Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Sep 1993, p. 6

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,_Cb~T Tarm Lffi183 Fm i- r8-4g Chu"Mbho Aled.« 87- &MOMM j~iobdM àr a c m A goôd man's bad parting Vie am reasonably weII acquaintcd widi Burbngla - ogional councillor, more praperly novw formner coundcl Doug Gre nY. We know Mr. Greoeaway ta be astt mppuently hudworkung, mnd atat lacking in pobtica courage. These admirable qualities msidle, we Ibid aurselves unfor tunateY bamg ta question lte fact d th r Greenawai chose to, m9gp lus «ilan regicetal councl suat nid-wal durauigh the term ta, fauter bis business conimitmeais. Wile obviausly titere is a mecitanism in place to, ala such a lhing, a companlon process ta, select a newcomer tc succeed Mr. Greenaway is more cumbersamne. Two men aie in te running, M. Oreenaway's Viard 1 loûal courterpril and lte Mni Who camne second ta Mr. Greenaway ini a field of five candidates for tic regional seat. Sa flot ooly has Mr G#Mway caused lteir ta be an un- sme beiiised egoS in the afiennitit o( bis depaire. Was titis niave ait Mr. Goaway's pait really necessary? Peritaps, if he %a consistenliy fatigued froin bis current scitedule. Vies il flot possible ta anticipate alit e atset that bis business commitmients would grow? Pesiimps not. or passibly, sorie errors in judgement Were made. . But te lur issue has ta do with responsibility. One is assumed upon wunning elected offrce to be capable aio finisbing ouIte tmerni, save somje sort of monental per- sonal reversai. Il is often hellffl in such cases ta, "o ta lte issue ai Prejedence. What sort of precedlent does titis croat? 94mt wauld happen ifsa gond many pe*pe decided ta do it? Sup- pooe.dte politicians feit lim necd ta rejou lte privâte sec- tar so as ta devot their energies ta advmncing lter busi- nmuae? What daes il mmlle ai regional counocil amd lte mande of elected office? fliere ore ailier people an l4alton regional coquncil who don't seeni tu put in lte effort Mr. Greenaway did& There ae few Wha werà\oar e a eppken a iun Th=e were fewer yet peepmred tàmak alienating calle4agues on cauncil With lit lines wilitcrung ýqdblnt criticim. as be did. Mr. GrSeiaway wa net a caosurmmtc polilician. He wus aften coalrmy in an apparent ~or In, be a contrarian. Fle wa al âmnes maady aid truculent. But he was hanet, as far as we can determune, be was caurageous, he wms a nian wha could cut ta te hear af ai issue. ThMe qualities wili be loit ta, eeglonal caunicil now. Cora ted re aie ailiers Ihere who situe saome mix ai bis attdbutes - and sanie ailiers yct who, sam preciaus, litile ai bis penchait for straight ta". Mr. Oreenway's departure is a loua ta counci] on two fronts. Il is a loua because lie bas noiea strang qualities ailiers Would do weli ta emulate. It is misa, sadly, a loua bc- cause h.e chose ta quit thc field in mid-battle, wbn lie was "hot ta h. anc wba would siay untl lte end. 71)e option ta leave, we muai stress, was undoubidl' dicte. V/bat h. did was santioned, permisuable. And na dout h. agonizcd over die decision. But il wus comntan, as tieY "mY in sole areau. 7o leave before yau have ac- complisbed lte assigned task is comnian. On anmmty alite fronts we Sme TrePect Mr. Goeenway as a mani wit un- coat rMe aJa6 -ts WSald lit titis is but a devimii for Mtgaps h. is at peace with this. i are not. Yet aur rspect remauna, as do aur thanka for %effoirts h. ex- pended wbile h. was on regional council. LJI ~JAraVC.. IuCd'I~ r fi -i LOOKINGBACK 'tI wo;-m fW i wfl PAGES 0F THE PAST One Year Ago me laâ WC à ilo ot ,o oiu PrmM Ohm U.pdumhu, lm Im Obterers, howeo MIL &e eloctin q . e ày ia ewo-wsy ticS beewoen M. Blue md Nmasmaw. U Mîiin fO(ved 5300.000 len proviflCW "à tidf- RSlu Aim MscAziju lin.M womekiuo taceh ldcaimp ÎU mt0Vtt and wmblitinO to dowIIiowD' Town mdcuded dl ofai Uua, m«u of Naapwey. MIU PoOi IbU m wooId h. immedby deN Tow& A TaMhdp Md pubs or Euqmsla BwbWeon Md ()&k. coodlllees of de Provinal prut u dam Ill DBmy h. VaL spenby *e endof 199Z soc dh.waek wu bahoi, C)n OAbha 10-&y h ww h.làuoth~e trmeked lb. Fme w1j pal of a plam *MOs.YOU- me*-o «Ars nu! pu modue, e l3th »mm $M000 mvlealzmo cf 1h. M Foad am , i wile u g Mhnar ianDywo poyinc xPoced' te y lait ami Milie *0t gUSuiau.wu uekealimth foc and es.WlI. lb. am of eh. SuWUiam S ow ou mW th du " bd.y iaded ne sâo wn de 23 anin M* - S Wa miex uulng, llgh dag mkuyo and lmduao& dm Tg ru Mwaffl and fhe*tl enihdu. plqa 0 Atm e* .1gb, n la w1i ch due poulc wn u on lise tenter an ramdam One - Daiy con,- vacant Milemoes as ie chi adhnlnstuv oMe MCi gin log uwIng, wood chopping, bai eyhg and siut He wu DamI Hlav., n uagimir Md aco.nmm (yilag mue m hekl. uho wu urvigg in ch"f f ec io m us ?a o ciA a unnOf th Hdu i Cae.ey Band af Chanzon Abs Tnh MayoeGord Kenee uid dut on. Nehacada. du bard Woved du pareas of oa of du njRW dfl à= Mt dunew mhîunOWM an&~hl actes of land du ucole evstemly sumav masW» eacila duteian of grame la Milem à& pal of àSw sebodlin Mgem lb lid u i f thppave reptud Roy Main uho leit lna mciVd to- haUM DiMct MO Sebond. Rais wein cdlhg fat du à nvuy ai tnduof 1991. oudec omca O.e oyRmptd O) Wsrd 2 cassuctilr Art Melaiman wmed due wm Oxuo ofâ basiW UMou 10 Du Rom& Pm die tonzd bock on a th duai ftngq Hla"a 401, Callai è1eon la Mam. lnebsh Pu. lb. kua& ueoand m * m , - -lidrnmu a a. 50OYearsAgo psaeuby adudmm fatui dd. T om ,iiu bn Ohmm oufhr lSm Imgihet du St reveuala.e huad çf C du o CI A démon wu béiug heà in dm Town HaO wMd mv.~~~~ fory wacus du & un l' ma O ur(ch.ra mauli Cowr- 20OYears Aào a l w e w iem oeM.Sil d es Prout the Iqiteub" rg1,7 Imu mitw gdeab lËh. n d alr 8 p... mit»sa pumesor 0 Brian Dest, who airvud au nayor of Milion h fte u OH. WheI. reSsis. uaC&et PMur vioan id pul six yen. aomnced hls camldacy fore u offc et duy an Mrqt Siuain Mili

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