Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 May 1993, p. 6

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SCOMMENT LOOKING BACK 3 Box 245.,191 Main Se. E.01.bMW h& Milton L9'T 4N9Lu«a.a» ài ' n. m Toronto Lune 82 1-3137 't'ai. = 11= 8- =.. ., a., Fax 878-4943 -* "Q pà ý CIânified Adveriisingý 853 3(X) . ai.5 P P. tg.O. Ian Oliver Pub j, her se_ým- TO*ýoW. 'dil Oliver Advî'm*rng DîO'-r4- HwrNwa ane Muller 0u, ~ ~.a es K(aren Halessi u-1a~, Manage by .1» Teri Cmun =fic Minwd ' Wai . N M . _ Tias Colt Prod»cà,n Manager p . éa-.. -i Small talk, big waste Last wcek Milton Mayor Garni Krantz let crawd af well- rneaning but dawdling prote stars ijack a tpunicipaJ counicil meeting. Mr. Krazstz is consistent an this typé af issue, Cansis- tently confuseti. That's na( [a say it's ai Mr. Krantz's fillt. The fine otiser municipal caunicillars precsent (everybody except Watt] 1 repre- scntative Rick Day) bovincly acquiesced ta the flaundernng pace af evenrs. Nary a vaice was raised in prateçt. Tise upshisa af this disarray wus a town caunicil mieeting that bc-gan 4T-7)0 p. m. an a Manday evening aund dragged an until afier 1 a.m. tise fallawing Tueday morning. Mucis af that lime was simply wasted. The prablemt is that Mr. Kranîz, who runs thse caunicil meet- ings, simply casinot bring himself ta rein in people wha stray fram relevant points whmle addrcssing cauncil. Andi le is ap- parently setier liutie pressure tri dri ri framg his palitical peers, despite tise fact thi ai least a few af them are abviausly an- nayeti with such behavicur. Tise subject being discussed was a prapaseti nine-hoame sub- division mrade up af radier expensive liasses te a rural aiea. near the Blse Springs Creek. Appraximîely 35 aeamty liomeawners carne ta ceuncil's public hearing an tise matter ta, pratest tise plan. Aroueni sininiglit, caunicil finafly began niebating tise issue, isavieg liatneni ta tise protestais fronn 7:45 p.m. uebl tisat point. By then, councillor Maion Howard wearily but candid- Iy canfesseni M.oud, sise couni na longer tisink straiglit due ta fatigue. Undoubtedly ase was nau tise aely cee. Tisis is nat ta maire liglit ai tise issue, whicis was sericus, nar- tise quality cf many argunmentsa anti questions raiseti by tise protestoma, whiicis were relevant aini saunni But a gooti deal of wisat tisey saini was inrelevant aini repeti- tiye tac. Only oce dud M. Krantz gently ciie a mari waltz- îeg off an a lang-winniet tangent, aini it nid litile ta diissuanie b the speaker from cootieuieg. At 11:30 p.m., in a tentative atempi ta expedite niatters, Mr. Kractz pleatien witis pratestars ta avaiti repeatieg statemreets alreasly entered ieta tise record. The next Iumieary scornetha dia atiîe anti laisclsesi inta a dissertauion about trecs, a tapic p wisicli liat been atinresseti by numerous ohrsekr qal cavalier about repetitian. ate paes qal 0 Ujnier thse procedural rules far tisis type af public meeting, ai evcryone is entiet ta speailtree ltes, in aruler la allaw for 'v a full presentation ai the lacis anti an apportunity ta, refiute A cauniter-clairrs. Given tise fact thai tisere is a provision for tic full venting of coecensis by ail involveti, tisere is ne reaent net ta tigisten up tise speaking praceidure., ta, clamp down. Thsis is repeeseclly camman in aniser jurisniictions. Many municipal gavemmients isave tinse ruIes for speakers, sucis as 10 minutes. lin Milton, by companisan, ycu may prey P well talk until isearse. ." Otiier municipa] governgesu leaders, sucis as Missiap Mayor Hazel McCallien, have a reputatian for cutring wminier- ing speakers ba* enta topic, in stark cantrast to tise Milton appraci. Besidea beieg amly and wasteful, diere is a dislseanening aspect te Mh. It lias lian a source of complaissi in this quartier befare, mini ncdsing lias bacc done. Milton nesà te se some ionisai mies for public mseetings. Thatwill gel Mr. Krantz cff tise isek persenally, mini maire fer a morte efficient operation. The otisr coueicillors "leuid tiemanni tis, but baseni an tiseir apparent apasthy lut woek, diey probably woe't. CanentrtlonusaImpotan la si Caty Gbrits ad CatY M.Ny, Gýrde4 stugdate id Wl. Olck Sehool. flwy wse. among 90 otLu nth chouoi le Februuery, 1973 ~epang for a natale concefi et Milan Higis Selsocl. PAGES 0 THE PAST One Year Ago Fr-s thea May 27, fbB« laau El Milton residetuas would have tise perfect eppar- tisnity te de taeietis gooti lfor tisetivsavr wlUle ai tise gagne tinte reprtnting their ceaenmity. Ail il waulti take was 15 mnutes fcfoie adaà cait ta lbwe Hall ae Comse bemng cesintetin usie Croae Lit. Psilidpac- tien Challenge heiwee Milton aid MaltaS Huis, mbe awn wits the Iiisest perbenage cf tise population lakieg Put us al Pisy"a activi ty weutti win. El Pamncl&Perce cfEtC. Dniry High Seboci Wat won lie aliser merdainm Sudbtury ai dse Casais Wide Science Fair k Sh W prrvîtsusy won golti as tis Hailton ast )iatrict Science anti Engliseeus.g Fair for bhr prcjeçt an uielOical d0oinslcation. Ms Prarce bit aise beau selectei te aalesd a prestigueus prograes ai tise tiver- ity cf Calgary which wau aiseti ai helping Cna s op science students tracis t(hW geais, El KaUsy Jaines cf tise Milice Runnena Club iedt rue P twc wins aver tise rrcent helidey weekeeti Sise hitd laceti firnt ie tis Whitey Sheridan 15 kilemetre in Vaterdawe in he 301-35 age bracket. Site hast aise naageti s persenal beut tinte whics Put lier secondi vemuil aissng tise sesen. LAter tise sainte weeketsl site sec won lier age-group in Use Weetick five kilinetre dicttei Day rond race wnt sianifher prs" best tinfe. gain skt placeti seceeti veral aniong tise wernen jasi 2 -secondis hehinthe1 wineer. ~0 Years Ago Fronte the May B>i, 1973 iaaue El Dominion Day was te kc efficially kusese as Commsnuty Day- in Milton Meniher; cf lise Milton Luks Baud and Milton Cesuecil were pishieg ie ta an anietemestieg Jsty t. Aniçng thk highlights cf tis >UD TH15 15 CiOW 70 E BMV5r35EALL SEAON? M- prograni teint Pu( together seere flrewoek, s banti con- cert, frre awîng. free mgovies, te officiai epening of thse new bouding ai Rotary Part anti wagger asti aqaic displsys. Baud esember and coueical sauld iek teaeifg Up te serve bot dogsa md orange drink ai cosi piea altiSog family picnics in tise park aic teing enourage"d. %is mai objective 0( -Ceseesseli Day" wua for tuen-ta t el toilettier and mme Utcie neigi- bours. Ql Resuls of a cetsmiy.wld r vey recenty cons- duct hy Grale 13Geogmpiy asidenia a, Milton Dis- trici Higs Sebool and geography depasigeeethead lotse Hanter hall been rrleaaed. lie surey sisoweti Uait dms "typeai Mtima" had Iived ie Mâtais fer lest lias 10 Ysar. tirete te work aNti gmed cigarettes. He alie en- joyeti bis work andi gna witb capital punuhseint. 1ie resultu representei 76 pet cent of tihe boSes andi apranes ie Milten. Ul A P"a te have baby pîclurs taken ai Milton Dia- isici Hoapîtaliedt bren aPPraved ai Use meeting cf ihe Board cf Directers. A nienber of lise Wensn's Auxiliagy watald take pictures cf eewbeens cwio a week. an tise requesi of tise 111011. lie pictarra weuld ke sent out fer developseg aid printing and retunei for paymsnt in apps-xiesaey right tsys. 50 Years Ago Fyons tête May 2g, 1943 taaeu, Ul The amesiet rasseni fer thse Chînese Relief 'uet n iag day was $128.07. Ul Milten Fair Officiait werr planning te have aise cf tise r-esi agsiculsra and genteral exhibits in suory. l UTise comnaittre ie charge cf the Red Cresa Street Fair were waeieig hard go make il tise hes ever. They were pectaéing ganses te sait rverycîse's fascy andi fun fer Young anid ad alike. mbe prizs fer lise lucky ramfe wcsr an diaplay Ln tise Hydre window. , BY STEVE NEASE 0

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