up second cycle of the season. Wiglard Rath i Douald Aiea bulayi.a Mme tats « aSi uo Wugl plne OWi -1l. M--edI 1usd befe~ Daya*as LUIY Bais Il. ba g. svn Aber seven à"~ Wfl - m d o% bu. A vuai 10 n âetp of àuenâ cT,,MfW AuiaoaIrs sorn fou liaes SiM in à, âW b uludi was enugah for à14-10 mie. ( il AieOwogled ,Penny Ezco"m ind Larry Bau wax Se clu 20-14. paved g. way Wo Domfieid.cilh bou-om u a C fqoe bu nis CL. ieDir &Wi vi. wug4-or-4 VAlynua embWl "a d. For g.e . Sai , caeà Ioeoes WUad Kath lad modber g. un nixtaii ~aueos BÊ gi g. plaie. lm s M ,LM bumged ouait Msscond cycle ofie dm~ lb.m et of eeua.pade asdilj f*ns wi foi Douafi.I Auto cffeft as for- upo ll sittod of invite inan eb« gm #&m Pa Ibamao caBala Mâtau Colo.. am 3- Soasu %dmi S 4- g.-I enSigl of t.jT play&. Maa.d . 0" C3ira d qans mm te ých g . eIP-Eh. p à.~ ~~P ofId . rUiae Cà.du PlIcifi Feua.ly à cmm of 21-13. le cul le lave.- cmo baun ilon dam if ujur blajt nmv ah dm. insebt ltats of .t h. h. m acoo led 'h. Pâauen. cli a ata, wc bchd a triple Md fous. wod.>ei" atMW mie an" mii pâit bas ta mnd fle aibar playena bâi ied OsCUL lle Fortmm lusi bale aplau Fme Fudys. Ibe FP las m o" a 9- 7 Icti a $Wo.epiàeb &b bu Cuma Pbciflc FRsan a*hid for six in die boum. li of dm ia MM gto wc 13-9. Dol Compost Wu the beavy limite for à. Fapama wkb à bit la W e e le.* plaie. BilROýmI a= M"â and Ray Gsd <bonne rat) a"c hld ditre ashles Fj de kme g.e bu Dm shng. WM s-bi la lmt «' oe gm.lbe. 3 midc Be oasilas.d a botte Dicbm Roumm Md laMax sa& sd op la a -3ti. o emm Fat Da*dt1y s a&oum uapd a top gui Il wu jait Mes kbffg coasack i t~é, u âe ày yooe milan Drim lmu Wo g. c< ap*autHai Pool Md loulou willa 3-br-4 and Bol Seat lac.by 16-71. g. Up a<à RadIum.e cM 4-fix fer lie ua"l g.y -me* pln -ý Dxm dm o mimei1196-14, 1dm sa- MGIWOOVS UPT- - at scond and &W* cl two UGf1P Ibis le for Maind Rada outil. baeh.o M but a ca bad Nts econd cycle of de -m bel caid aiir. e.t Cirls nmo thés ce&I Hast letni H"ie bie a cycle fer g.e cime apologise for Ifnsesaiaud aks j lhW flic bis in moe Som. you. Mud. chou youu tryhag lea Mn Sos pli Fum Fedia ah. lad be oaly your disC p of g. smua. bies.DMm hdy Wa hem u for *4 lm &iq we w«M do wu dm luU . si- Yoa a Iopot r-écil Buce IlasiTave Mai bobà. aha @W 1M sub of yow amosser Key Cultes by a mma. of 10-2 but botr&Vfth circatio- foqW boack àWk mci l 10-9 duai e, lanié contet 1 could do sau *mm mm intevedu in4e eaaciy dbe - ding. Semdsy, 1 l wm't emegh, bacever. M iy cws you $0ia lw du 1la gàYOD lam by a 14-9 sunie. Basry Fbbd«e probely playoi à. bae pe W ma bonemonna parbet 44or4 ded"ly d&a 1 lmaent la WI g g. pla. Kamdy H-0c y-os Keq up du gai co&k 38-. wu 5-for-S Md lu Gel addW a lai dmoqu bemt Red Sox add anoier victory Capldbflffl ga U " y.aasieely, i diiét goadi fitb the1 Redl Sa &&We fous way of *0 HJ..Jauruuo Red mm vans. the Mg Mha ca*qn off Sox dhea hy ceatt on g. tend *a bas of 1)0. Dm. cIa___- Mauiy nigha Ibeyr we.e - (asmck&a ub oecki balmked) a (elabbasi sobbisdmi a dmu nu boter for is Und-aaa ofa a basiy by) Ibo ligu= IeMlg fâo itm m. iae Cardlas by ml -1 score. Jo" lwm lait die 15-bt Rei Sas EduWae look as @Muy 4-0 lent but alac ci du.. W"esa. Dom Mil» eu waame Io qi t ail bock Draldo llyau. Cas"i and DIito lan di i& Max Blacibor bed offp "c lad twua, l 'efasv play of à. kudua cli a cuit Blitoe fol- à. pase cea ta McCuschmo in lowed it à single. asi Rick Mc- ailit IbId cl. be malle (à Teacl fdlaced wilh mail.c ot divin8 cl of à lord bit Ptmpau drit lame Mwacidm. bail; à dvln c"d cla làp d WII inon gi finit Md coud lis lot dos; a dive jet *bpod a n d a ,boutoJ~,bm adâBejtui- tle.gaaJ Sers gg onua bit aMma wchb Foeamtly *â. Týimu the Davidmaou athe plie. Hle amhad Ce"nSxaoie4ambIAmisocledo u doua 68 ff base.ieJv bu a laiey naIs à stop du pen comM lav mm Ica mm runs if a sinonla clWsng by X laawI bail à.Hee EÉW .*ad baugnota nm#sfWe i.v.g 4sýng. If mt fer asavdMm tesd à.ba~esaà.t liaiat,. het coum lW ave bans noeWa l i lir id mod àut - (30- 14-13; re0fy. s.aly back-lmded ah. of à.e lie. flua ibl). -1 Ile it»s Io mmi ta get Diasito Maager. Glen Turner luat quise cIa coulât gie b&4 alo McTracb avl chat las led te du draînatc ca ca sanding ce dis bal. Rang. témeoun by du Red SOm " We' ve TrýéPl aLcays ladl S- pltcbi. D'a nefew la hme su le Sairdy ae letlisdon," Isad. Ouef&Mso bc du Best Ptkwle ày take o unentlons is living Brou Carlit la- du 'Busisig - (Brants; liai Ole plae ou a rogular b"i. Bà.iet illy Gaie) as 1:30 pa. ..l e's clasdffle by asuy teba *j be in the league." Wil bam n the à.Mme Pm il daus luier-t I bp à.e $rnVggt oe gny as ans rlope peoosu by -ac living le jtaggl every-u utOmi Tuqa.r mli bc a@v daulsed thal tdûi wu a 8mai tee..l a sasient prabll h by ma of the players. -rley 6Ouglmin Wi giteL They'ee s*ldng it mom ségously DavWmso b ecloa à.suenters: "We're geuin suri Io clgasun W.'re saating ta espoot it 01paiel- t.s, and anythins lma la mwcp- TMA Xom Ona i=lu Subwa ftM(oTi 11111MRt Fin k Fachee> wmONN. A GIF W 1 4 il 4 15 10 16 I is 7 t, 17 c' TwentyBucks!% That's ail it colts to play the home course of the Canadien PGA from 5 pm daily., We've aise reduceed both our atternoon rates (from 12 pm dalLy)-nd our - weekday mornlng rate to just $40. Also, 2 for 1 Tuesdays on ouié. hole, par 3'"TriIIium" course are bacII Reserve your tee-off times for sither course up to 7 days ln advance., 853094- BLUE S3PRINGS3 853mO94 Y GOLF CLUB ofair 0»o n'mg as cigl dm~ by Pie Cu. Md *e à. aci die SOM"s HdSiq ont >Meua cIa Sbock emt i M the MfINa sa- m.il du loqua' tsantsin lit 0t0i echd à 12-9 at.. s bise bot wcléhdP