- -~-. .-................... ..... ...... ........ ...... A Donaldson Bourgon Financial Services presents t 'I 'Fred & Wilma - abridged Once upon a tim, ure ma a young, happdy fnat" couple named flhm and 3rcd wvho Iked to ihhdc dwa thei ~tog1hr wvoul4 continue 'happi4g ever after'. 3red kept' saging, "<Don't w".r~ about a thing, der"I. 3ortunaiLyp <Wbh knev diat 3red put. - too much faith in his bowling bdi ami his Poker tàble. One daq 3red -wn afoul of a. diosuram f11inol cma. aWlma dith"h grieviidj, Wa pmae of mind knoing that she Wa aýn mring puwe ofatiT' wldich gave lier access to 3reJs car ownership, bank accounts ami im'estments, ai of which she Wa Wa the fores#ft to reeord ami file. if this Wa been Mjou, would Mou hav been protectkd? At Donaldson Bourgon, we know that the loss of a Ioved on. to Illines or death la a terrible tragedy, but one made even more traglc If the survIvIng spouse la loft without the abiiity to acces. and control the famIIy' finances, while wis ore probated. WIth our dxperlence-to guide you In your financil plans, you won't have to gamble on 1happly ever after»... MAKE YOUR GOAL FINANCIAL SECURITY FOR LIFEI j -~ ,.LIFETIME FINANCIL SECURITY Wlth DBFS NELMINA DSO# COLLECIONS. COMMODITIES MIhAE.UOJtowd CLU. CI.F.C. CIAWT INSURANCE, CASH SAVINGS, HOME. WILL, DEBT REDUCrION FINANCIAL PLANNING with DONALDSON BQURGON FINANCIAL SERVICES Donaldson Bourgon Financial Services 101 -310 Main St. E., Trafalgar Square, Milton 'We believe thatflnancial plavlning means taking everything into consideration that your future might hold-good or bad. FLnd afinancial advisor you trust to, become your partner in yourfinancial future. Call us for an objective consultation." Helena & Michael. 875-1475 "iMîlton Values with- a Global Persp ective"