.0 .4 r NoW befter time ;to renovate .. q a t y o f l e . h ti e s u sw o w - c , y .in»îu Iummoown e ict cow $18 bdiâm of dui tota dollar -nm qicia th flb im "dacmdis! housing inâzuxY. Cori~sinrmi PUU todn h- nuncy ubo lumrcr nt aes ading valus 1% du, a- vesumsmn lay hav&Wn.mdy suds - aid im- periencs dMbwil cm bc aws Win uUnpU JA compsiiiw mumeacc offers a wid. immgs UL aie. and options Iaoenu mmreovaiin te acumodais lfealyle chians u&M to bu"ov comtfct ad conenimuate Innovations in dean andI tcdology am new coiuionm techniquesa tocmn bornes- oitntn can reuovate. u tr ipl.. to dcasaa cergy nid watoe conauimplion. ulimatoiy loVesring iheir >peral Costa. bniresi rate& um low, and tI cno-f a widc varne*y of ways t0 fin= humn iu- provcments - front psraonaml M lousa nea of credi to.ý hote cquiiy laia ad honcowncr's motpas. Pre-approval; fixsd; floaOing. and bleidseed interet rsica Iners rate guarantcca P8iieroi f,7rcc ad pre- paymreni optiona s ail avaiI.bt o m par- ticular needs. . Homeiser muay qualify for finuicial as- Sisiance. . Canada Morigagc andI Houslqg Corporation% Residential Rchabilitalio As- sistance Prograni (RRAP) for DisabictI Per- sons can hclp improve acccsbility for phymii- cally çhallcnged occupants. Tlhe Hormeownera RRAP i also available teo help Iow-income houachold!.i weirs te- quured teo mccl m imn1da" aIdiw andI ssfcty. The Hom los-income seniors toaIsp those having dficu Itl~ crounid the honte. Homeowners should conta a poesoa CTHBA renovator. For mnore infomation, calls the Greaier Toronto Homne Buildcrt' Assocjation Houaing Infonnaticin Line ai 391 -HONR. ,-- i on -.hi cem"M.iduOrai 4 bdowm. wa. '.b lwbgn mcd .ai ewa L M dininr iom, moalt Sc Iandy isole fk"b à ebot l Imyt milS fileième, Borzotti kfthai. roc .t to !u masS ge id ie' 8240J1 Cal maus.ammi? te slw N- aai Ul5f24,OOO. Cam M Oilm 971. M) V»On. IAN OLIVER PubIlaI'adW Tne Canadl Ohanpien at 191 Mai St. E.. MOWaL Ouévlo 1.9 4NO AjhftMlg la accapied Sn dms ondlbn litt is ro et of a by *8 w7mOIUI m . bg05w wlit a roaosiebI allowanoe for woltnars fl Mot hwargsfor, big 04t balanc of Ve a&4erdis-. man mI be pa elt ai Vi àpPftbl fai». Th. puêWmu e se *at ulgh 10 ceabgoui faid &&de ~vrdlig.ln lit avent of typo- gapfICb awa. adwinrat g0od or uMoe"a ft swrog mmic, good. ix trvkonW ma fot b. aoU0 MA&dfaing la matait, an aferv t M4 Mud nft fut 'ài ai et , lm.