Police sign $3 million cutback aeài over three years Dv ANQ"L ACCDUAN Tbunday "It's satusfacfoy ta dis spc«at Ibu Theawnpio members, abs employer, due Police SmervarBou& ad mout impotant. The Halta Reglonul Police Ser- se bdl in asatiftorY to dbs cora- ,ric ad ism l baveignai! aiqt. contraci "bt will reihice polcn du SO-aimbl police iocas- conts by $3 million over lu disse- tiF99 pet cent voted in favoar of Yeur uai due nese tisse-yen cootrac inguer lI dolai ta, police officiais aay lait week. A aiuoity of dthemn- duey bave flot sacriffod saWey or bm of tis smaller Stases Officet', service levels lin order to fluet the Assocciation a&W agreed sthe absial.' demandi of due pbovitsce's social lie contract wsa tigai by ail par- contrac legisiatian. .tdes daurig a presa conference at Linder dbt ciecurmsaacet "tbistegi" police beadquaa"I in Oak-. avSeis is uatsfactoey in aul par- ville Tburdq. ties," said Hilton Regional Police ifscubck,, you ca ct Assoctation adffiaiusemor P#ul La- dura dta. will ai affect service" Courue at a press cqaifmec said MiLaCmmrt EN AP ifn SF"AON PRESSE GEl INÇFCRMA ION' REPORT SIGIINGS .ISO US3I7 liI1jw . I 5111 i tlftI Bamrster & Solicitor Suite 3 1 205 Main Street Milton, Ontario 876-4656 FAMILY LAW & DIVORCE operatini ne condiclid. &"CMu bmondit froa sbit informiai s due Police Services Bowd beg criminels, ase e're relactua se tell tem member PFi Lalm. Dmt . yoea seat seire doig." cad Deputy everyoceinvolvidihsec*lng ona Police ChieWJknButai aaegy ta combat iliat. bie addad -if theea trouble, yoes cm bei the Deall on dbm gyatg"q't belaag faim wefnl be ate." uaid Mr. ,relased. Laflevr. empqloyeu wll no longs beIip@1d extra fo ovailoes saiUe boidaya. haeail. tduy weil uks tire ottfmlia. -f "lThe real wlinnen are thestas- payeq," id M. Lafieur If thsr . Çon page Nissa 1993 Clear-Out Sale. (qreat Çars, Unbeatable Vlue, Best Warranty Cali eurfniendly sales staffor details. $100 FUTEL TAX REBATE ON AUL- STD TRANS MODULS 351 ?i..G. HWY. Serving Milton and Area for over 31 years t -e 36ytel4 ; ýz 6inR éAtu.a yWSUa un.CiI uA' E-.1 .l- ..~Sev ô ...A.' M d0. jts,kCo- ~â yStA .Mo a_ .Mi ý..kép"W-Wy .. 10 _Mitin St. Martin 8843