DATELINE Ontlia 04 acm ID.locga M -- U* vSm, le Ma" i nai w mer " con asly omeu5f on@ Im 55 PMi5t Nuaos bw.~aiuaibmli and hm-dod i iSn dute etso The Chan- pimi, 101~8 k S. fsdaI us a p 248. asan. Ont, LOT 4P». er bal Io le8-454 1%. "e dudh. is nm bdm i.luây Và d tes a mo d mon. WsÎlda la, FMWis oiSon. No Mms b, naB - wN b fmptsi by plaoa. Wednaaday Ali&. 4 Pw-eta or CI lÉ-m nill Cancer moret toab dinmformasion and offer meadbe hcFort ag hu Mihon Canm" Cancer Society office. 751 Main SL E., ai 7pm. For informa- ui. cail Kim 1m,, et M781206. lthur.daAug. à flue Victorimi oder of Nuss holà a bas ase diale ai Milon Commuaity and Informaton Ser- vices i dm Optio Coms faom 9 a&n. Io mion. flu cM i s $15. For funhec information or ai iawmi- ment oeil 87ý,INl82M636). fle Livag wnIl Ciscs Grou morts as hi Muilln w=n~u0< oie Cauaim Ç@nci Society, 751 MN Si..E 7- to9 pm. Group dicâ pl-,d -W lp Potan d p-atua guicla-c k patients. family and friends. For more information. cali 878-5228 or 878-1876. Fwid&Y AUg. -la lie OMMni Apiuk a Moisanu fémew, mor da 100 plIs Md le- Iled items at Caisses Quil Pou '93 firoin 10 a-m. k> P-3 pin. os eent Àihada "opencw*adc"c mpeion, bands-oné aciviies fore den, md fasluim shuows. Admis"mcasec $4 for a"dma $2 for senions jmàu dents, mid $930 for bailics. For more information, Cameil 8451. Sinuiay17Aue 7 Evayom is weloms. in MilL Cfhlha ud.YoMh GoUM's Mid- ýmmsbia - a mnlin md ba-. bcue. Swar at the Mila Lemire CeaIr b Il a-m. ID mon and conte la di cem for barbecue afiorsd fica mon Io 1:30 p.m. 11e cma i $2 ier pon C@lA8M6 1244 for de"ia guadgMAag. lIM Cam" Red Crues Society in Mila hol a lisse nid ourse. For hmor kkmulio or IDreulr cal 875-1459. Spead even ai411 Mousutr Comnsadon Am. iesrug ismot IMMa Leum abouitheb mysticsl cea- cmf and waich tI ient m ibms nîght air while sif explain dbc unyts annio i 7:30 k> 9:30 flAi=WdG1"d ICids' CarAva lion mom to 4 p.a. le evli fo owd-umd wnmivdlpmo(â m 0 * l -uo, -ies foreIm MuDng por> rids aud miscl mor. Admnii t roc. For information, Cal 875-2200. Chiltir spd 10Oto 12 yenrs cm joib* MA lOiluken Md Y"ni Conmm for a wee* or su«o Nus. Maûe nsw <i. mis ub P in aus Kel. dm kims o ,Mal moeeJsIM8EI244bhdi. ITîmaday Au& 10 HOMe Regsi Peau D a mmS bold afbu S em las .aisaa hie sa il ilo f- flie. 251 Ma kI E, fifqa 3i0 p.m. % an apit cal M787261. For ùumocd ea 25-606. flrwayÂAng. 12 lle VXIii C3nir of Nws holdsà am cma onek cet a Miso Coonusy sud Inloeuion Ser- YiEU im eoptimissm" e Immfo 9 a.unSa On. ficon. $15. ITHER-E'S.ONLY 'NE a MIEMOR4 X 0WI OUOE Laedo Ax4r four-wlSti Antilock Brakm 4.0 L High output 190 hp EpgIne 4-Speed Automatic TrYansmission Air Conditioning Power Windows & Locks Drvers side Atr Bag Mu Wheel & Speed Controi AM/FM Sterco Cassette Remote KeWess Entry Coçmand-'flz 4-Wheel Drve From You Lcal jeep & EaRJ Deler a wic- >."wna ~Q16 Cops trim $3 million lia,. PO=CI m . Pella md i if lion. ns Insrt "y ae ft poue'o usgm ib oxplrsd5m , 1l~ua h ul aLb "O%« un mun Te classeas atmms disia cs die, yir h record %ls, b. m won't ocm wlhme coemisimoi fusy Sd M%9 $3 Mions lm. la me sith LW e mye ssociations, Md pcmsdise *y aomnaiy %e& dim nio layoffs si lie Senecucdl a aà IM bydosoes creit for WlINg dirsc resmit id social comni~c duc- he usiaes cd Halas la &"dhg tions. widi obm vuebe mmc âone&" "It us Imdu petion cd iis board Highlugadàeunu Io Save de limandiai picole.s of RoFm Polic Chef ImanB sdi Îe ocononiy on di bili o( iem mg on doan, uniformn MI civilimi onemy" adMc. Laflew eqiloyacu ncludsd., a one pet cent nodint. «I for one so sik MMd taro 1 raine enunrked for 1993 wu given of picking up ht imqmMie adi q. foauvog o<$2980. finding oi tdut duhouof - A clostinalidmmest for officers woikes bhm beau lad oit" silbc cul by 50pet cm i,aire A siisdcondson «Mes dm f 5850 0mà yen. he requs svings nen' aclueved - 11ic no.ovalime stg>uLmla i aul parties si mort for fusilier expsciet m nive 150.00 fe he negomsiina conainjar of 1993, sud $386.00 Recase the contrac su sgred mmfly i 1994 Md 1995. uponi so dieh Auga 1 deadlmn - lhehg une off basod of (eztonâd to> mg 2). dus Polic holdey Pay a expsclsd Io sve Services; Bomd savd 20 lier cm off $206000mmsaly. oeiginuilly ulpum social cibt *Au of 1994, a Ihutl hoiday Inla lIad niationa faed, cuL sut bc dos>d Io ve $99.00 mn- bâclia; ould lav mousdi m> $3.6 la ceua. police ampfl *'Thiâ sould hbae d maxous un- reaved a moue 0<job sscwityp icasicr N. Lafe and lu hi secunty clause, the Police *"Layoffs sctsld bave becs> enser- Servies Bnd coomue la ap-Îaed and ever>4ldy wcald lave Portâtg --di suucapl of j; lie=fhosti nndueir job cmsgcSioa 111C 0ý hi 4 i fli, ý 1 l e .!Il 1fiý, /,,, 1