*Euytdg youir ffrt ôi q up your ow..ý ut were lafraid ta take the ,w .Iv.o $ ibe M» 16 le. muid MO. ID li dais mm a é~iffl -U, *itwevouay lic asises- Io MWW 10ud~.d.ot ia O ou Omo ýéO a3 Ou p. MW 1mai l ioe « boqI- toai Do you fini yo.seef mêlleia il, - M-' hlIy shit.V~u?"' slle l'~ Ibo T youoeM mo*M M es nuo duimi wax10M4W a %bol Withont à deubt. boymmg a borne le ly vsu Wma Mid Mulil Il by4vu aer banne am M*Wq r MMq dialcce, b mai D't biota rno ">a mi Pascais% cente li - &que 4in Winiula msy Yom Voti csad lai.mhalda -. <'ure.m ic ieias. fIt the i*RYM If Uii la yon~4uam f iea mtà hl 'o l a WMeia - ai go mes- auh.6 ea.m yo. llh*ppi~. dis Pk»ha. of* blesse. Nlbn mmer lion ýCe of dmoa loq -mer. hae ralipa et Mod by M0 o ût> 4uh-b flexible in YOwrb« cow keep - W Vyay enf*Ufy. sied try tg lem the s f ~~ dms te qaallfro*er tara4ffae.ý "mam MW& Um-dauasM Ioames f«orqe meap ns dam cOum W! il sMt You ~y mmu~a e fod hcaiTb@ mi o"Mme type of "abgge is Iaaisaam peoviaalsm u wdr miA . 1,e .a #e meflorh houbg saiket as affcdlnem =sb cvaii. ,a ledr :M=ilsmopa oermul pried.- . b0 oput léqmd.cmossaiqa hr "wido of~w nt t bocome frm- vhS p esff ht Iliih i lc"- ýSpyow hua imuh, be giwa md m a bum? dose buomalle. - ai msvm.-fhpeây 4 fra boaw; d<ks y I m w YI. ha y-u us ady SO chuisloolae prie --mbcverls1a gm er. he hihowomm 0-obeWrub of iloluadaof pou If yom're dtakan abosi puding your renaW 2aAngpet ie amouat tbhe Aiae malle 0" m *U li 1k eor if auasibolpoia, Most firsi-ime bayers.mmt chair dres - Dy flgada out ientmaska yosi wi fihoe; Ali »ac*ewt hl lî "m dWjo wYuGetting value -froifl reno-vatIons picket feace. large dmad*Uees olii lama cm dfx OWcm balp Yo.Im »te e mIm -enW ye au a istat ilst joý spam l mm csesad fsmpymla- -Kmp le mii tht in asssin yeu- pa 110UW 55ai ê if bill racivet* pNoilisoail job ad *»mbd * silo lam ridcthudi mg"mulioa 11aso WC or e ei 0 p» « fer madd vaine set&= mo~gl. Belore yen pit camreli away, oit dowls a "oa uyo odl cla ta&asoie.' yow @iqiléaca ues kmuma kW Dmac6 à,s hd dl Ws ec oma- and ideotify your aeeds. How mucb of a of yen atyaw pasent job mdserfa- isawi d oeointemàu lueand sak'it is u pa on vat My domn afimÉntlin you afford? Wba "ya -tor. ne am sep lai Io011 wmp Véa con-l emé* a aed. of moutaI9payaunus cia jas& cope mmi. Schi Arful anort he h igist Sas. tIW ma tallabs.la I e.msiradtol or payueaa. h leu- baud oa your current iascZne? 1W'at ère Once you bave ý #oeil ppa of ydar sommre la do sa la usaly on the lie of *dtppilesd are oas-4W dû»a »d hl yooe bad l :isrees ta a hoai? Wha fincWa site md&a* exaiily mli reléia by fioaah or uelativrs hme * dm ma h téjob Ji ~e il f you ici ytnr dn. pausmomn? Yom cm affordi lk'î dmn 10 aOi mkia bu h i ahlfty' lmula sid cm kmy uhi Ream lmai "I' &do te your down nouaid fer your fim. hm y g 1.0*0a.bnà rocilhf.md Slochll for a aba. Ai a fiaicocm. be. 1mi h@ OP- pa t ber ci a phi .modllc or remoê tracta lsaW baoeginim dlaimes Ioveu pypyou miii havle w psy IqalM fées, decisico *Il ho location. Zi:f do at ykf spealo eqa4dug .norixe fees, lad trasier tas &W clos- mant to live? .elnswoe' om "nVim dsla iag colis. So besure-to factoaW hin b i ais muers 1 Rllier la lavaInabe. Eh Ttis tom te châlkav oeuiamiea of' oeil aoldata. ROqagate ilsé onf lbe you alatn. .-o .ell will be ". to é yoshoe Iiela youcm coue.buiidiq»dflcà- ageacy edl bvut1àrn eour. Calculai on Paliers in yo rnpg of affcslilty, llmdlfy youf , dcns, Labovw, motenaisaW md gom coule Nosimal ,vaaa if bealpid cor- Before you giart looing ai houmes, it's pueféeeces ambopufnd h e6 h boas dm lUssedàJ ",cb 1 cm he evi iami ioubls-fre hmglmly advisabli le calculate your Stossi a bean sisad se your illale. 1 Wben makin?liu colmmnso., d m' B asr md chorocgb ia CWq your debi service (GOS) ratio. To do ibis. telle He or ikei mili couçpaomr a ois. aaomdally masaise ilae blaast pdis lsh *a ace d ileedisavoe wMl psy off. your tota nmnhly qRs income and mai13- mania laid buidet wmli mtli avaiate on bels. Look for niaswhy the prme vu>'. -CulÈ y ie FOR &RWeLE-C" *CAMPBELLVILLE ]RIALTY INC; eW 14 Martin St. Mifton 90 Main St, N. CampbolIMiIo 875-2294 854-2204 * SYLVIA BURSEY - OWNERBRO<EM .,- » en bMk*endwM 1c. Om jwmu ... ia.ui 'MDWCE MMWNM4 Tri M Cum b1WW .blèrA, .