Gardening - __MILTON__ can be source ( '« %15m4 P of satisfaction AMEROANPULPhO f -fotGTIGopo 2 A Phul.Due sinter, slsuld be given adeoiua mcmr to grow. signature, If 0u'S planingli o aete brusid OCw TIse #W Candia Chmpoen~rlt [t flowerbeds dits ycar. iî's aho iqsportn to h aa nCapo h y take your fanmty activîbes tin coidnr- eit1n1 MnSt. E.T grN9c FrexanWile. fragile flowers sbould not [te 878-2341 sei and n placed nighq next tc, Fido's dog mun or your chljdren's osîldoor play eqwipnant, becasise giiere's a Roud chance they'li gel trampled. Aiseoconsider acceas and te aize end shape of your garden. along wîth any an- usual charactersstics tdma ycawa 0bg- light (like a rockery) or camouflarge hk neigihour's unsigbîly garage, or a derelict potting shed). Keep in mind tisaI uhere ame nany relative- ly easy and effective mnethods ot saseewng your vice and changing the focal point oif your yard. For specufic tips on how tc0 create a hayon of privacy and peace, consult a landscape or gardening expert.~UR~Twec AP.* 111, REA.L~0 h~ Sketches & Colour ë '.o.êLý If you're artistically inclined - and even 6.. 100ffmIMM %-.a * ..w .1"553700 C.0 a50* if you're noi - y ou ntay want Io do a few C.. thuntbnail sketches of your plans fo see how tliey stack up oni papier. If you're auning Io achieve a spectal effect witli colour. iî's a particularly good ides to sit doien with sonrÎ- cotounng pendIls finit to sec whaith~e OuI- conte will be; t"t way youtl avoid any un- pleasani surpriscs baifway theougs 't e MUCIJMI iES HM seaso Mwi.. 0~do'id- ORIWW-EST ce ACTON nuuntaInw.. ,. enou F*0 * "-O0 4-""-,w U»*o.o h-..0 And, if you're atmng i0 ..nancoor o* Donl m". * on. ou... et ~ ww 0y- Ik frot sprsng riglit llsraugh Io autunmn, con- S 2#.50 Cou.11.,. M.I.I m y- 1-»J .0 - L." - m sider planting a tsuntber of peresinialis whmch b ww M. 025 n M*.U4A Cd Lu »~00 Mm* au bloon in the fait, like chrysanthenunts. 1 - Brenking Grouad Once you've fonnulaicd your plan, il's tie to start preparing lte soif for pîaning. Walk around your [wopcrty and check lthe condition of your gardies or flowert.eds. Dantagcd pieces wîil have to [te rentoved, FRM DEOA MM.~0 .0*- 0 001. along wmth any.wlnter debris. -'. o.o no s..0.of 10 Tuen the sotf over so that it's aeraird. CdSs..M. 00 0 00* e Large cluntps of caris ssould [bc broken up and s.oîhed ou(. You'il probabty ais, need to add sonr soil amrendmcents. Once your sot] is adequately prepaecd. and chimite conditions arr favorable, il s tine 10 plant. Don't forget that once your plants iake hold, it's intportant t0 keep tisent up. PICTIJAI Sosi Ongoing ntamntenance is essential. %tC y-w .m. 'OI.n 0U I Thi.% article us pros4du'd by local Realiors 'u Zd ffi.'gm. 50.050. 0. Th.Ufl 00.0*0505. and the Ontario Real Estie Association ' T* çb*&. h'- &,0. *0gq t os . <OREA) for the benefit of consumeru uin te HW émec.w mi0*bVm Wâ .d . real rotare moarket The <anadian Lier Founidalion b.ced% .,uur help. CEICONR U M s mo O YI Pieae he generouu. ým-q- pp.oy "0.0 .uo. S. 11000.5001 82UAT ACREY F0 ST *~~~~~~~~~~~~ MAPL TRECmpb@Neko0SoA 1501 11WVIA dlg-M HOME. TH PAINE TIES F000 %DATIO gob*.. srf eoff ISSWU end MUO1 0 13cat ig Simie Torntiofnt 41 X2ar ..o d50iono i.fb troedti Piu SIM palti andE trait Vantiw acoW lieten Pnuce ,25,0 Tonna uli. il Pu i.dt OWae 5mlsNorho 0 er wliqdsaý oBofl.Pbi 1419-82n.Ths2-3406 roln. cow o 1 Pý"MWJ.wk Adwfllahîg: Nel Olivet, (Manager) Wbs Salue Rap: Andrei Boyl Whîo Dome IL Sheena Cameron - Ing la accepied on te condition that, in the avant of a #cal erro, ltat portion of lte advertisln saoe ocupéed oneous item, tOIelther w1Ul a reaaonable allowance for MRU fot b. citarged for, but the balance of die advertlae- te paid for et lte appicablle rats. The publlsiter reseves Scalugorize and rejeot advetlang.ln te avant of typo- error, advertlalng gooda or services at ltse wrong price. ervicea may not b. sol. Advetaing le merely an offer t0 fty be withdrawn et any Uie. LT ** ID c rde- elEtaeIc IAW CAIEOALCEIUNWSIT W0rb tý,4TIf USTO ACON O . - ".. . o :l Si C d io n,. -0 0 M0 9 . 0 H E Us o si Ad- ..6do HsrAa 40 SMO ~ ~ ~ ~ *wm i00Ift~O10 SOO..o 0 o..oWwi .o, Ace0 - 0." Il-..u 9,o«. SO. b.a, -Od00