'* O UR READER& WRITE g good for Uie ami in11 buuaaaonol 1tiUh apeuwe 1 wu gteaiy ie- alppoicid m rad in lha moeks Cam"i. champion tbsl dtheam~ daS h. a tsàlm et e ainl Millan MuLt Ywm. Miloe., -n "& location for à ci- aioa., boa ho. boa t o *àa wuild cians even teaiung wolil knwn top woeld triaiietu since To oit m ta gise il op four Ia rive yeurs ago due tu uocie.. waer in Laha On- TIse U"00aibo àu positive addtion ta Mutons uams caiendar of esents' Radie thion finding; ways t0 have the cy es oy ed ta muioh tosen. we insuë ttie every effort to kcp the. latntâionsl Trlihâlo ia the. Kelso ares. i a gond fer di. town. -oo for bsis. gond fier pepl md gond for d. scul. LMaI lumno i rihe tdm deuse" ht Town #poli-sports ovr tlhio e Eituor. t wns usrmiwd ta "ea tisat Mil- ton councuflors me sa concffned &bout restricied accesu theà golf club "d gravel quàrry for a fue houri on a Soiurday Moro ing thal they wotid stop the iratison front gomng dhead on Six<h Une. Tfhese toa basinesses already donate irfflc on Sixlh Lion for which ali Mtown taxpayets pay go "0"tai. Wby la council giving à..Wzzj muon -w --~~ bas s 1idiy - d hq I in 1 avodi uomoda so Oumof beymd 60 pol "ii Md p"k- byla à. bs ll indm, is bO glu wom b. Md Ill My Md hm. a look OM fa look comacul off die ases Ilavodo Ms. utt um l ho e or usatii dû wam MMU a touad vldiw c' onM UdsdY om a NWe Mour agio s odumbu IlN.s hmo s -nu la ban.. If Ma. q<lkid oaiU unmui EI@ m Md heome «- fOor il Rlommio gas and Oa i omn sint . -08& a & i-R -ad" f"rlno Md rua dms lad vialti Cll ldalq * mdis Nuth- oaeMd Mdt ccn Md long 0""i oe ia se au 1riaddln wookud. ah. Wood dala awlaadq.n aigiavo hmaen am hWdà &a m lma Th- ne- wosid leing ms Cwmag oemMIfi a -raio bing ato âcaenoamo of din l ba@à local - ,v7l baSaI fou, "Moi caimpile Anti white doms Milin toonicil do? It prou Sracu %0nà coeaay clsb local hodaesse. Naew the Inerna- by comisdl tebnb.ssl Whoi ta hove lms ligle 0(u q.i .. shiIdtn os to-à brut , .liy. saby sea Juba ZZZZ Z5 '11n ,Aut or__________Howad___ $99 dm à et m a. dluas ww of du tratlons àq~ àk him Maaanao Oran"g Rougrhy orpiueti dds yeu nd aeytO me -people sauddWig the white79Flt (More tima 1,20 in Onilija lmsa8teah@u Nrw weekend), withoot a single aticdosi Urg.rsJS Mfilaon is un "da place for &*marlaASM40- $ 99 resutted in à biler tita a"s ni' ber of active, cometie, adleeoq surely a Woodeu examl a wwaa Yong people. Weotneyu saith an endIent consay of speoding 11111110l DAY gravel trucks and nasa w. mv tld, IL an*Ouile «»o. ta toMata Usa dom Io «Ul voiAs, nid rolod hbfa. nAus( aI = orat 1 Y mpot îlmvoo Daky Pmw 2% MIIk AU$29-9* Oi1 à iOU a.... à nMo à Ycqth Cmstru ~Î t 917 Neplaln Rd Regieur kwi in f e our malsyf.R pr.grius. progralus taonf 8110110119 20 Se*..fqpp Vents ebk A-D.D. &Weav * S1ersw GVMNAgTIC CLUB &MIMM INE T MUMomMu-I....llm.2pm V MUtas Ma......-7pm-Opf bnmprapan*, ksahebrg boy Tmn mtsuu mepuii a damanstamon. kB% Mi ad 10 «MU ynsw FOR MOR IWFO CMAL - 878-503 Mu-C MIPuEnw TMM TNY4UTSl TMmwdrA Asauut 2&, 7 - 8 pan CoidO #A0 Id 7 "un nid cW 11011 un #a »Qs M hiro Of tw ormn b do 9" W mo"di Coma Uy 0id fo Usa etn ta c". 100 1tl.hu Pd Uss 5. ~ nyosbady «Mit £1 fW UTuamasv u Eus-, 8ASKMTALLU fgf FALL PROGRAM &»D7»G Ami 8,9,10 7:3U» AgMs11,12 &»M73 Au*. 1314 r3" 15,1%l N.UngLu-kpm .* ft.nnam 10 t Erin *W hSuassoliCole té É