*OUR RÉADERS WRITE Elois.t VA" aÈ alp va>Iwi Shesp .i mogn lW"M m JSharentlbe ent >eob @M . bI *"st lb huat gets suport cf lb commly lna di ts; obwsv- mues fS do*rpas Deiade Ed$W h mo o admist meule. yimb a msecion. eri I Sam Shte Sc ld isi fisu ut i smmd bàddlng inadsles Milani ; Tit1osiýS Art in the Pub. Aixhl 29t Io dOmu Qiln Clible; Ddlamu% Ip IAT. J EE P . a. Hoodas cd Body &EA Faim GeSyst Golf = md aoeè Fee oweuHlena (inicu Qpb; lb. Dicken muuu i Sop; Rmhnsulhoku; CotS fgm lum; Mohawk Daoevay; Feelings; Presto Pool frodm; Duiy Aovaâb; Vishofilka; Doegm'ns Pain & Wdlpqsur Co- Ccuury Gafla>; A»', Kooki Glus; Op. Zellia,; Ccpelasid LimWm; Hmue lymuh aasrp ; Pet Vain; Canadian Tire; LUaisvihs; Uique, WuTsn's lIais Inms; Rippers; WJI Deco. , Hanam i F5 ..Causr Banvi Fan; Stiperr Gas. SaOn on chause. Artln miS Pu* Coiueu Sm~ Umntit0,f L. L~I WE'RE~l 10IG OWU OUOE a W I' f 1 " At P eO L L Y EIrP P I D JEEP GaDCHRKLAEO4X4 ONLY * Four-wheelAÀnti-lock Brakes * 4.0 L High Output 190 hp Engine " 4-Speed Automatic fransiiUission " Air Conditioning " Power Windows & Locks *Drivers Side Air Bag ' * 11 Wheel & Speed Control *AM/FM Stereo Cassette si Remote Keyless Entry e Commiand-T1ac 4-Wheel Drive From Your Looel Jep&rae Dealer This cite n anfutn Apifâ I, lis. U<aI itu* by -*Wc~u&as WLOb~ I s e m i tt wmatedas woBr« ir agitu In dite kwetilai 0* Price ucbluim.usi iU e u r~~ni suhg7 ostga o . asted ffais for Iïandll staff £hoEibr 1lvaaici «xpui mh"lis and oofer hla comansdabSion thel maule and mmpicyes et lb ii. am o Enin Luifl Site. ReeWyi> bope of dekis Ui off th bu* of a truc iduuu nuleii I te laidli dul vhldh il in dose prozlndt Ions> bhum, ne bop bariL, ireving pape ad cuisr vals «iesa ji v l e of lbe bhvay, sied mme specifically My> propety V" lchI o. lbe sais ai" o<Hlghv. 25. I vont I. o faciiy. -w s t be mmage sied wu tremmed moi cour- tectsi> Wbg vu moi lnrsive ije iawithin 10 munIes, lbe maimpe bad! a coev a db. property. Tliey cleaned up lbe debeis and lefi lbe aua gbagc-free. aid in fact clert dia itefere lbe incident oc- cII5TCd. 1 ailo apprenite planning anid effort tuai lbe Hlallon Regiças L&aiil people vent te in providing a lndrAu tite vhich il odour-fe aid ves> respective toe us neigs- bours. The promtes, in Norths Toronto vite am flgising agaînht lassdfll sites in lbir arm "hsidi cor te thue fâciluty, talk te dm people and look around. lbey wjll b. duly i,- pressed vîth lb advancements in plansning andi Iaadfîling tbat lave been nsade in lbe last few years. Agan. 1extend my tanks sethte nmager and eniploees efttlb Hal- ton Regien Lantflil Site for a jobi well dons. * Allens Hall Hlghay 25, Milton Good deeds, good nelghboUrs Drev Edilce: On behaif ef lbe Milton Goed Ncîghisours Commîte5, 1 woulti like se tank yen for snppesting Milton's (lmi Goti Neighbours Day. The efferts of nearly 200 velus- tomr (am tihe coepoeasien of tise vestie) cornbined to rale lbe May 1 event s spectacului success. Volun- teom vaedt as mer titan 35 sites in tise co.sununity, cleanung msal ef tovn peopersy. nd assssrng terne, of lbe ftalls ninrs of ose coin- munuty vins sudt jobs as rsksng leaves. tsîening over gardient. paint- ing. takimsg devis item vtssles. andi gesieral cleanng. Youe donation helpeti get tlsese jobs dome. and helped support tise 143 velwsteers vite spent tlseir Saitirday clesnsng. raking. anti paint- ing. Eacis volant=e receiveti a ui of lbe local itusinesses and orgasza- tions tis suppotstd Comnassty Day, nid we boe sissy viii support' yosi as yosi have us. We bave aem Sanarday Apil 30 as Milton Gond Nsigbboma Con- mans>y Day in 1994 (Sanda>., May 1 is lbe rien dis). We itope vse cent coulis on youu support again mt One again. ltan" yoa fer being a Gcnd Nelghbour Mm Goigbm