Towi to deadCP Rail reopen pedestrianwlk y Counillo&woed aoutsafety 15ecause Court Street ink sý11 used ftudc meda ,ça pue ama maidmts ne si uua M n . m % thi, - ;."ay at- the lssas t, powdq cla iallway Th# CIuaffl AIth dans CR id l coulai tut oroaans. tuba .ploofu Ikt . asectors beur ahf the mm bra u fladoevidancof my apenunt 'Pente s'*alo f tqdhnwlth 1*fdthy (O'Rail) m beei ihen 'q ail the yus sinoe wbistica Cuaadiu Pacifie RdUwey buabasht. with Millo.ugading. lhsaea* seail childeain l cuhlapa Md sotospine &ff toe in ucm wie insutsd. off a pedeuisi w.lkwy hoingia laa fil M. e young bicydistu Who rogoila - aM i thaigu n lu te Mr. Mdtwisa tWo pauI of CouM Stemt dephe un Law op. railway officiais did find uoumfthe dut pli. ad thtntua worl lil it actsop dut ir Mikon wa=st a ta t odi connry 'Ath tht o8p datl fro 1961. But in a let- over tae rafa M. Mdon sud. thm" -M.Kmons 0 S -opta the trustas Torc Milton, ad soma codlai r te zid Monday. CP Rail hall recenly t*am wu a croauath id. -"AIL thsyltt by liténuha it op ta lors ion,* ikeSlbail. » qaokeapesla Barry finger md the rait of ucoden tis barentuq das is ains it a cameualy * stipuleatd Monday taigiat council' gencral casn a i.bazardons aàyway. in tht rails, but CP Rail mosoved Il. tdé Utie mmu difficui to safey atandqrds trows comrntice valait toisan dam CF oys f both the ralasad aid counio notait, nuacevr, nethias lig puis mnd bells Ejl ebuildica msns couosq E.sspo dl, sa à. ufiR stay "Who[ upset m imms il thal dm clac." w ould have t0 a iin. anil rtove the ple of dirt thetai- closd un as y imgrpvae due have been t*eai out." Mr. la bit kmFr Mr. ataled. naida the aem 5 roaidamped me dit nothl eaiemiet to' su u d ie. Melanson #adL 'naa's msaly ler- Singer poiait out Ibis es fora roni coommg. prersot peopls usains Il. Word 2 couincillor Ait :Aelanson. rible." Pédàtrians "bae* to atruggle railway letlsne cost would ha ha- Cl' Rail loch the action in May uho initlally-nuk the isse paabtte. noe~ to ato. but "thty'xesill uert e csdos tuasn $60.000 and afti a truck inspection ini conjunc- 'sait! CF Rail mnay have caugsd jeuting il.= ta o stopptd thet at thé situto aaa $70.000. Mr. mat- tin wi frlderai authotitis from safcty prébients tbm it bas curedisl- aIL, Milton ba aba c thtw ttnaed. now Wsy (CF Rail) bave crsaied a ushan axea. thas AU ditOs' srinai the ti "a lot Tee goes back -to senool very diffacuit situation." Mr. Melun- renoving the Moumy -metbod of of mnoney to fix sointhing dhi a u as e d. 1 uag P, tdisms of a "ran'a ap- nt. tirain ian the fait place." ,qft r c mp r m is re ch' d "ayo God Kait ted "*'f @mch.Spanding duat macdi "in nsy ther oprms reache dof my k»wWp" thera bju Towni public woks director John opiniona is ao hp kmon PmiOeUM on paop l circusstnmts" . aid Jc the neyer betn anjnaaident at the ru Matthtua said duit sa fWnas heakaisu thre." Mr. Krmntz atffd. doing lier independent nudy peoptain 'chld's birtis nsottr. "Sha's sti able isg involvlng a ptdlesiitr the wub oniha m Bau t in place 'nie -Town bas hatai leasng lie Iront die achool site. 'im tisus to contiP an d hae sa-past of the lent on settaisg to the otller sidt. silice the 1970&s Ward 2 councillor cresiaig front CF Rail for $11 a slatil sWI ha abile scidize with studtit body." 'nacre bave hen inçidents li the John Challinor indicatod the key to year. deassinâtes, allhouga she', do laça Joan too,& sudih could noie 'st woek anaý septumI roosal both s idas of the aaory" lin tbjt Ms Mary àe 'vety bappay" with the Scntt **hâs.a uhole satol 10IIIink raent tumn of evsaits. fésser tmber, of." but ta11 doesn't (tel saian Claire said lusi Friday. Botb Claire happnl y was tight. and (osier father Steve are also "Wh&* 'W'as My dauglater or plessed. theasddtd. saite bail prt- aiy'girl of sny elle, toSBean ouicasè viously expeessed publec anger ovtr hacause of thaï .. tltigs like thatGG e the w#y dm fhtMsSceott hadltd doaîbhapptn any"na.If a (pog- appeaieti forgiveai. .Wobleis ant isl uncomsfortable i lIàAd C iî-s ~ i~ 1~ lthe paie "the two of us were Being tin school. tbat's a legitimal -ClsSU ditictive VOie fauuIco" 1(1 1 8! btMping hiadi," Claire aeknow- decisioa to atie. But (Mary). ledged. But of Ms Scott, she added. setnied qutlt comfortablt,' Joan a 'l" thik aIhe wss doig wbat she saoled.- thouglat hast." Thie compromise was Joan pratsedl thse wily Chuate and Ms Scott's iea. sdm addtd. "'nsank- Steve h aaadled tht situation. lIn tcAns fully she bas thought of somtethisg of the support thty offered Mary tbatnisade bathsidéSs hppy." dui~ the notroveiy. "you couldti "Ils s sood cotproaause undtr th ot for anytini ate. jjSHARON PRESSE - . N?LB. N BlÉarrister & Solicitor .NEWELL bu1IC3ux REAL EST P ý05 Main Street MiIton,<Cýtaxi9, bor aieto"Scf nUlchne-vwueble mlx and match WOOLCO (p) 87,65 o-ordinates. Avalable ln 100% catton or 50%-50% polyester- 876p656Caotaon biend.Sizes 8 ta 18 (your chalce af many fashl.<i colours> Cimsla'tln Dopartmient: FMULY LAW- NNiÀ KORETFma -SA LE 400/oOFF- e4-4t (4k4MANY MOR IN STORE SPECIALS SHO EALYFOR BE STr ECTIOIP. ALLISALES FINAL* * Mihon Mail '* * 878-1414 A" n a .suOI r iats" Guoea à5t K"uaa o ýNèfEM