* LooKiNG BACK,~ iv_ COMMENT f llas 2«0 191 Mil. Si.~ ~ j 1115 L9T 4N9 Tool LI"s 821-387 Pu F- 78-4043 eIb O"f5al Adsalidas 875-3300Mft.I ianOmwer Pulhe o M a mous consequabcem but mms tuisa nwi from jr- revocable fart. Mm sad oale of semi-public sus activity abat culmicateal ln a suicide reinforce=i danger of playmng with lire. In Oakvilk a bandful of dozen men bave.been chalet! by police with conducting theniselves unlawfully within washrooms; in a public park. Ibey allcgedly perforrmed in- *pent acts, homosexual i nature, end are bclng prosecuted on the strengi of police testimony bwcked Up by videotape. One of the accused killed himiself subsequent to the arrest Teman who committac swuie wua abca WV positive. A Ilm M WO m5W mis55 Ioul fmMMVu f-m i u .0-tm os A good many moral questions swro.mdi tbis episode. h10y hm%-sysod001 ~hsqdydd s~Cuadlt.un~suU ss Should police bottier usn if esoarces in snch ivestiga-, UdfSY O bions? Should the meia spled ready acces ta tie nanas pulCIsh<is ans o PAGES 0F TE-E PAST of those allegedly invalved mi what bas been described as________________________ unsafe sex b=e diagnosed HIV positive? 1emoPltnivactnugopnf Mg Should the spouses or significant uther in dhe lives of One Vear Ago muat la 1U COUDaS M oisoa ho= of dhase charged bie iforined? Frein the Auguat 12,1S lasiu. nmbeàsr aid xoaw dancs et boerwed or renws There are no casy answers lo Umes questions. But mmi y W ' tr lLia moral issues are relativcly clear cul, and the moral choice is U cais ow onaderaW , bwn '-, ou'pmc ac ai CI Wbale pln- e e fnie At* . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s couse pw tas uuuPhn uiea S um Proposais wcem to = el.a usually dhe toughest one. brugi vu b dw nf la m Pe powoe ont- - vim wi a bce oleo o f , - - a arn Those alto fitquented the wasbrooau have a morl dnty ssi 1led hWE sa bam Reo" polos luPaigi cODipubmi raîmence oeil auis q smil to hae testedl for die AIDS virus. They have à moral duty te las cf -telpbonh sand cpqmloecoitM* far oevm gsaoUy àm e mdai andt aopblucd f"Idy imform their partniers if dbey test positive, hmur 99 db 11 -dividua tS in Georesiow. iie- dm wu pruntly omd ai die crouiceit Main We id it difficuit to bolieve duat auiyone would fiagrnidy compuoer sysoem a 12 Division la Millon wu a"s Sems libsay. Plas Inchad &&wamcdve cmilé,n'i practice unsafé sex with strangel i a public washroom*nin ffcitNoilew rpast bh.tn. ac1.-uafrMry dr. - vu lawib the 1990s. Thatlevel M vulgar liesponslbilityus dis.coacero-. - OMU»'im*lunonlngdébv bis1936 Doi4eto kaop a recod oco, a file of clilpap and in. ICtWy in die Obt-ao Anuau Raciag Chb' hbbb plpbiuts, poeclali <earis and nolp. ina.~ém faut b*mPlior Speedway. R aus Nu m up- O> Menier, of lbe Milon Pire Depavuait and Il is also reprebiensible of anyone, whatcver <beir sexual peuvâcocf dm sam la dbm o. job FlIdsa a"e Milm F»s AnS Baud ae on band for àe orientation, te cavort in a wasliroom frequented by inoraf, cf Miton, fialifasi founla bcNid die aheel of Mas desUv«y orf lbr amn ak sb. l ne M acwi"Sda many of whon are t, hae foomd at the park iqè question. 1939 Plyn Oumb il Imm Saut i Pruer wu *aoM $300 and wu abl t cany 1.ý50 gal- We're certain thm more'responsible mnembers o th du AI airo 'Sc inoiei ià <a sid.mdt ou loisO A s;v imim wu a posotle usk a@ homosexual cosmimty sdar aur distste on lime écm *Ot co'ikiS die ice hoisevur my lscd6djçd es!aliteof ta bim* w"c caulie fie widà wm, Anyone ant guilty in this aw coul well have exd 20th reaPely * N' ad leit ets Mun m i finise ie b k snboi C O Miac o bOo n d &Mch ad s miat part la fer -mms. Dm1 pe"t piq £mmn alm be poseit themsçJves and eir loyal cne ta a fata disease, for lbe 35âm amMi CANUSA gas l ü,Md& ramved h driel vélicl. God only knows abat reason. AI wef, they have coin- Soev Twwc was fit lna lbldeh l 12- 1 promised die efforts of the brouter bomoxual canimiuaity, rwi <k V i nuk ula itu n> 50 VearS Ago ta hae accqnted by tlbe mahitan. And for abat? Mathea Pom ilb iem augi gsaq plam cud ~ii s As f as tbe police actions ame coocerlied, wbat cIe could te lae la lbe triple J@814, dm1 i dis lbq joUp Fm* nu 2 e -hey really have doue? Sifth in del 100 inu id. A big wu bldi dis lbWwa ball by dib Milon We would hae q"lc go coadenm dhe poic for any bint of ~ a %g OBAri&a l a OmIula do -*prejudiclal treatitent algaisit anyone, but their bliiu n2 W g u ubl nN mHgsSbo Oakvile dooq m canstltute duaât. TUm mmtte was- haidle laU lml mm.s Mule wu1 piaiu. by du Doanbwy orcbsea. Ploiud o a clm lgauu e r wNer lb8.d, a mucli the samn as a prostitution. hms might havlp boss on, b lbo Mlles ýYînwkCa.ad soM ab bdt auved dea omioeas downtown ibront streets. fliat's fair. 41~ a caisi boues cutlpis fo6Upqfr OIodt fMusvsbm seas b Olne's sympstliea dbould hae eirlended <o bus wbo fiww âirOlb a yut . bidiq -s NlMalaà4 s P al N» h au ah u jus, aus àbs cM. md and loved dus poù wbo comznlttsd aucide i dii Wi wu» soi Job Mmà n"su 0(f lb hmbP Jl"IlUasa Wl fa ibeOn ofl itu amflbssoUM stance. - But if, as police ailegs, so.mmy bave cbwo snb a riuky MUD ' BY STE E NEASE pudb, in Su carela a marow w as uit k aurseveI sn . tey surely inuit now do to why?M ON tùlmA SW Qiick remùider A«UM We Mffer juut a quicU mho *ma polio slss.mw ow dicteelanmore imp1jreil ddvhi âe .o e var i dm l lime Mf yeur, icluia "u CMisu Dwt a atllo in a poRMa Se 04 wcus yet, a clcwS Us.