Gardening 'eLTON . Tcan be soujrce' P"6t~ m 6 W'DO 881»R nre oyle of~~~AMW sa1fato AwPb on " NSUUCAIONn COndU n ilh~e emt of a .m f ETI oui the, e2ono Mm ' ffl# w u a réaacnabls, allowance for sbould be given adequate mcm to Vmowý. lg b u d for, W #mblacf ft a&dveea If you'te planning toce rn e uWdb.mntW ep"l flot at the aplcahl *s The pubWwhe remves flowetbeda bis year, mt'sa m itpouam goTeCnde hminledm1 albdeari dedigI meeto yo take yoar famiy ac"v at 191 Main deE- Forcxn~,e, flowe, ubculd nod lie 1878-2341 »l and rnay be wWlKawn at any fîme. pae!rgtnext Io Fado's dog run or your cnilren*s ouidqo play equipmos, became there's a gond chaice dueyii get Waanled Aim conadur.a&a &Wd tbe sze and abqie of your Svd". aioog widn aMy un- auai charactesfics tbat you want 10 higli. light (like a rocker>t) or cmulg lk neaglibour's unsighaly gaue radnlc potmng shed). Keep in mInd dthanrmmny relative- ]y easy and effective niethd" cf scSrniing your tiew and changing thie focal point of your YU&d. *For specific tips on bow to create a havai of privacy and peace, consult a landiscape or gardenmng expert, M Asic Mwrwms0 m ~ , M t-~SADcac.n ouis F OTS750 1 CON Oketchea & Colour - *= Zw d.o.os. 'io ... M. udk~b cd = lfyou'itlrtisticaly inclnned - aid even Mw~1 . ~No Wo@ tv M7. çadOmo"00eêoofl@M ~tr.Pia ooi Pt..~.dd-t $1O0.0. o P Od tab. if you-re noi - yeu may want Io do a feu ga. M.jaa.u blN W-ooFstaI ihumbniail sketches of Zour plans to see how nliey stack up c paper. If youÉ aoming In achieve a special effort with oou, ita a parsicularly goWx ides In sit dlown wî<li accu colouring pencils finit Io su ha <lie out- .h cornte jil be; thaïi way you'll avoid any un- pleasant surpuises halfway thl tlie MI & Wi .~ m UU~ Si t An&~ if you're aiin to Ininai *ý0 Bub Im U : front spring rigin lnrogli to aeun, cou- $111.600.O ce**ao. UM.5.t* t. ma.. s i u hraom ym.. *tý 0N à a- b. d 0-M sider.plaming a nurnter of ponmal which ie' 5Ot 15W0St 1D.101 Md, dm M-aar*ma modw. b al bloom~ in tlie fafl. like clisysanthenumas. DresagGreund Once you've formulated your plan, i<n dms to sti peeparing tlie moil for planning. Walk around your propoesy aid clieck thieME conition cf your gardi or flowerbedu. CLOU TC AI±AMâI15 ih«tSib5UosotM Danuged pieces will have to lie removed, mwm* a, W"." doea.tmin.m . fR:. along wlsli any winir <fris. av"4 bd mPR.1 1 Tuen thse mil over so <liaI it<faeated. mt Ftwb.t auO.. MI" 1 .4 à -*% 18.u Io ltNC M, YO O. o1mi, d'W. a ~e.. c.0 COte Large tlunips cf eart sliould be brairai Up aad smootlid out. You'Il probably alto ne&I to add msouelbl ameodmnents. Once ycue so11 is adequanely prepae&d wbd climate conditions ame favorable, iis dîne <o, plant. Doa't [?Mt, <lia once your pland takq liold, Wl Ç<nporIanI Io keV <lem up. auj Ongoing maintenance is essenfial. <qo. mi u ~ 5'. tMW Thilos article is provided by local Reatiors MuIom P.-aond a.Nn ms.5.. M% 01m a»w à . a Wod tT. 00-.50 hid imN.m' d and te Ontaaio Real Estare Association m.a T.». A-. %M a.aoMb C-1. a... ba. okP. M&ai $trao 0..dsmy£10 tl (OREA) for t/te benefit of consumers in t/te toMi. AMia @"W.. 1 d'moèma*, -0tdSU *t50 b .0 'JO reaI estate Pnark:i z The (.an;idian Liver Foundatjon rIeeds'ýour help. CNCO1M8.11Ml M&ONv Please be generous. m . m0 . 0051 -w m0. mmu ossn v i - . b.6- Adbq m mnr. a., W. PUV#TE COU»NTAY SETT PM DSUNTOU 7IMDIA11111- WI MARdI THE~ CA'NADlAN LIVER F(>INDATION moma *m .00. Mau «W mt. Lal 10 . 1w tapý <'s.>dM for Io, atmi a t . 1320 Yonge Stret. Toroato. Out. M4T IX2 MmS, . t O4tN tml bf .. MmU usMitMpi.OMm.M - M mon. d. on.s sO rîgm .................o..t* 82 ACAI FOREST PUt-' aOF- ~ tua ia.n *MAME TR 50* a. mm s 1.*5 .eLvoe) Located 5 mus loeth of 401 near s pu î ama aa.i. .u è&êln <cuti ii. This la icýrtc coing Sid Mmpua IJ <M Suu IndOm. ssNbÈ, aiqa5 ,a CW£ lot yctir counmty honte. 2 3v lashesaies w abuit the property. Miles of pretty palia aMi traise wind acrocu the tend. M ld Prife *IOAO. Terme OeWAU 1-6194M2-3406