F9008 TO SELLI 1002 AuI 05. on pcos seq ttU amn mot. noies. $2.800. 1000 Ford Temito, noe mvgéne. excsleuntio $4.01X). 878-3414. W MACIIIIIIE00111. ipme 4 uh, Evirouts. ke 0.Im. d -497evssmp mdul r ise m asage diffi. 36 sImd H D. »We. ai mue. 83j. Also 1902 Bulc m la - bie fer. Cid 878-40.0ô P.-8P.M. TENDER CALL The Corporation of the Town of Milton is accepting Tenders for FRotary Park Improvements (pari of Pnde communS', Improvement Project) Tender documents may be obtained mith a $50.00 deposit, f rom the Déparn..t of Leisure Services. Victoria Park Square (Brownr Street ai Mary> Milton. Ontario, on Wednesdla, September 8.1993 Ail Tenders Io be submitted Sisouid be placel in a séaleal envelope whlich clear- ly States thé nature of the Tender. Lowest or any Tender not necesaariy accepted Tenders wiii be accepled until 1:00 p.m. local lime on Wednesday September 15. 1993 et the foliowing sddress. Olerlie Doparm Town of Uiton VIolonae Pork Square illin, Onitario LOT 48Ç JEMMIFER REYNOLDS, OnnecS lnc Lm. Services 27-eca NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS AL. PERSORS haig dmniv garu nie as- »al 09 LOUIS KRIAC la of thse Toun af Wtun. in4w1 Juidd istrict of Hallon, Wtho diet on 281h day of April. 1993, us natifleti la $end full particîlars of their dlaime te lise undersigned, an or belore 23ri da 0f Septamber. 1993. étie misai dais i. sl will bm distrbusd *1115 regard only la dam lhen roc"reti DaOWt et HamihoaS, Osslarlo, 201H AUGUST. DEUPSIER, DERUOOY & RILET 999 Upper Wénlmorth SIrsel U-e RlCD Man, Hamion, Ontario, LOA 4X5. Soliatora for thW Exemcce 280 Wanted foi Rent flOUSE WANTEOi TO RN. Professional couple bloaung ta rent or ho-s -i s unsle hous for September. Octaber Dependabdea, ssured. Calt Stan MarCus. 416-651-0223 evenrls. 285 For Rent 2 STOREY, older home for ravI in downtaun Adlan. $795 pur morvii plu uliîa H e A~beîneai Cal Jas 878-1707. 9 laS. 3 BEOROOM flOUSE FOR RE?4T, 585(:month plus uti1lîs No pets Call 876-3548. Avaltabis September 1 3 BEOROOSI TOWNHOUSE. Avaitasl October 1, >9M $1.000 a mcvih plus ulities Cali 878- 880 before e pm, r878-47S1 lsler 6pmr CAUPSELIVILLE HOUSE TRAILER, fuaable for single persan Phonse 854-0w23. COUNTRY - 2 saruti. 3 bedroam. 2 batwoome home on 2 acres Aveolabie November I Rodecraeli twoot. $1.000 plus utikleq Cal Joyce Hge Kl Sa« Represantasys, Royal Le Page. 878-8101, flOUSE FOR RE?4T Delightful 3 b.*oorn 2 StOr', anl garage. r*0 year aid. d o taPark & adcaio. 10 minutes narin of Milton. 8895imovih, noa dogs Plisse. 519-6534875. LARGE EXECUTIVE UUNGALOW -n astate sîîbdiaan Avaitabis Decoember lit $1.800 Cal Mark Malais. Remilly World MCnddev. 876-1133 SPACIOS 3 m~c DWyhingsr, a r" ma FM ISALI.I.4 Oftboemimnoms Cili uni- THE CAN cf -~I plusAami u«« Avolbl qu estin Mhol noie cm<geln a point. ni.AppIl j«Z Iob ai . Cwm Filid imim' Mm. Aihmg 81110,1. 0. VA L - Clhqlai. 101 MMau fte E.. llo n mUT- 4M04 MOND"'S1 PJNII TO»m nfTOWNNOIJSE FOR SALE T RE doW- OOU4T pcof - u - d a 2M5 BRONT STRET CLASSIFIED N dscoula Poi. age$l.decsuei 0 ad, nsoivey Mca Mout. d manU' luE N OWN 878-8745 .0r UsFr u 1IIIEDIOOM, LUXURY 00*100, coe ___lm___am___FM__Tm_ trA Mbghf. 000pamonm. CGmfus.Twuoa 8laU.Obeon. uped, ~o.st.wn. 07-777. imu- r decor, quillt locaion km OSlpbs.L Clame la 2 MNOGM APATMET wMi plait, fore. mit l MI Go. 875W.Q> Plu hy,81 Avil"Nobr1 87-3M.85 3 BEOROU apu level oaum fia. m.87-01 SOSQSni0orn plus u*dm. No pelas 876-1941. louve message._ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. 38 &I BEOROON APARTIIIENTS, ma".i R pobe oson. From 6548/0moisis rdudu BEAUTIFUL loisd ne t 111o- i om m Aparment. S600/month, parking ulitm MILTON4 ESCARFUIET, kWrg seond fbro, 1 bedroom aparlment. privais entrancs. nmi- amoker. no pets. single proferred. ubties inldid. $725.1-416-878-2377. SPACIOUS 2 bedroom Aparimesf U»~mn0l* plus dutes Col Iike or Charlie. 453-1730. ~OR ~Ismnau4 ApimmmmAaîîésua 2 ROda BASEMENT SUITE in keautifui privais hanme Io shore miii mngue. rian-amokr Sone furnistsings and fun hou»s privilegea. $45W/ nmih 878-622 CENTURY FARM flOUSE te sbare rieur CanipbelvMIle 401. Fui', modemnied, non- amokw. $4005n8. 854-9U IOdl FOR RENT. usi Priv» Home, use oUf ftise Sl00 hinckding utiM«. Avalslal immedialoly. 876-0263 i BEDROON APRT. Nemi', re1ovatd. Wokg lamais profanart. 5350/mý h.ahydr &=prr ing inddd. Relfeirencas Cal 878-6573 lassa massage. ATTENTION - Aorne. bachelor and n»m 1 bedroons op&ars n s ai furuashingu ( T.V., bed, and soie), utâiis and lion. SîOUes andi Up. For gooti people. 8774886. FURNMSIED O 08, indtudets laundi', pravianas use of living msa and coin Parking space. Clame la Milon Mat. Fui board avaai" if roqired, 878-M.8 LARGE 10014 for rant $42o/manii. mi usalssi Cal Paul between 5 p.m à 9 pým. Monday la Fniday Mid 12 moon -p pmý Saturds', à Surîda, 878-3752. QUIET beauiful ountry homte us C«anpbslmh ara Au conditioned hous prtiieges. sm0 week Non-smokar. Plame isave mansage. 854-f ROOM $90 s week, linons provideti, air conditined, 10 minutes la Go Staan. Leeve message, 878-8727, R00OA FOR RENT.- (cenra Mîton) with cabis. Phone 1-416-455-8165 WANTEO, room and board by respansibis non- smokn gle farmner Repl', Io Box C959. CIO CaalnChampion,. 191 Main Street Miltcn. LOT 4N9. 31 acation RSOrta il Pro-1. FOR RENT, brusti ins 2,000 aq IL home in Poit Chanton, Flouse. Avait"l Iroua Novernber 1 la APril 30. l994. Pse iqire. Cal 416,86& 9W47. 315 Commercial & Indust FINISHEO OFFICE SPACE buildng $3ôho.88473VW4 1.050 la 3,200 sq. IL Secrteria Serim on Prie amMU 875-12D or -416-275-83 Si.UP FOR RIENT, ai 2.600 sq Il. Main Street focatian. arse frn GO Station, 876-2787. 320 Office & Business Sace 2 BAY, GARAGE with finiased oflice space for rent. 878-4713. SMALL OFFICE SPACE, approxs 400 liq. L. coes lumashed $375 par month. Col Gisn Thonmas, Renii Minutone Relmy, 979.7777 Iii' HAVE ONE NOW.1! VOUVE- NEVER HAD SO MUCH FUN! GARAGE SALE SATURDAVI SEPTEMBER 4 8 A.M. - 1 P.M. 869 WILLOW AVENUE Tayacs. ob.Sbclahi. sac. GARAGE SALE 6077 GUELPH LINE -SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 8 A.M. -4 PM No sai borde -ý LGARAGE SALE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 8 A.M. - NOON 281 BASTEDO COURT (Rain dats Seplember I1) We cmn do it!e fl'm Tany FIX Rus SandaY, SMiI 19,1993 CLASSIFIED HOTLINE 875-3300