jinto parts of a vanishing world Witat do thse prongisorn. bongo, gerenuk, drill. addax, ntanatre, and mouflon have in Ucommon?' They are ail endangered aninais and will eventually become extinct if titir situation is ntS mprovcd. Dave Taylor's Endangered Animal Séries from Crabtree Publishing lookcs ai animis living in eigit amras: islands. wetlands, occans. dherta, forests. savannaits, mouni- tains, and grasiands. in Endangered Forest Animais, for ex- ample, lte drill of central Africa. a close relative of thse mrandrill. is suffening becatise its foret homte is being deslroyed. In thse Caribisean Sea. tise pollution of coastal waters is gravely affecting thse mnanace, a slow-ioving animl Sisal is oftcn cut up by te propellers of inotorisoats (Endangered Ocean Animas>. ibe moutflon, tise only wild siserp in Europe, is now protected by law. bat at one tie was hunted afimosq to tise point of ex- tinction (Endangered Island Aniimais), In Northt Anierica during thte 1800s 50 million protsghorns grazed in tise grassiands. but thse wetîiers began farming thse land and killing lte animais f9r food and their skins. 1>sy t ob ame now protectrd by conservation iaws, aithugh t heir habitats continue to disappear wîtis land drvelopmrent (Endangered Grass- land Animas>. Humans play a major raie in this ongoing destruction of animal! species. Hopefuily, wr cati improve their chances of survival through our growing awareness of lite im- portance of conservration lisese 32-page books ($9.95 papetback. $20,95 hardcover) ar enhancrd isy tise hundreds of beautiful colour photograps laken by tise author.' wito is a well-known wildlife photographer. On lise santé thente is tise Wildside Series avaii.sble titougis McCleliand & Stewart. lisese bsooks, suitable for 8-12 year olds, consider bath animais and plants andi sug- gest wsys we can contribte towards their conservation. In Wildside on RainforesgsB author Paul Appleby encourages uS ta, rat les chocolats, because in éet Brazil, 96.5 per cent of tise rainforrst itas bren destroyeli in order Io provide land for grow- ing sugar and cocoa ta tiret our demand for ihese producoe. - "Adopt a log," says Tess Lemmon in Mt4dside on WoodJands. We ýhumans liké to make our surrouridings "neat and tidy - con- tinues Lemmon. In te détriment ot'1plants and animais tisai ray déend on a falien log for food and a honte. Fungus, mass, snakes, ,alamanders, miice and thousatids of insects like notng hetter, says Lemmon, titan a ntouldy log. In this series, you will aiso inli Wildside on Ocean.i by Nick Dayies and Susan Mcsflian's idside on Rivers. ILakes and Welrandç. Futi-colour pitlgraphs and il- lustrations abound in tisese booka. Each 64- page. hardcover volume coats $14.99. And linally, for tise younger cmowd (4-7 year olds). are two 22-page piclure books in Scitolastcca Vanisising Animal Séries ($4.95 papriack eacit). Olena Kassian's text and Lydia Bailey's waiercolour illustrations introduce citdren 10 lise déert puplisit. now stranded in simili pools in thte mtddle of tise déerit <4znis/tîng Animais ofthte t*zter) and tise nocturnai aye- aye tisaI uses ils antazingiy long idhle linger to dig oui délectable, juicy insecta from tree isoles (Vanishing Animais of te Jungle and Forest). "Each one is very spécial." says Blley, "and deserves a chance ta live." On a roll~~ àuw hi h ff t Ç. KMU son mei 1vs o YOUR ONTARIO FORD AND vm.LOM TO BREATHE: FOR *N ~ VLAER VILL* LOADED WIT: * Air Conditioning * 4 $peed Overdrive Automatlc *3.0 Litre V6 Engine *4 Wheei Anti-l.ock Braites - LHr " AM/FM Stereo/Cassette " "owr Windows " Power LockflMirrors .. Tilt Wheel " Speed Contrai * 7-Passenger Seating HOME 0F YOUR ONTARIO_