*OUR READERS WRmTE A stand for lit. ln, a thro w-a way soclety Idon't 4hipk Uie crosses (Baby t>oe Cerciiesy) on HoIy Rosaiy Churcit property represel hall tasse. On lte contraty they malle us thinlc how f'at we have gomme in Our Society 10 dsvaiue life. These crosses value life and make revenence toits logis Ibese crosses are on objective stand fer life. Il os us how iwaiforget out roîçad ndVwe hve it oui tlwov' aws, attcterned Society. As uc ý ujctive motrality of somcoWf çhoîce. vie ail have Oui conscience and u ows actions te accouru for. nobody not eveit çhnrc cas judge liai. We should sot vo angrtly denuince another's Pies for rcsponstbility itoughi and kilowledgc in out socàety tai hitnks so btide and acis hasttly te bandage s wound thas nereds nmore care and concemn Ro..mdry Galbraith Town ine Aoad, MiIton Chg"d as yof mg .4, 5 Mid 6 yemrs old ahouid flom be maie tavaile of the detals of mimai an aborion ta, and they sbould flot be told theougit Uic use of gric pictrs and dis- calptions. The Holy Rosary Knlgta of Columbus ame not a radical Pro-UÀfe group. By wockng with the Cathoic Oiuech on his display. tiey havai shwsv Our cosnmunity jus( bow haesh lhcy cao ha in an aticqil te slcead awamncss. Thcy arc ilustng thssu die dis- play of 50 crosses aMy up outli Fathe's Day: aven thoug titey are f xposlog out chikhmc le this withoui Our appeoval. Thcy are inoistitg on Puling out chtldren hite an allai contioveusy Il las been maie veey clea te us Othe UiKlnights along wîi thc Clturch have madle oane vey larg oveesighl, tat beatg lthe yosng childen vito ame exposed te ii issuet à atime in dce lives whcn tbey do Mn posses the cognitive abibiy te procest mach lnformiltion or conmselicid i. COMmuoicaaaon is a k..v issue It's a womans liere, and Udc comtnication shosuidi decisionbe directed au aduits. If dte chuich. déisonaiong wîU it id ghis of Colunihs. D.Ef de nos find a morie appeopimme way Anyone who cnoo» a wslk, sitould Of diaPlaYtngs their mcssage, Uicn steoil deown Martit Steet 10slte Uiy the ishow1ing thc consmnityjusi dispIay os lte iawn mi HoIy Rosary how rigid. osî-daied. aid uncaning Citsrch they cao lie Womnen, or yoang girls who have MicItfl Kubiuc as Iborioit have dice for dîfferent Uilton reasons. which is berweenth womo te doctor and thes Ghie Baby Dos cemetery sdti ste Catholic Church. coLfageous Sorte yosng mioe have con- ccîved a child lhrough vexsal ahme Dear Eir. tape, ami haie, and ils ste <Incision Ail of as ame tl alxis dise ana- of teyoung womenl Io do as they abocion cemesery display on Uic sec e lit le dîvpiay- on the Churcit lawn of lte Cathoic Citarct lit Mil- Issen only can measn one thing toe t on. Il tles dosage of conviction Io -ail womes sitosld carry thc liaby speak sp am"c seu Young People ito malter how the beIy was con- know litaIUinking people of con- ceîvcd. s c'en c m Me10 ail on thc band i know 1 wosld sooner answcr t0 wagon of modem ronuacuily and God for asy asboron domnc ith mouig aboulions ais acontraceptive early stages or pregnancy, litasn melhod. answer foc lthe ktnd of sexual abuise lle Sumetery acconiplaahcd what thai lias lakeit place i snme il ici ont t0 do - catch lte eye of Calitoli mniltions. lte passîng public AMfu Iet leait a How about Yeu? rcw minules t0 lite people sop 1 remain a modier against chuld Mid tlimk about lis modern Society abuse.cvii. ussrpaer? Pm.y.. WiUi die advcit of the Pd]l and Nito, otiter contraceptive helps iere is vesY 1,111e excuse fr mistaites. Oon't b. (fooe< Sadly, abocion as loit otein usai ai by ail the lies 8 c-tràpave nteiod -aà bats- De, Etifter. Il calcinS to a Society which bai aI 1 would fllke te thk oS viotewh il natai values.: ai promoteu put up d" nnda 10 fr pon aauiy evss by lt vemy young. of Hcîly Roay Claircit P-a ptsure i vcY Msiin ami Il's abpit time t0 reficci on whais ni"a puily is ScofluiL wby oui reaily happening oui Uic liiece If we lok w lie exaiplc stet by eldcrs nos ail really biisk about il - Uiecs tu tay was tiyaee everyday on Tv that ai conception eveything is - it colou,. preseni aid ail dt As neddi If People wonld woek haif as bard nutition - wha we Sie allowing t0 10 prevent bai montsis or, raffig dia', hagipen ta w7wn. as les woil te prevem conception. Our foui boys am beng tauIa e ae wSul be belles off. by ni, husbami aid me. Let'a mot The sprecad or AIDS ami a Vrela W a few blimded people fool us aboeut ciei ti other aexaaly trantlsd aboreiern and lte lies we hma ail Uic imneases s atutld nulle ail of ua woil fi=.1 te at lighier sanaidls ami respost- laie M.ne siblc;- " Via euaint. Mwfto TeleýisIon l'a nO belli Cidier, il cdu- cales children about modcrn, low CroSs boutmoirai standard And violent wa Cross bout viu of dic woms lid. Masy TV message to Chlldren shiows ne dowunglu baumaeniic fot Iew Edhr auiU dileci ID view but slx-ycar I ani a concerned parent wbo ta nos o"i ctiniu b haeda by a Ixelient PICse widi lic 50 croses (Baby ceiteseiy whlch ti"c go preveni Uic Dot Cemceery) sa up as au anti- lling of deléaicielieas babies vito aur aboiio display. in hmn of lit Holy nos sciponaible logi âeil peace Roaay Clarcli ami achoot l- Càholc Chuech display la lite I listencti me the CBC eadio diacua- a volce caili in dic wilmua ni sion May 12 aid I do netsagre wlUi tody' iuresponailtle aociiy Uic mmber &0i ic Kaigmis of aikfo E Loaam Columbus. Mille Keedya pevint 0f '1MLh< Iâb, viei en~