'I ~' e Hats off Amy ~- B, gais tii. ai eoenp.thioa hi tIs. mach Il lb. Mardi, Sciai Sofimo ~e*ijyihi9 sait on atorda% +O'UR RýEADERS WRIE Banke of fer flot appreclated DM =:t~1 me -udm1wtm .vc-IeImsà of my bu&* of- fcrfn to pmy dm buhypni> i k4Oc e mcihaiml deMuilb- infoemi me dma à spcic lnanae oepmn = : gscdt m % Iol 1 eligible checiqu tw cuatom (mmd their qiomsjduc CdOM tpomup Ui00îw fmd promenc... 104dp-.i fo $00Mofcoeage il $11.67 per -Midi. widi kmu anii -mfi m sidi fBeceL blI ,gr die4eore. dia my bar* ia offcui to dmmm*.Idi apC1DIO fe my patronag by paying a prcsmwn of 11 £Y cem ermoth or uouw of dbe cen of die uanp beded to deiv.oe Imm ccc fnIY. 81w.n am t biaiuae ik bM Mû lut thé "le=pa oevo id undersaid wby 1 do mot féel dmt 1 am àb&nimmdmcly a much a the bmtk wculd hm me blive. 1 hope dm ccipicsu of Mniay bm on ffén wu? in @uC" do dhir acdimneti op be Playful suppoil for creative equlpment *Demr Editor. Remcdy the Moy Rourfen12Ibachff Asscimc purchmed and in, agaIhc acrfdOutmy nr for Our achccl ynt Ise stents, paeos ad maff of Mcy Rcasm ScIscal woN Me gok dm*bti Uic fofowlns IIdorJ1USM .ai cmudoes wba Sm* C«"Nurld k> tâ capelocf Mbi pmejoc Mure SIsceke afiLamdcp Ohio. fli lCnighth of Calumbus. Vo.Tolwn of W Mj i Haltcn Rcma, Cadiclie Scbcol BoiN. Gifla': ftum, Smabwmy. Bon md Sandy Cbucbmmh cf Papa Nick's. iRa. 5.ijuy auddse 25 bndwwhlns parents who cans &à go hel co niw mid iphiui dm playgrcdi mm»ctw. Mmb childe' of 6V~ whoiol mmd the saounding qxmnsuiîiy mre dufld k> bc oyin Ibm mica playgrcand sus. lha1i you so much k> aul dica wbo hetped make this drenm a realisy. sua, whadioe The New BnkrWpçy and lnsolsreny Act olfers a Fresh Start. Those consideriqà personal bankruptc? or a Proposai usually have many qmetions, How would it affect My vehicle, wra"e, employer, monpgge, preent and future credit? ï»P pays4ws cot? Itow lorg ai it lasti A na-cot r»oiainc«ef consultatio amwers yqsaeàq tions and provide onfonnatio ort hoa the "e Acg apies to, your situation.. PADDONCali M4elva aI: .AmOmm1Uu ne Ir 1416) 875-8ll sue 1, 225 main st. E. 2w il w~II H '7. a I SALE s- W' 7-