iDATELINE SDateinea a à raie, masg cf ong oyants Cfl avoable, =0bu ommunity grouipe te auliatin praining their futurs evients. Only -charitable, or non-profit commundty groupe mnal use tise mrne. W. cein Ionly gumarrme on* isaue, of pubiity 1cbuisi bc the date cd thé cIIIVOnO I ida June 25 SEbenezer tjnîld OtiClem on The Lumbeiyard CountrysKitchen 43 Main si. ' .1. 854-0419 z Specializing in houe-coooed meala 1 r a fleco IIOIRS Mon.-FrL 9-5 Sat.-Sun. 8-6 Mary Messervey PItOPRIETOIt OueîphLi Un (nl if Cm -iplell- vIlle) bouda ils aima" Slrawhorry Socia front 5-8 p.m. Tickets avait- able ut die ",or cont $5 for adultes anid $2.50 for chaldrmetier 12 >151 on Suaday Jiane 27 The Canadien Redl Cois Society begins CPR Bale Riacuui Coure. Pre-scgiutun only. For futher desals, call 875-1459. Thie Milon vit! Disisict Horwc"- tairai Society b" ids a nuel Gar- dez Tour. About nine gardiens iil bie Mpen for viewing. Evaryone u selcom. Tickets cons $4 Par Permo or $6 par faneilly. Cail 8782551 or M78 7397. Mer Slrawbetr Quarlul. airai- bery social concert ted afienboon tese.ks plic ai Se. Davdms Piee, bylWM Chmecl in Campbcllvills Procceds go Io Halion Weidoef Scl %o tickets, cai 854-191. Miosday Jean 28 imsc.rm Order a( Nais b"ld à tout cm ire al eta Lorvle Unitedl Clircli. 5800 Gueslph LUae, front 1 ta,4 p.mi l'ec cmais $15. For an appomooasnt. contact the cliaicl Monday and Tusday faen 9 ar. 10 555 a lma...eei alt., ,.0 ami. On pin. mi335-0911. Suçpor vue 9 m eB Aim" for Peuple cusafu qule amagaiel umi à[ Ailtulel ft"e 7 ai 9 pst. For ftudier imbormation. contc laisas Auites, socialW" aret 878-4141. Taaesdoy JUDO 2 Mouite Biago for dus Ulnited Wmy "c Plaie ut Bingo Coey (Hlghway 25 and No. 5 Sidhrcal) a[ 7 >mn Tickets cen bc paircbliei ai theshll befors 4 p.m. Tlsesiy for $25, or ni te deom the mge of de levant for M3. fIl $Io=3 prize boqd fisuires a $3.500 pqo. o -lumamb" Spoonful of charity Mr. Kwok (right) of du Umlum M pet cent of fils "tu éeeh Monday Io the a lâlim Youth Foutridellon much Io des Pb preekbm à«y Anne Now (centre) tend m cf orgwftmn Il umd Krwrti e11îfl91 i H.D. MULLIN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Coeapl. M Ao...a & Tu Soy«. <o Saisi B.u..a-.a.. acai U07 eet.tà 2R Telophri MtnOn L9TR (416) 878-0556, M.A.R.C.H. *.lit Fim*. S.. Gu. prcaignd . M"da P.."g - A. ikaad Ebok -a<n.. a Caa. sa-* F60 5ia. A. Fum .CaiWaIL 14.o-01Î.j 785 Main Street East 870-1138 <Smbco) 878-2700 rieales> DELREX AUUumm LuTED .saia -..a , 4wril a Ldaa Ca,*m Aila. a Ui ai .1 maonsai 877-53 "miens na.avIin@ om<Oakvl"). 827-8119 E fisw lUe 878-32»5 a*@ff9 1 a SIIER-IOND MASOTRV FaiS CAI . STEVE DZATON & CO. RiOOFWG SiduWtia Roodng * ataan (519) 85&-9784 nccKwooo a ý C.N.C. CONSIRUC1OI'l Fodr*nta MASTR L08 LTD. a6 al Z" andC8 AlsuVa A&asilaass&piuenées 111il : w1 oreows saerc «4 * .ill CLAUIENADON (19> 8630275 L 'i7d 'aea 87843 DRYWALL TAPINO Ma pa m owaasu oe ra TEMTRE SPRAY. FRMUNG. C O M T 0 A C T 0 A 8 DàPM a nOaTpa a cmooYfAM METAL- 870rcIc-Ws cm amjwo aEA SU Chîr-W P«W etpe idmi Eau ci TWrv aie. i0 0"n FU NEW CONSTRUCTION . %~a Somn màav oa RIPRRS & RINOVATION à AN Kids of Mmona Weatt FMra Sa ffl dSuSaC& VUL MILY 85e-13160 O Whthu 870-171 1073_______ M.A.B.C.H. HEE L UI PART SALRS WELREUT 'SHOP ANON1 HOMIE SERVlSouog @.a« ~ ELJECTUICAL InVALLMflON11 à B-VICE VIUT1111,1 0h au £.i 078-1138 ______________________ a81-9A0-138 1641111044f 1 CO PTR1 " DKACOMP ANEA .M REPMa urGaium UiOWMiAL lusei 55um- DEGiM PATiOS C PECIl 1416) 11154- 1219 tee -11j LPIlOU MOCURE <418) 878«M0 a lo & Etlor ePaba £ POlahw Repaira of @Mey neat. an raqahsu alPied et 878-1111551 mO UANROOOM FNENOVATNS le lbnpaoin Bd. U* .1-2. wlo, ont. 978-1'2M Ilvloe ' WliJO ýV CLEANUh WDIDOW * md.LRAVE noauaeea C, -luuit FMg Eatenga - Fuly -naura Sahiaci Guamuie 5315 L~ret l)roaou Do L U315 M Rain held off cro wds atfaîrgroiý$ events Rainy wSàw pu ath.pv onth tenstait fSr a muac pull aMd deMai tiers dmer a dmc fa irped on die wcekSnd, My orpnzes *'Tbe wsaer didhat on-opeus.e m yo all bowa d a-lr S»meÊ peodetL Of iS 81a1111011 ASnclMik Society whicàh omed dis evecs. 'ùl rw i opeaway." Aboui dOOprap. hWl de MM« especwcd cam oui Friday aiges m ne a mmc o< buck pullis. Ail oei-cf- hame dmc prizes Snehdy ugias demaliajon deby a hégà mifflowd. Abou 8M0 qbccMM witsassed five hls Thas wannors and diev casegores mr as liclois Tuc Peo: Steve WbAlslaw of Pahueman <stock mKok) Lyndeai Gilesco of Fer"s (6.000 lb souci l15ga11); Waeyne Cifford of Poes- bcrceagl (6.500 lb sûreet legal); ams QarY McSweenle of Neiscasde (hîgliway trae). Demolitl derby: (F«a lies il. Taylor of Dnsmbo; (Second be«) Aflu Rt*b of Paue MMUs bS») Tuzy Martin of51 sixon (Conseileejion leie) Bill Hunis of Gearn-; (Tss lieu) lbusy M-utnd (Boit dccorned car) caris Boatig of Million. Mr Spek aildeil that die enresu took plaie ith dm supportof sevemi directors of dis soliiy Mml la mut ý àt a' 1i ilsfulce 1 LLECTHICAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE 1