Poohne1 dive to bottom of standings with three losses 15 tuait auce wek !a rakeU dÎp t.------- - actilar cuc over the fience. 1ea gud iua ll togo aluni tin the of the fite but the Lqsunas sud uobody would recoust hat Bousfieldsa ouly ulthtr cousat was fifthimitaon. But the Keycuun counte-sckdwt ie.o hi any bester droit Halton Pool aud Spa. SLO numcd put, the firu tarte tbis year catite bock witis four in the sreth sud owu aud I*ld ou r toiwl 19-16. Sieve They went alitde fardier. how t Motitr NaDtu acruusuto cau- four lu the sevmuth go cointe away Power of the Legouwwu 5-or 5 ou sud took a dive. right tu rte bottoin PeUCH cal a ball Sauu. The rain hall osé- wlth a 16-7 victory. LorryCliý (Mr. rtet ulajit sud wua htlipei Zu b oftesansdings. Witb tbrue tosts uldtd by dinutr hit but the f08 wui Stoat Boud), sud lm Grntejoyal Make Graffiluti bit the osam's m deirrecord dippedtroi 1 -8. tacn tbick to play ritetitie Omsgb or perfect night ai rte plate geing 3- boane sti of dtet yeti. tIn thtir firis collant they went op Mffgu went 4-for-5 ou the niglit Broute Mesdows. Bouslleld. Bruce for-3 sud 4-for-4 suapectively. l'li fit couttut of the wtek was against Milton Cotasse nid Sound. with Bob Harvey sud Gary Thmas Hood Travel, Fa Freddy' and Mil- Randy Howie. Date Docalre sué.i plsyed or Drumqlu wit Milton The Scintudera sfrlvered the kuock- chipping iu with gu *hreits apieoe. sout Colour snd' Sounid wer ail Ted Oilteushsa also addtd tdmt Colour sud Sound gotus osp algaisis oui punch in t sixth iuuiug whtu Haltoti Pool's Briau Milla was the awsrded tit. bits. Bruce Hond Trsvel. tisey scored seven tintes ou their way luin&u star for thinir tesan pouutliug Tht Sultans of Sa (formmly Key Inn Grstut wses alto the drivsng The Scaunt took a9-0 [raad ut te tu a 13-5 victory.'Big Phi] Mc- out Ovehkits in fvetrips tthetpiste. Centres)at &luelopthe Diiion force when Key Centres rolled over thetfifth agaiust the'.ty=mmsaln Gowon with livesinglestand Ciuck Nest.the Pohn>wei up Maiut two standng. Thatusrndy thnks St. Clsir Paiut surdPpper 18-12. He cruised tua su 11-2 victosy. ion a Rysu with lour ba! perfect uightsasM Bouofield Auto in s battit of the twa ta, thtlr puiser. They bâti bit si Ismm hâd Byve bits iu Aive Mr bats, imclud- Vandertaister led Milton Colour sud- the plate for the Moriers. Chis divisio douettiat. oue hoant ma n uetery Samt prior tai ing two doubles. Rsndy Howte hall Souud with titrue lits. Heath beltilsg s hoste ru for têt Tht Autowatktrs Busly mnèges!dithti meeting aBsh Cuadiu Pacific four bitsansd Bsrry Fletcher hat a Hollywood's Spotllght Anyoue losers. Io put tagethe gond pitching. gond Foret Prodias. honte un suiong his four Waelles. inttnestel in purchaslng a league The Poolmes weie riglst bsck at it defeiict sund offensive power for lbey didu't get suy round-bippeeu Whtu Canadisu Pscific Porest jacket simld contact Rsudy Howse the urît naght gaist Ptitusx Real- tbeir fititat hbii of the lieson. They inus otatem but thty stili brouglit Products met Milton Legsts at the as the Kty Centres hy June 19. ty. Thty atut ated 3-2 in t first bwKup s 6-O score in the top of the eut the beavy lusuaber ucornus six "Bog in Osuagh" the two mesm en- Randy would le tai place tdm order ansattg thmsuk te su inslde the park taxtis but alanoat let al slip say nuisnthetfinit nng. joyed s witd eighth imotu. Tht for those who have slreaty beeu in home mun by Cralg Sharp but vahen Haîtont Pool rallied for fivt Tht t'oresteri chopped sway ai tire Fortuters sco<ed six us lu their haif tuote hit. Rt1na teck possession of rit lend us. ln tet second tissuku ta six ssesgit Bousfleld Auto dgli<ned the hits. the cq)We a hontmon uy htal tcrews sud htld the Poenitu tajaut bouette Gary Thomnas. ont e m u ahile scormng six mor After stven inulugs Rt/suax led of thtir eau. Mark Geltnu of tdm 13-6. but Haltai Poo sud Spa Autawosters as 4-foe-4 while Carl fBgured since -thty atre thtre (Where Have t Srti tIsai Namie G~ auyway thty rtaght as weII maire s Befote) Taylor was 3-for-4. gante of il Thty scored five us tu Fer the butino, Pierre DeBte as s tie eighticis close rte uwglnu e m perfect 3-for-3 sud Chris leti hadt __CÀAC sud added two iu the nintls. But tree singles iu four tripa. Beath as Rt/max also scored eue mmr tc, aise robbtd of a homotm nihn mtske tis fintal 14-13. Resitor Mike Bamy Holerson malt a spec- _________ __________ _________ Chu rch-run hockey school felatures Maple Leafs fi won't btc long now before ciass- mots empsy for dte summser, providssg the oieiulty for Sttk dents to go ig hit ac ta school. Hockey school, tis is. Sonne will go sway tai camp~, othors asill attend durng tht day, aud sote wilt taike advantage of mortier alter- native. T'Me Milton Alliance Chusrcl s l sponsonsg a ot-day hockey school os' Saturday. Aug. 28 for boys and girls httween tht ages of 9-13. One day dotoo't sectin lîke much, bai the îtiuerary. tise cost. sud the lis( oC instructors mîght miake you tlsiuk otherwîse. A sumber of preset> sud ex-Mapte Leafs wîtt bie os haont, inctuding Mark Osborne, lion Elits, Tom Fer- gus snd John Anaderson: They watt bue joineti by mînor Itague players,, coaches and goaltenders. Tht organizers of the hockey scisoot suggest tisaï, "...our grâl s to provîde a ont day hocy ex- perience tisas wîll develop à1den- courage each participant nsentafly, physically snd spiittially- Thse day iucludes four bours of ou- sce instruction, lunch, off-ice is- struettau, prsats, sutogmnpis. sud swo tickets te s banquet (tast beef dînsser) is tise evenîng. Whetîhr or flot the agtpiritual' pari of tise scteal's ambiation naotos lest; hooking, tnipping sud slashuttg ntx year remains to bu tien, but tisty do have a guest speaker ai tise banquet who's su expert on rte subject. Chsack Ealey, formser quassntack for the Toronto Argonusand Grey Csp champion Hailiton Tiger Cars ahil islk about his professiostal ta- pe irce and tise trolle Ged pîsyed is t li, has have higanil itnl the past vay ti bue is a great steryteller ani giftid speaker. Mark Koqcisapaw, associait mnni- ser ai Milton Alliance Cisurctt. points out tisai the scisool is non- desoiminational snd ltas the religieus affiliations of the intuu- tors sud participants aien't tise moiiva8iug factor. We're flot oui cher ico promnote our church. li's it promate hockey aud skill training witis the spiritua dimestion idn.,, lie cast for tise eue day event îs $45. Proceeds will be dleected toi Deborahus Homte sud ste Big Sisters Association of North Haillon. The school a accept 75 players. but already has 21, se Kotchapaw uuggests thse tnterestedl should con- tac the Milton Alltance Clsurch s taon as possibte at 878-5664 tu ait- taits a registraîio fori. Moarch Baah Summer League - 2 Gaines a Wek Mossday & Wednesday durang July and Augual AU graints sdieuled betute 6:»0pm - 9:30 pan ai E.C. Drisry 111gb Sel lu MRl"e *Teasua sud eagues for your subI level Signs-up uow for JuIy 1811 start-tsp Feeio Pe- $60.00 for z4 cht lu famîly - $"500 fWe tch sddltlotssl cIslI Phase enclose s cheque with eueS rnwattinaL Makle cheques payable gu Monarv Isukethall. *Boys & Girls *Grades6 te12 *Everyone Pisys Foefsmlhwlasuala. Msd regrm" «Mu Ca Ptsad Narfisa Gl. ai 854-2714 Z ] *rl ,,J« 14 au fl r 1. .y- I 1P25/7581 5SL2NW 7.? *P215/75R 15 L2 M Otto5 P235/75RI5 5L2XNW S.93 juirl' 1i&19viosîn.dahMi rw ttîni tind *M P.- Psu. ffn N. S aM tilur i M pdcih 5ai din 2Z= Le i, pah PAY NO GoSet JUNE 17, 18, 19