SPORTS Sprzngers'Y reg*straton lbe Miako Spltiae Gy- O"tC Club wwl b. bolotn desnanrtiesis Md ivimi- tions ibus Saturdy (Ausg. 28) ai tihe demaleo Fue's MWWe aNi MUse. Mil. The arket demnsanmmos begla as 9 s. Ni mOe On to the mail fe Il a.m. sud 2 pot. evoat. Registration for fail prestains wiii aise be accerpl ai de mai on fbl&dy. SMpi 2 front 7-9 p.m. Regisiabat otay ho lefi 't thse Sprinigac' gym, 1S0 Nipissing Rondi (unit 5) anyltitu. F&U gynmtc programs %Wu Friday. Sepi. 10. New, un- proved pregratuse - la0--&l especialy for beys. pre-Comptoitive tiyesisai bcbng boul tis lbrsday. (An. 26) ai the club far girls ned 6 sud 7 whe ay be Intemtd lu a moe extensive progpin. For sefanutio Cà 878-50M. Higis .Profihu hockey scisool lhe Milto Alliance Cbutch bau Soms higiprefile hockey playors utscn port la sons-day boa"e sdseol et Menunal Ain Swturdy (Aug. 28). Ran Eufs, a formser Toronto Maqule Leaf ams Tean Cam"t member. Teo Fcsp (Boston Buns, Maple Leafs., Vous- cosu Cus)s and is Andaloua (Maplo Lechs> ne joli s few afth lbntncsan stated te show up. lb. gn.'t spiaker fer the evenlng dlucie wmll b. Cbuck Ealey. quasles- bécked a Hiamilton Igor Catb Geoy Cup Chamap-o Sen Halton Men's hockey starting lb. Haltos Moa's Hockey Lzalum il acemuiaa rogustra- dions Itm ploaos 24 yeaz cl ard sp. New this ynsr te the Dn-cantact loop Woni aMslsem division for thonssM eSie. Pmayens have à choice cf momitg or aftemeo-evenlng confteonces. Contses ame playel ont Sunilys and Moadiay nighss. flic lesape accept inffividual cousies ai cmo front sitail gieups of pesenisi players For oti Inoation.. phonse 849-9712. Reglstuatiee faim ame aise availablo ut M"aimy Arminl Burllagton. Bowling over thse competiton 11e e nas -mahm uch Mil- ton Lama Bowling Club mon a gold oetodl 't tic Mea's Tripls and Novice Latins chasipia- ship la Woodsiock on the Miltons lAs Cturly, Roerut Wee& dsN Ken Amtugf scoapol ha plid ina aopoi die diii 0 1uei a NUai of 16 masm onais, Iamm dieu Vualaly - cied a tapa la O'ta.I for tbe avant. lIali ouSa a ssplay On the soudmei duasicwl Duffaia Aggreogiss. id dmi sain divisioa. il ttig for dbce eppenen te oieu Up. 1 ca saisiS controesy bcal, cspaelly ance sasse- cie t thictait stop toidi me about ut. Tse Duffoin peogllrg'tw loçay toc machbutil airoadykacai& dià r~eplay ofa .D ia stagial îhai oms -U by n tbomtn q. me mirnse of des gain.e l ais - ppoai i goe te umrifinls but il otay luv. te ke deckWa in hae board On tha osa diansan iles a msui 1teult bays boncbon colest betueca SKI) Company Md MUii Pie Sport Teas" vas Looaa la pltba bur MI"a hoa nomt 1à a" ionc d Il Nu hm" ms a w ¶bchteltrek totiieSoo for thue show1 ia Ma Tubl Twi LÀ&. bu- to a.e plit Md mage 10001 *8 p.evlala A ne bonb hoisi -wb* in $iN slt Marée ho't-oiIku plyolf batu eiei agms die loch Park Tsers Of H"mn MiNa sab tesr géu 6-1 an the sueagih of a ee-hWti by' Tb@ second gain.. es M4quIo', wa. a huiteclosai. Ib. lgcers dSa irsou blotI in the top O of opaîn boaule Tlek leibitte M ags ale sajac second sud illi sin. came ol co ea sarifle fiy atm a lise runag cat" byý Milan0 lghed Ry- Miltan waawd nom ch ltig ell tulewCS AyOR# piocher lo its n MMiuàgl bit li site houam ofh déidm Wliacm.u Ad Gàtai yetso lai zwm opposâ Mmi alaga hil- tom lawm a oow A Ulà . kged@Ue Letile Ï,1- - 8 yc tu *a platnl. lWr m-, L"asef ne dii ment ail >*a "Y Io bcs llaaii hlas- Camse acadg bath ruit HIe Lwdsd os ditel mIi a the parks 4- tmmer' s night = u cm**@teS M URRAY piocher ose % à Paole TOWWS& %r«amm m d m cosi 0 dot le TOWSEN *0 Z -YSra -n tuko te o nu b e gmul acculios. miitg itai " d' oult ii M. Ile SKID pitcha i Jo el Jemn. wbhe sorikes out âe kmawu6-1 'taisia<M fdos (les (rat M mte pin Sport bulin hq a tu e eulaot the Ianie Wihor szpseland let aoen it e It heave outil lime if h. tikes ent die trouble in die leceni. Aller puan sil. He dotcs. l'd lie mte s. be pièeh sons mai,'but I twe quick uism a caue of mi figure l'Il malt »d mach bmsun TV mhebsahs la the pioches nul malts cosaid au. linw ajai a saild modewitdimoeusosond 6-4. pao garanti ont a rola ab- 61P - " tMatin SL 1 arriuwve ju't in te'taoal..shtd bya ice tise. Opobaleac. bave tbe bases loadsd la itis beys pickap si second bue ârm Pst min mosqulte, buobai xeea agalma Cestive Lynch, to et Oai fi"( ont. Meiail. Mmase Sm0 Anders says Walke Lsike Hotiie il an the mouis. He's slwcwiag heaa d ofta put off slemly ihen lic sWti bas niç&on A bamaseor tlseegh tise liclil. homever. wblcb la why he's uly a rolseve. bttags latw tu- is Open"ie &W a couple don h dii Ni ba mu bain, ont by ie flet diut bey've acam ie 1amaimnan fiscnia par lanig. flic A- mlera second sag, ho mu dl Cgetive cachi consols Lake. "DosIt worry abat Il. but atucble. Osai the soi àm. You pitose «Ml." I dik se tee. 0.. b. gol *9 ai n ordon sont.- me score il 6. i for Opasaro but Crestive bave yct te lo ot fou sou Wahcing four bit lin he mins. flies m. cuaest nttaier ef chant geonn bile *a lic&ld trm dml* bech. Ousil rathor uiorcstiq considulag la the alxdth..k MurstienN thait spilasait ala ans-on triple Io riglu jus om Oth. tw. Mmew ^)I, i. $Mn; of dua ac nui f ane YMkim buaol AU dhuMgpgo aeiL Ancieisidwu netvosbenathe iHuc cy gus ht- feky ouesi gam.e Iaka a Codl m. àc Covatti JWmaateu cmt b be a havaia thnly diq-u gga Ceatve N4Meias Sest n e uitc bu BratIa. h di c Ilarnftl batt on on~ot Mâté, pltchig bu Opme,.baas ~i h uia pellty l te hacatchais lins k thiapem bis oma. Ne moes aieofallag ctcon a o» u Iathafiett popa t te Iiai.Mi ou ont duu b sas MbiNas but tuent ms boliiys à"bl a povussi load§ fou b pon de bag h m ilie d uckga big belli la i u for di l&d OKi lb'.kq afià hayi t. anoles 7*7- AiresDrimaDmitPWL Altns mplayéego tAsais -lsy MWte puà liaio uMail os a. of 1* diaissi.. but dowcat a aocr raue mapa Moi étu hi on the p la te. uap. 1 daut sita .oor mm diaoi 1 l""i Hs simed deii "hay tsi te ploai iltu 5(aa idL woain rat *m uway .. Vky ote colrécn ta mvL" Appe Amb% leplayln ha Royai Cmdm - A do" lby Wa&m da dodo Lagls la m Naie 12 bayp gàm. Co"d BOi Mm Keai by Papa won hd cyadklulb - mA 811OLL.spm * muUCmppu ,-Sports KFC rnie Joui Bruna. moftsàw ut ca inu M A walk through on a sportingLt si falaamy g se . p igle tcviahe bnban caul of thont. Wby? 1 danst kaca. Anyway. bhmeà tay diary iof àngt on thse toma. 5:55 - Arrive es WL1 DIi acheel. 9Bot MY dhmu play moat of ter galus tihte. se, 1 ligues les a gond place te mti. 1 ligne wrmsg. No cars in the publag lot. 5:57 - Main. Snet Sdieel. Ieyoe Jeus punies in dhe bases ondthe budldamead l'il be bock 6:01 - Rtary Park. Thrns diamnsid md ltins n onl of titn. Geod. A drop of sain falis on my w*àdsid. Bail. ls's bet sud OMsgg but the ihy dcemnt look toc dxoestering. Bob's Auto Senvioe la wmng q te ploy aanat I4asy Sysanu lucking. llc ier tf Oi game, 1 Iun. eS te the intifinals in Ill aia ma1sit baseblldvislen. Deoaist os tai, the eapire is maia à mie bok. 1 111endi f itskd appregahon dm fr diii Mot Joncs lakes the mouini for Bob's Auto Service. fle firsi botter ho ftue pulls a liai gmeuaufrr dowa the third base line. Aadeew MoCoakey fids li cleauy end make dhe long thrcw te (is base for the ont. Nie play. Joncs dico stuikes out theotout bame. No4bilttr se fo. DanDy Moulit is up net. bomevi. and hconleis dinguonus. Ho smashes one ies the gop bet«w right sud cerielil ani take off aroun the bions. Hanme rn.