*1 a I RFiM~ Miltowne Realty Corp SoId moje homes since 1983 22 Ontario St. South 877777 OPEN HO&JSU4N 2-4 1IL - Garv RICHARD HIERMAN Salas Rcçraccvatw aoft 078-7777 Toronlo 826-4485 LETS MAKE A DEAL if you want la own this home, we cen probably make il hapPen. Try 4Wr crealîve financing or perhaps ifade homes. or both. Cail me to sue Kow easy il can be. Lis prc n 6B RON FURIK Salas Repraeuitstiv Office 878-7M7 Ras. 878-337 9 Tor. Line I2l4 cUE COIJR LOCAUON CLOSE TO T0WN &W.e5152. SoC Ad" I2U.o C.ALLMI 5i.L 51V55T ~~ '~2 Hue,-,i~c. 25 Whll d< 0000 ,l.l.01pocOm lov 5<0c TM MWQ .&.i Th. Il.01 lombS lMmI re. 00di m19159i Cilvloursu 1- 05*3* ordr, s1ory,'0 on csen. Main F loor tsniiiy im. Fuit PHIL PRESTIOGE Privais .sating aiioilgot matur ma ter ensuite flnishsd soiOP rses. peulect iaiy hoame in toprcm inground pool. Room .-. ~ . ~ eihape. Puice si 59.0 CaiP Mlt or. A detinite muet to ou- us.7m iod~.ses.NOM S68M $210,000 Te. 115-41115 *****AT VOUR SERVICEI***** MoM:pgo 117571111 e estate isapeoplue busines Sellig or buwlgls *C T B.77 * FIRST TIME eUYER-s IPELIGMT PRIOR# iioors ln thé Mitihon. OR. à grsde Auo @d broadlOcnl. tiniatied rpc room. lArge motter, aeiamwiu nleiocigdrive and Patio. Was $174.900. 8 7M Now $120.Plae cal SWOt. 176 ACRES (P.O.S.) 8254«. lu ogaippryocaisl in Camptieavm. SMAIL. STORAGE SPACE letue a .0 a o iuse (70% corrqdeied) 150-250 aq fiv soalbl* DOMIOMI Milon $40 ýf and a coachi houae/garagepond plus iota of amuer acrgage. Reducer - o M . Plaise Camt NWOSTIUAL SPACE FOR LEASE Scott. 9.700 iq IL, 3,900 mq. It, 1,0s q Il.~ ýto 00 10 ACRE INVESTENT Tuai, Lociad on ue rner of Brltannha and third DROWE S'l'hEET 4DUSTRIAL Line mii, 0rI oo Sisse Mlls Cresi. New 2.000 aq. t., prolueals omfc.s, lot,. end unit Ailn $99,<l). COMMERCIAL FOR LEASI Corner of Main & Ontaio., 2,700 sq Il, A&Siii $12 0 Ofim. pace avmlable S9.00 mq IL COMIMERCIAL. MARMI a MAIN 1,50 liq IL, gscsd rlom. êOXM easvl mo Avsda î,mdeliy Asingr $12 00 s. il Il you ore lllining of leasing space or ment to casa oui your Current spèce Cali me. lv. bes. 97.7 ACRES (P.O.S) leasing spac ln Moo for omer 10 yera; and i Thie gorgeau çwoterly lastures a2 1/2 siao am, aura 1 Cen matie your motif as smocili as home. banc & driva sheri, Lacaieci on a prime Posie. coe 10 S.R. il 5th Lois. Nom $60.000. Q WAIITID DUTER ~T~S!~ 'Z' m, àav -aMMcos y.. -.hId 3y 1..5 miloB doi, . v- nwmim 1 A0049ieSq k f- aie Sc P.m q IL Sea"m5l, aE#.OIPYcl iS Hewa support r 911.1M LAP 0F LUXURY Tmo 1 badroomn condoe avalle. Localed in i,,surlous building in docItown. Feiurs inctude indoor pool & fimas centra. $109,500 a $119.500 Cas Gay flinu 878.777 CAMPSELWILLE ESTATE Beaulilul custom bsiih home lin eslti subdM- sion Features large basemreni wîlll fliIy's suite as wel as9 a and iew wigicund pool. To ,new cal: Cadi Gary T1homeis 070-7...--J379,000 PRIVATE COUNTR Large deiaclied homne lealuvng targiloyer and fialdslorm 9orepae. Aiso has inground pool and a Iwo bey molaio. Ai Iris on larg loi, wel ail the rSd Or*h8-M29¶ Cal Gary Thsoms I7l77 »MH (JM PEAM Ofte: 876-7M7 ~ Rai 878-686 for. Una: 825-4486 RU/MAX MILTOWNEax PREALTY COA Damod do 1619 tdI LIFESTYLES : s 09 "mLacuvm 10 Acre plus mini hore tarin. Muet be mithin 15 minutas ta Milton, rsady ta mao alto and na mors than $300 .000. Pisas cati J.R wittl delalits. CLAYTOI4 HACKENBROOK 871&7777 OFICE 8754"71 Rus. NOME PLUS cu toeAfETTO iw.T~iesuOt 0hI1ll8.M .o ncou 11- jou - F-v îcîo. Sn M MMoo o-#' -»d, 9.451b «Un MO-a 115 P. 0 1000. - O vOIr ,.Mloq 0*044w.33ý lv .0100< arirç, 2 U.1.ivmf 1 3 4 bMlooua o.p _Sa d «"O i p30091090S 0 «UO 4ooff Ui, 0179.9W0S F. 0 d.Ma rf d~ -W 0 59 ~01 lie 0109 nwi Cd15.13 *50 ~so. mi msa *011 a F. mmvo oé 901' i P04mu S@M*g OsSe & Aton 878-7777 825-448k Sow a" Uut Lgou Bron<a halva. vu, 3 WMiCl AlIMU 05<I oigi,3.5w,. ai,1*0MiSI01120 *%MW.SO f~s daM4 gSqi. 011 .vý nw"'c cehSi s00 i m1W0X d eb 1 Forao ID Siha $9c ,a 9-ii *0w Si351 01 1 .1- eciféle Mr