WCB ag:reesf toecniej p in fees for cleaners pers-uon c" ncla) . l WO" cmintbwénu w" Tùsek a WCB apakeajmemm wbms we met ont ta do," Mt Grahm 7?seChmsoya ams aie, rehievu lime boSd ha Laqiloyecimse paPM*, 01F in; sud t classification af atil lot-ais mid. 'la. herasse ie Pesa«t wu lnally agred 1a fecansider ils decitlan Io daaalfy Éia Ohm ia lit iadot lemiq mg najiies wu bel, put Sn hm &l aides. If 1 %h owner of à Milli Company derision. mmi cuqgoY a lmgiia tiadow bemag revmcwed. b"im'f fougl it. 1 wouJd bave biail ai ulappeil wadm an increa of more la June thme WC'B aa«M I cleauia. "fiuire bas; lobe saused.ing doue." paytdu iigimer rma." dusa 300 pet ceni for Waukmr' Cou- Gralint Maintenance, a lour-etc As a ceuilit comp.sy's WCB said Sum Staasois.a à echimca] advater Ma Graman sied at bapea dut payeurs swelled 1 $2,072 annaasy, in at WCB'a reviet brumc. -1t'a decialaon tili aleor, de ote - Town probes rural Copn owe Loi Grtiesi j laigcnm«jj h mn-ee idw fmU al t he aimMe "U cfrel1 uhi-niaclasificaian. My feeing ' net jsià a I m i ce calY a businesses over zoning I& f 1 u 22yeoua n, is somhi ps iti~ve wifl conte fe woul requice. Allaime ats __m ft -ee M rhm bmumie ae-tihv limeir windows tI baL.IomAB! animas uSd forSUCb co<deeru Miont wil co-ousmr bsisand Ms Grahsam n dieil celeveil ait cmd,"' dit Sj4 77. champion to land unmta ue's t boi. Robet. voweil Io flgha the increase. maingaofihe WCa'îniven~ %d ybuve given my hubad &gondI els bahi. at dbt oc Te ley aijo expkmred lise paasibilîiy ocaday isia emn, sGaasad Thme Town or Milton isys llwee forth11e lai15 lym or 0<skng Dercme a para in thme "Il s0m&il like we accaomplislied "He'll be luppy go becar litsi news"- Auaj busincîmes mustaspply far Mc. Caurse said! i suspetcs dhe fBrmn as a shat-ierm solution, la zalmg'anuindienas becuse they rapt of t problem i a dispt be- avoid payung worers' compensa- agnclkmmm dý,igaion. Line property amen. Eugene Cum- Tise Canidian Fedecauion of Inde-- 'Wé lben't indicaied thme binai- nuit, whio t îiiw aileges is pendenu Business anmd Hiallo Northi H A R mossOld cesse. We've Usdi-oertnga ileadog ite for MPP Noel Daignaer roe to die ESTAUR.ANT pasible wtuh t zonîng mn t aiea." Mr. DeVrues Confimed at tot: ve Mike liants. leader of lim On-& GA T V Jolhn DeVnies, lihe îown's building ceceivei t complaint about at ratio Progressive Conservanive Psay,. A L R anmd enfoncemnt isecior, snid. otser ptoperties while invtaagaang gaI lin at ic by -addi'esing time presents a ,aew release by He. sadtetw ilb niig st TOWN aon popa 8 sier un lie provincial legisiaturr -U de bsines nes tU5S Sau ini discsss renie"h wih time zoaing a- ficer"' Mc DeVnies said mime lot, beguas inmesigaing time basinesses - Iwo of wimic arc locaied on Eighdm Lune, time armet on Lowec Base Uine - afier time iown's bylaw enforcensent depacanseni ceceaved a complaira ftom a Sescty residcni, lie oweme of to of time busi- seses, imowem'ec. sud iscyve bees operamng wÛiioui incident foc yeats "We're legally zoneil iere,*" said Johna Course, owaer of Cedarlais Labhgoies. locaied os Eigmii Lise. "NO cmises conte JOas sand saîd 'aie joslegal!Y zaumei lie*?'"- F M 'Course miinsam t aaory. wicm woats witm UFE TAKING A NE5W DIRECTION? Have yau boa Otlsoa a div~oe. dealh 0 ai spouae. Jos 0 a&)Ob or admet major Ide evant? jAie yoa planning ta, ce-eie lise meott lance? Or do you just need b lake stock and sel goals? 'Thse Canadian Mental Heath Association ils ofiarng a ô wee Parsomal Growth course atartung Sept. 23, 1993 in Millon covaelnrg. " rebuiling self -esteemt i * undershanding relatlonsaip " ommunicaajng effectsmely " oepng t tesos and anxlely *settig roalistc goals To rogltar, cad Kenuje al(416) 681-6776. Pee: M6.00 CANADL4N MENTAL ITEALTH ASSOCIATION HALTONý REGION BRANCH SWIM44r,-1' Novice Swim Team - coached by Carole Murray Caterne Sjison & SWIM BOUTIQUE AT .250 BRONTE ST. 9- Register and pay early t& receive a free Swim Academy T-shirt! Fali Programs start weck of Sepki13/93 - Open Monday-Saturday e Red Cross levels Yellow to white sa Parent and tot " Private-Serni 3/class sa LaP swirning - mornlng and lunch Urne " Aquacz 8 Urnes weekly e Water temperature 90SF Irntroducing New Prograrn *Pre-Bronze, Bronze Cross *Royal Life Saving 1,, nl,,m