, a I-sh irtnu- nmng signes, sugnglasses, a fishing mdi and ren - and a large boule ofrbichup whiclie klas by nea oo douhi consumred. If 1 coutl hase. 1 would have sent hint home wilh a craie of baranas. He loved thent We didolt realize at lte beganîng cf lus staylial lie wasn's lnping hinsseIf to then banatas the way ke was le tke bread mnd cerea mndicaied gial ki was ice ai any ghett. Wr cmn only deduce tIsai battanes; am a rare etra. He went lixliing as usuel on bis 1kr cottage. By that limge ki had l lIo nmulci - no morte mowingf brmuglil bock a huige pille, insisilo il Sp foc huim for bis blli inr w its new mdl mnd reel ,einindI hotalreds cf bours ki speril on or] Alitongl I neyer boy Coca C children. I fllnly lirite dcwn mnd a bor of the soIt drink thai kc ha ging me le purchaur everytime w store. And eue relatives loaded h chocolale bars mnd ckewing gont gibal ùcited htm more Ibm sla duning is slay. On bis depariore day, Dimga i the Ottawa bus ternuinal. wkre catch Ill bus te Mirahel Aimpont people acre seeiog lie children and children alike were ane Cmai familles were alrndy Belaruian childken, wbo wee ikirt neafoamod reds. I tucked my pocket and liugged Dirait kis the cberk. He rentumed nty liugi the bus. And t1kn ki was goore. r lIme cule rs, llty ki- vulinralile, mugs amd ai- means lkey len cf leen- even more even bave ININTHE90s ilileul us go moe pwenouinced i i eecs hicoin adîlts. and do'ix, ' llie rcsrarckers asknd ail subjects go judge v alues w, tke prolabliîy glial thky ssocld lace various ce acrry, rsks, cornpared te a parent. frnend or an .ic- higb scbccl, quaginiacce. They rcied the chances, in lte nexi ce play fklis ie years, cf kîing in an acte accident, kc- ons. atc comng an alcohcîic, gettîng pregoant or gel- ory. waitcg lmng scmneoiie pregnant >unwanle pregnancyl, y ve ruiord grîîîng mogged or bqin~1 an explosion, lbe- commEn serioeisly ill. ather of niy They fautad glial if suhjJeis leel they bave loucly cein- sornie contiol, feelings cf vulnerabilily in- re 001 really crease. For exasople, bolli ki and adulîs lel cercble ccy miore vuliterable in an aiipli (hbn whiîe dcîving a car. ,ook ai feel- groops - kids ccnd adults f e onralisucal- grrs Tkey ly inssînerable Il lo us nagers wbc untrcubled lel tkey are inissnerable, tl ikir parents. d teen. and Tkere were no significatif difféences lctween Iity eno t osns mad adulîs on their ratings of lkîr own invulnerablmly. Sludies amîli adulîs hase coetxislenlly shows îkey féel invulorrable. much less vulnerable titan ikir neigliboors or the average stranger. - until an Adults th hine y are mare lmkey tiitaite limew 10 cal peuple to, have positive experuences in mont in Belaru.s, ares, sucli as business otrasactions, social evenlu, die avoidance cf natural disasiters. final day aI They wre more unrcalstîcally opcniffic arord to mun than lIîïr teenagers in predicting dic or bans. He likelimocd cf kauldi protolents. Aduits saw duat l cookdgeiselves as Iacing lesi nisk ihan theïr t us. mrl chuîdren luree limnes more chien thas thy saw him cf the itenîclves as keng morte ai risk lake? There acre. however differences letweei ol o yadulis and teens when l carne go scmge of the boialfor nty specific risks. Students frît they acre mrie dbeue le t vu nerable titn Ikîir parents t c auto accidents. el weugni' developing alcoitolism. having an cnwccled miu ihpcegnancy, or geting nugged on paut Kids, on the other band, feut lesu rtsk b - goodies parents leit wkcn il cane on experimnfing lis ever did wilît smoking, sex, dclving aigr dnigs - Iept Ithee c clear'legarcli on the isis of 1 dioveIo mokng, uc ile thi sxually trahsunùtied dia ki au 1 case is laice die raie in teenagers Ibm il is Ici A crxli cf young adults in 1ii 20%, muaidu iba 1y gel off. Adoîts mitao significanlly more accidents tan adila. cpng lThe Il may ki **folk wisdcn*t" hat teenagins frel niasing fig any more invulngerable ibmn aduts do. Yi, clinging 10 they do sernt te, gel into scrapes mmore le nty ters in Why? Wr don't know il 1ky are gond asjudg- smog htm on ing how riuky an activity is. lty magy ot in- and boariied tend (t ake more risks, bol haven'î figured cul whal is a risk and whal isnt t -. . ,~,.