Home Improvem'ent ï Check insulation yearly to avoid heat loss during cold months ltIaooo a so useful ta reductng tie mn in if <lt ofwctmri nue. mxa v dm enuung nulation, per- pariculte mnultca.ar a govent- hLeroWit finl ôm tiÉnuza drifts umi oel me mai i mai ounit Hmms carroey moll of unfâS getahenlu tepmàs w y offsi aic nwa-rovedldiaensukrmdfo lrditE and keeptng ruent terriperatures uI- sunurmiir. Ontâam tdm NnkÈm, of htem fibreglus umlaoo; tilac e muqly mts. VIbra uihwNg My fibrous or job. fomia thai il is mnt inspecting every witicl cli shorien tdm life of rooafing lm g-d hapeExtetténg aiuabm o te epant-n Sortie insuallaton is inaccessiblle t er of the buse s necessary. huoit to latnce itehuii mails. for exape. But and te help prevet ac danms. the itige »IDT ANU NIJSE1V 1SALES Ï-IPIE0 - instalation in lte atflc anti bascanent ivs0 or a ta fornt along caves in iviif 1 'a usually in plain sigja. Insçc t[ Io me if Ice dams fortn wkt es rat door> s ,t bas been properly insteilIet. and wtter il s displaceti r darnaged Atic insulaion as usually irslalleti Li tit boys klerre lit fleor pas Ai bays sitouli kc fillet 1 capactty, and insallation sitoulti covie the dome or pan- el osc e kane elloance The most commnon insulaition conts ini fibreglass stops calleti bais. a ilh paper or foi] facir n ont0 aide. On alîîc floors. tite factng needs t0 lie agiui te ceiling of the living airas belosu. servirai as a sapor bainer against amoistr iat at inses sii lte warm air Wilboul aucit a 8hrrer. te ll)tinw MYt gel althe insulabnm antd condretse. mulng waller damage On lthe ceîlig andi endi mails of te alîic lte facisg shouli kc on te oui- ,ide, o block isoisaue nising from ihe liouse ln olther mords, lite facung sitould kc ç sbie on lthe a&tc ceiling .amu ails, Invisible on lte flor. Becauie te facîng s% iinpregriated wtlit tisphit a iis fimomnale anid miuny flre Codes laimai ris exposant Make sale l.iisiton cones no iloser allai atire incites 10 retal citimocys. saoepipes ami beat producing flxiuts Ilke dloor-be-1l traursformarers and re- cesai ligies Lîgits maiketi 1 C ,for insulaieti ceîlîng. van kc safely louciteti iy or coveredth ii laboit Anti if lte irn- stilatti is uniâce or if die fang vs le- mnoveti. ai cao safely corne in contact mvidia masory dununys. To prescrnt moistuce entends. o tir etiges of lthe ceiling bul flot beyond atterri itte aras aitove the sofqis, thk env loset citarmels litaI mn along a moof s eases, fThe soffits amuis terrain open vo air can virvolate teougi t ltenti. front rthe serais oun 1kir uocfrrsdes te1 scivens in the gable e" rdsi roof ndge. lu minIer, itis presents condensa- air rrsiiig dirougt an atic niella snow un i 1k us of amrof As dit mueltacr rues dows ail siope. il freezes again whkn il reailtes the roofs overhmigrng etiges, mici arce ftai front k- 10% Waier accuntnlating bebîin i ce dms cariseep beneatit sitingles. catis- ing roof leaits andi roi. TIe kest way Fo keep ail dis froin happening istIo ikte mue iiisulânon as scripulosjw unuleIW aove the erite hm"or mea of a bousa To keepiiftlon away front sof- flts anti fromt bot spots laite cbtneys ad lrghaog fixwrms ynti cai huy barn- ers of suff mnatenal lit fls kîmween jmçsIs, or you an nlie your owet humt- «s fren beavy cmromd Foltidit ends of lie harners vo they lit againsi die sies ofltejoists, ariacit attrr îo 1kL joisis midi siapies or smrall muis If insulaîton as fasteneti kîmeen ralers, indake suie norme bas corr onse. Refasien any baring stnpa by staprig attrr au0th ratteas i te saine may lte ra f tiLslamnifaenlW- To .e.eane amqit vet nlaee mwsitea gap of aboui >oine kc- imien the isolation ante 1knderide of lite roof. Thk gap shoulti entend front a vent along the roofndge te0th suffit lu bawSenus. instalaion as osoally instaleti overitead. kteecr lte joisIs çupportrig the rman iloor As in an i- lic, facîng sitoulti k visible only if dicte as mesulabon e] de wa1lsý More Important. dicugit, is diar ail bays aie J'illeti and alitai instqaion atounid obstacles bace bntiging (cross- braies). papes and warng kc cul te ai- corotate thm. If ir s sqaoetic ke iteadi 1rm iLs îumdtlang capacity as ch- fmntd Evert if your insitation mas proçrerly insia1w ed ati in gocal vita you naüy ~UCANCER- I~INFORMATION l iSERVICE CALL 1 -800-26,3-6750 RLUMINUM MfODUCTS INC. WINDOWS le DOORS et GLASS 24 HOUA SERVICE v 50% UCENSED METRO 09361 S. 5272~ Invites You 10 See BLOOMING ROSES M ~AT OUR ,FESTIVAL 0F PWOPEN HOUSIE Saturday August 7th.'93. 1O:OOam.-3 :OOpm. FREE ADMISSION - FREE PARKING! White Rose-Sandoon Farm, - 6449 4th. Concession, Uxbridge A RARE OPPORTUNITY TO fEE OVER M010 ROSES IA~ COLOURFUL AND FRAC.RANT SUD AND BLOOM. OVER 1111111;1110 ROSES IN PRODUCTION.- ALL VOUR OU) FAVORITES PLUS MqANY NEW VARIMYES. OVER 390 ACRES OF NURSERY &i ROSE FIELDS. BE SURE TO DRING VOUE CAMERA AS IT IS TRULY A SPECTACULAR SIGHT! FIEF SHVTILE & WALKING TOURS THROUGH OUR GROWING OPERATION. UVE EMOSTRTIOS ONHYBID OSEANDFRUIT TREE GRAFING. FPFRE H FL" RAGN DMNTAI ARE ALSO ETRD KIOS' ACTIVIrY CENTRE -CHILDREN (SET INVOLVED IN A VARIETY 0F CREATVE FJRE CRMFT PROJECYS. FULLY UEVSD GARDEN SIIEFES AND BROCHURES - VALUABtLE INFORMATION GUIDES FOR FIRE FTR ADNN ERNC.MEHR1CLUITROSSHATON FREE CORN ON THES COB AND FRESH SPRING WATER, COUÏTESY 0F WHITE ROSE. ~frCFFE~PA.SgT DINKSAND O S WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR A SALCS *PRUCZEU T CYSl IBOSS& HOWEVER VIE DO SUGGEST NA ot YOJ RIw YouitOwN IN wNifC As VIE HAVE A BEAIJTIIL SCENIC PICNIC AREA AS Wmj. AS *ârFËM UP YURSELFOR ARRANGE YOUR OWN BUS GROUP AS VIE HIAVE KPEEY N: g oiyv&u t~agu c~w~ef&gsoe~miiiadeuae 324 Oronte SLI Unit 18, 1 Mil. 878-00.52.