Trainingfunds to produce hundreds ofjobs in Halton Uv ROO KELL The. Choanpoon Beivee 300 id 5W0 jobs sisould be available mm nta four Hbea comparules lim ame expeird la maire use of a proviniseally sponsore4 emaploylnent training prograss, mc- cordang bo Haltor Regious's business developriteusl duclor. Brent Keuse is situsng on news of vIsai rms arc involved pending finalizalion of negollaions and an announiernent of dNe economuic boot front Quees Park. ls provincial govemmesst us providing sied mousey for Uic worker training Ibrougl i Is jobsoinoe progiani. The amouni of fundmng avauibl (roui thse province depes ou thc dep<ls of training required pr vorer10 blin unlomen But Ontario vill commnit as mueli as $ 10.000 pet employer. 0f tIse tour compasses. "wvere vorking viti tw0 of thessin1 suari placing jobs." Me. Keaese said. Thse ailier two comparuers. as of lam weck, litot sugned final age- menus committing 10 the jolisOnlario agenda. But, *it's a matier of dottsng theci's and crossing thse t's,' Mi. Kears sai -We tlsnk hisiLsgood news,- bc continued. "Two cf tIse comarumnes are actiially hiring now." Two frins; are maiufactursng coiscers aid tise ailhers aie "quasi-service cruss panies.' Mr. Kearse said. "mey'e good jobs. lu teris of wliere the isew. fils ini a lungening recsxiss-esmrsclsring perioli, Mr. Kearse noied, "I don 'I vant to say wveve iumsed lim corsie, but I'm certainly apuimistlc. Build- ing perunils are up and banknipcies arc down." However. "wvere flot out of tise woods yet,' hc cautioned. "We're nighl in tise midsi cf restrssetuing."- Me. Kearse recently ob<ained council approval tri transfer six regionai employees (rom anoliser progeani 10, jobsOntanio wo<k ici cope wîdu lise expecird isscrrase in Looking for fastest babies Babies. start youe diapers!' Tuny lots sp Io oine-yene Id aem insird tu Lakr part in lise Diapr Deby am Shoppers Deug Mart, Milton Mail tomorw (Saitudy). Races L0 iletermine tIse fastesi babies ini Miltons wîll eus (romn 10 s.m. te, 2 p.m. aid racrs are asked L0 preregister on race day. Grand prizes as velI as rmas second aid tbird prizes viii bce up for gratis in tw0 age grops - 8 monua mud yoigeranid &com 8 to12 mouwiss. Thse evenu. co-spoussored by Ksnm bely Clark. maker cf Huggies dis- pasabie dhapers. and Shappea Deug Mars. wll absc> iclude daws Ibroughout dise day. demid fer aplicanl proceamai wids due newfowud emrploymienu. Hidio&îs gOa us la place ai Im 1,812 employec mi work thrii* thse jobsOntario program by thse (ail of 1995. We're hopeul wccan uc- pans uit taget.- Mr. Kears aid. Not ounhsing tise four ncw cons- parties, 238 people have obuained pennanent woek tlrugh the initia- uve iii Halton toi date, be id. Altlsough Haiou becamse off.cially involved wîih jotisOnoan in mid- 1992, -for Uic lmi six niontlts wevye been trying lo figure oui the mUIeS Of thse gause." Mr. Keui saïdL Momussn alness to be growing. bowever. Halion is puat of a jobi training advisory commînre &isa counpnumng menibers from Sheridan CoUe., dit bonds of edivalson, provincial represenlation and delc- gaies from labour, said Mr. Kea-£e. "Ils tihe Orim unie ail lhesc llrimps have gouma togesier." lie sad. 'Wc realized igii a very gondl bod for oliser hiîngs we're doing. lie coini- minice may make on a bsgger roIe in die future."- JEWELLER - GEMèOLOGIST 876,4367 * mikn man 876-GEMSt NOMI 101 RTABLE $199 e CelluaPhn 0 1 Batt.ry * AC 1v4 Charger EXCLUSIVE TO NOMI LX1 2 TOTE $7995 * Han"s. *D franSceer e DC fmPowrd %Of e Antoenna 342 Bronte Stre«l Unit 1, Milon, Ontario L9T 587 OF0EC vooeU3 (416) 878-1113 alicl AC1 OFULOPOMR MPARTIPAKT -Nea aieitaey.*Cimainefla scw- n hi Moy r i Pab "W» PliM - Bllm im ina a.macUn dioan ud aupk . u a m mi " OAC. - Sun. -,co m"Ir e carylag *Carry Stra UFEUNE ACTIVA71ONS 1100. EXMR Bell1 Mobiity Approved CeIuW~ Agent Si- , " A PAUTO