jim Scott is back in food cçompostingl business IL A ~ ttisih cam OpmneLia oulidanci ftod I lo belieasa à mill alow bim la %li magulls case anti invadei Splca i f0 hamspie on gtcoutt acity odoe-fte. show tie ccaaintaity tisati ls coin- parut (Druniuml). Wben t nfll givea suna chsance lo Pm" poisos cowffy -a womk- <procesasng) stopçsed. tiese &a Afier a four-inoûthin terrpticic. Me cac do il propely," lic saisi. 1 thisk ît'u positive Il gries tie a mens away. * Scorts Compouting Farisu backt in Jerr Gm4eWvels a updeurson chance go peose tisai foodi masnt tise Mr. Scott adtintethere liai thse foodi comspostsng buiness, for Hotiiby reaidecai, who' deiply sole cusipot for tise odie,'lic sauid an odor proslens. but saiti lies bu thanuts to* tecent decision by thse lroubled by Mr. Sccetti opera",n Mr. Scolta conlsoetin faciliîy able Io Itaniie tise situio o provincial Envinmnwcias Appeai said thse decisson mas reasonable. begas operating ia liste 1990. Hms ap- told thc licarissg t'iseoorw Board. 1'm not jumping for joy. but I fiel peoval certificaie was espande in tatiainly due te tise wi meadiers Ouvrer Jim Scott bâi bien foeced it's <ai." Febeuary, 1992 lo include liaf anti disions lasi ycar. to stop accpting foodi wats ai coin- Mr. Scoti ii appcalmng a Mtnistoy yard waste, fion wasti. toisaco Hiic io saiti li bas expenrisc poliing niaterlal followîisg peessure of tise Environenî's change te bis stocks, gypsiuns palier, ainerai foodi wîtb varying msetlbde of mixuig fiont usgiy iseigihouri anti tise conipoating licence thai coulti pit additives anti wooti chips «jr con- matenial sn as effort io.con peovincial Ministiy of Evirommiew. maneistly block lins frin tablag mpossting. amuis, anti islieves shaq mith tise .More tiai a yen cr complaints food masse ai his Brituinia Rai AN wel. lise volume of multe aâ- of a recently isireti conssultast.h about fou] odors front his Homnby site. Along wt lis muling allowing loweti mas inicraseti (rom 20,000 to on tise tishiolti of uccesu facîliîy puuhed lise mianistey inso cur- tire lensporury antil liasiteti inclusion 30.000 metrir tous pc yezw Iie -I want ta assure ilie people talisg bis business inlJue. of food viasse, tise board issuit sonse 'site Ment frens bperating 200 days a me're iaking tise precaions. We But tie E-nviroamental Appeal conditions' yeartgo 300 days. compost anytlisg tisa ce Boarti nulsg tris Mr. Sccti can Before any plitciessiisg. Mr Scott But in June. lise province atientiedth rough. I thiat tisey (tise hor tessise foodi conspostiisg on a muast subait un Muinse of bis cons- odors are consi <rom tise aite. Mc. Scolf s certificale te prolsibit gave us semetsing that me cas w linssleti bases - seven tonnes a day pcstiag plans a heirbard as well as Au welii a recordi of tWjfidiugs foed multe, *to prirventi adverse ims- wîts anti the cemmuhity s insical cf lis previout 40 tonnse eSsec paris asuilding tise isicug. mast hi hapt in a log bock, and pari te tise naiurai enviroultieni anti safetë. lis a gooti balance" daily lisit - ai least tetsaoratiy. Hi mosu th tselt up a nsonilloriag meildy .epotu ttled. On top ef dsa, preserve tise Iiialth anti safeiy of the Soine piople saiti lisy'shou Ie, hiaing will tresuase i Sep- prograim te isseautue md direction Mr. Scott iu only allowed te, proresa public.- have bien subteieti lo the odor tisser altisoughislî may tdrag on anti vîiocity. 42 nictric Ionns: cf foodi mue pic Tise smneils mccc pervasîive Sil -bein mitis. "l shoulti have bien theougs net sptig due te scisidul- Alto, lisce times a day bi's te- meek. traciei scaguils, sali Mr. Greenfleli. is a spot mbire iî moulti not ai isg difficullies. Is tise neaias. Mc. quired te check tis fancm anti the sur- Mr. Scott saiti he agaies dmsa for ail -Tise comisunity mas exposret te the resitics," cemmistei Gier Scoti said hi plans to lemnscstrate roundsng arescu to etirnuse if any coiscisisii tise decision was fair. Hi tbi serous olors 24 hours; a day. Pomers, mho lises neac tise siteý Cails him 'careless' Scott takes is-gqie with Barry Lee's cQmments Thec owuer of Scotî's Composing of Enisvronisesî oredit coulti p Faim masi' impresseti wiiis receni maisetity stop biem freont peorersi remares by Halion regiona] council- food maste ai isis teriannia Rr cer Barry Lee dtia tise compaiiy "is censppstiisg facility. an illegal operation. ' Thse region. misicis cuerently truc "Counicilice Lee mas cacclestsi i yard anti gardien maste fromr saiying our omention mas illegal," lanil sirete IoStotis Composai said lins Scott. "1 fiel diai tise suite- Fami. mas rensidering boycomt tient mas very detemestal telloui tis compuity in support cf a bîid business . the Town of Milton anti a grosip "Ast if the Toms is isvestigating residenia te prevint resutiption aspects cf our zoning, tiseir stoff food reiiçostig diurne shoulti refrain frens pirsonal opinion 1 beieve it's mi'oug for tis regs uniil ail tise farts arc in." te support Scot'$" Mr. Lee a Mr. Lii matie tise commsent ai Hal- quoieti as saying un tise August ion Regieu's planning ami public issuse ef flic Champion. "lis an motuts comnsht«eeiting Augusî 9. legal opiesien. it's mrcng toi Mr. Scotti s appialiisg a Misîstry tiirectly support Scotî's." et ni b, o n- Golf proceeds boost DARE pro gram A Halqos Regional Police ckssg prcvention prograns for sisitess lias reccivcd a $5.000 boost ibanks bo tise support of Fortinos Sapirmarket anti Pepsçi Colaý . l Thec money mas mmced for tic Drssg Abuse Resistance Edthin MARE) Program iheongli a chaniqy golf teumansment ce-sponsoreti by tise comparues. Police cotre imo classroms anti teacli thc DARE Program tu stuulens throughoui thse regîion hl centres on lîfestyle skills svhich belp young pcople e make appropria deciions. To date, more tisas haîf of grade. 6 students in Halion have taken DARE classes. Many of tiscri were in Miltoni schools. "DARE îs ai mportast anti wor¶hwlssle portion of tise grade 6 education curriculum,." raid Haltos police acttng inspecter Das Okuloks. "anti mire hioeful ilirougs donatiotns suri s du tss Mll permit thse program lielic ex- pantictito incluide ail grade 6 students in Halton." Thse prograns survives on donations threstgi corporate anti comtswnity evesîs such as tise golf ioumiamenî. WANTEDI Alimited &Mlount of exhibition apace la stiil avagable in Ilie Millon Malt Modern Living Hocme Show September 15-18. M ycssr business coudt use direct espoasire le thousanda of ieeqled consuner ovee a 4 dey gerloi, then flle. Muts Mill Modemn Lmin Horne Show Ml tiietey eofl Inteesttb you. To oblain a Reaegrvation Foins or for moe, informations pleasse contact cluring th5e fiass of "- p.m. Dave Jenuins norw ai 827-4632, e.¶/IeW5zXnsJ(gencij CALL DAVE JIENKINS TODAY IRETWIgEN M- PM 827-"63 TPlp.Mrikè =~c aloo ra w Sho In . Bw*Vgonm Mim ufNa1Ham , inwiinndSt Cajurime ti g O SIIS'I LATEX SEMI-GLOSS We have MORE BOOKS than any national competitor. Chocs. frons cme 20,0S0 pattems 8Mt bords. "c-nwt t. .t14S.s.P. OUtRl cc.cc-.c.u *c s t ILTO -MsWODSAN CY Mss Fs Oam aOR food Hie con- ram tain e is cas nies )iMe pot uge