Separate school track stars advance to regional meet Miltce sdsoolh sisosed selin dmth fisse m- race moved ont toie "casiqetilon from Atm.: 400 gid$s; Kelly Sirboiovu (OLV). 400 Nadahe (OLV). Girls long lup. Stefseie Mc- nus! Haisc CAtiolc Scheel Baud's edeens- Burlînglon and Gebvifle et tise reglonal mmt boys; Durek Biasie (St Peaer). 60 boys; Jab Cam (ltoly Roaasy). Boys lon& juew, Jcin tory euh andi Aeld nuet liat week. yessesx!ay CI'uesty) ai Nelson Park in Bur- Wàrmines (llly Raaasy>. 100 girls; Alaena Nadelin (01>1). Holy Rasuy wosaabAt-plac poususiste tise llngéon. Resuits wert nos av&ilable pieu Raeay (St. Peusr). 100 boys; Adami ~ls: 800 girls; CaStice Ce" St.! tyke and hantise A divisions, sebile St. Pews te . Pollowîng sm individueal Milton race Anstruchise (01V). 200 girls; Erse Walsh Peter>. 900 boys; Chuis Healey (St. Pewer. 60 grabbod basers Ie tise tyke and stase B seimas: (01V). 2W0 boys, Pas Moacas (Holy Rosauy). boys; Jef Chapinan (OLV). 100 boys; Masm divisions and tid Si- rancis (Halton His) 'lyke: 400 girls; Asbly Minticeif (HoIy Girls long jusqi: Jasele iiamn (Holy Peers (Holy Roaasy). 200 boys Giu Pul for tops je tise midger category Our Lady of Rosary). 400 boys; Nuinr Sepls (01V). 60 Cross>. Boys long jusqi; Mass Bag)ey (01V). Giettur (01V). Boys long jump; Kyle Garone Victoey stepped iule die seitser's circle in tise boys; boel Castro (Holy Rcauy). 100 girls, Girls softbal, Lauren MacDo"as (01V>. <01V>. Boys long juemt. Gary O'Neill (OLV). stose casegcey serti Arast place. ati, AsSalfo (01V). 200 girls; AMiss Adams bon"a: 60 boys; Steve Szafr (01V). 100 Girls shot put; mary Ellen Gleesce (OLV) j Tise Ans anti second place seinnera in eacs (Si. Peter). girls; Sabotes Lieder (01V). 100 boys; ichn Boys nsot put; Adama Bertoli (OLV). SPORTS eote ME WAY S PORTS ftK@*g - cassa -c me - v It 's soccer night in Canada Youth club riding national popularity of sport Dys STEE LOBLANC vieseig public je Cassa i g>t SpelI Te Chanpoe coin, soccor remaia due numiser one sport ine word mnd "çcs Wlule du Toronto Msple Leafs due country. lt's aisesa popular stise and tise Toronto Blue Jay have the iner puse-time cf Milice veungsts. attention cf mout cf due sparts Each ycu., during due hot qiring mnd summner menthes, bussirets cf ycung die-hard soccer lovers le tis tin flock se saccer fieldis te ba pan cf due intese, exciting mnd en- jcysisle seorld of due Milice Ycuti Soccer Club. TIse orgasizmson bas bon going strong for mat tiss 20 years sied is a major part cf titis commnuelty's bistor> 'flu Milice Yeuts Saccu Club, sebicis begm sprin action lmt seeb mnd sues sotil Septensier. sull have a total cf 780 memeiers in 155 iuks ii teace. l5's Iseadeti sp agase tiis asumu by wcoed-yew president Bois Rolîsagnm. "Our nsniisrs bave decliet a liute over due puts foin yea be- casse Milion isaai boot groseieg, ne R- la it U of but soccer is stiI due mass papulau .- ,fMn gwog,- cewg& spot in Cuida mnd due Yoats Soc- *Mwtion ,ses krtss sasa Ues cer Club indue biggest muiner sporss atch lss ni of g WW hUe& aig"aniaios leinew," saud preu- Deepiteà e -eds liss the sUer 09 pIayee, SenCu Ii 1111t101. 1118 ai iatension~ tse 1sont pfflM sput for chUte. si W ese 'flus "l toi put le à tnusnsntM Iu$ ama1a. dent Rolîseagie coqseto ie due Peelalton Minces RoUisagn lhm bacc seiti due Desigset for yceldu besse e Soer League. local cais for six yemr. Ho said al- igos of Aive mnd 18, dut Vouts Soc- Along seitis pxsident Bob tisceg emsbetuiiùp cne u boe cer Club femmies batât boys mnd Rolîseagen, due kigue is sun b>' a hm base dechnng for a fe yeurs, girls rop mnd bos-lengue tais. 20-membor bard sebidi lecudes due naee cf tep soam md aider House-leagse play indludes co-eti exocutive imemiers Gauy Hogg playe te leagse bas aauslly squads up until due age cf ueven (viS-peesdent), Daim Turobuil risse tbis satu. Ho said thse Mil- mnd boys mnd girls non- cosqsetitive (esturer), Sindy Rettitl (rogisti) toe top mud bave bae casqieti- tais n thse ul aof oSigbi te 18S. ad Barry Aisealim (sretàry) tive seit blgger casemnusaes lise Milice lmiasix girls top came A boys mnd girls convoiter aise, Buslhsgs ad OaÉvil titrougiscut mnd six boys tep tuat aIl cf sbiais belp rne club. - DCCCII os pagaiS Red Sox crush Bloor Jays 11-1 to snap losing string cm uRRAY TOWNSMN bain dtia ise B.y pidu ae bu ece- if lc dldi't on Satorday. yen seouldnst lave defeec reafly gond. but tise offence bun't Spedai t e . hiasio oale" on thse nuss a à pxoviticial NDI' kisownr it by tise Bloor bissera. They wnere bons& a e score sen we eesly nee>ed embn r ena pe-bsoeeg cntint eltiser sseanigas aises or sete onietly dues." V/bon yoas're 0-4 you taire a sein any way Mansager Glen. 'Tenser wems't pdosaed seiti stupiflod by Mocmt Ho isruck outsee soyas 'lboy'i tiy te roctify tisat Sarday et 1:30 yen om u sis, mnd 1 doea't coe mach tise pligi cf tise Jaa, oonsnsentlisg dm it gava over cigluiigs >ad silosedt jusm ui itn wsesutiy talte on thu Sbseidmr Rcysa a essier tissus Saansday's 11-1 Miliee Red Sox tise top-nasb lague a black e, but weu ahI thu iis Ove Mtss Tissst mailsti bucenisiss Brisa Boss Pub. eomps oveu tise Bloor Jars. bappsy slti the sein. "Hopefuuly, dhiii sel sat wu pinqdy piciset off. _____________ Mmo Isys, seho sert also 0-4, caisse Ia tosen us on tise igist truk." V/Ia Monoe seas't asrkisg ldm oaut 1e ilI-pepepo te sein. and incise, iil-prepaitd te Most of due Red Sox bit due issl bord bu? na slag bis slfking fasiiell se indicbidS e plsy. They sere faroed te send out tisoir crack tisezeso es tedr positives. They puassd gicu aletiss. Tirsen ots e eeeoded via id a sSe scouting staff at inachi ofa left-fielder, evers- arcutil the baspaduis aS sel, iseping six bege, dut rout tssly pluchdeg Milton eesidnrst Andrese Tasit tino euh by Johe BIsÉ aM McCmsdless, Tise cely soumise tisas did burt bora seasof a nlaoi imo m isfghr e ddi ooc sa oksii sa pc icsu ace u c record aut-garni contact. An ovorweigbt, osai-of- taculsreta tiares. McCandless mole a sensi- player Musée Gadvau in due sixts iuing. seo Thse- W. 1. Dick Wsldcas juntior boys eoLay shape repaster foi The Champion seas aie tions! diving stop as ibotroseieg ta irusi toserod au over due rigi field lésece for due mmu set a Haisce record i Nelsce Staslia on consideroti but negatistices seere cut off sen fW due ous and BIsÉe di due sase ce due iays' oely rue. Tisurday durisg due Haito rogional tr" andi due price tag reaulud tduce bot dogi. second base aide of due infillt, saving tino lncsdmdy, Totet ue BIcot remeit fos» field inoot tiss featnsud 28 scticels. Apparorssly. s esesiser of due Jays bati Vic- rues. Milton, faced Moore once and snsuck oit. A Tihe teait of Brysa Gent Alex Douglas, Jus- toia Day weekend partying conarustents. Veserse left-hsssler George Meue Iooke waysesrd Jay saunteSdt ins due Biner daigout tin Ediw nasmd Rosa Smith mae du 4 X 400 Those sebo remaitud seat sreaid t0 an early esasufitl ce due marna but wses only mnd eplaced bise indue tutird Éis&iq bot didet eew relay in a tisse of 4:38.9. Tisis trroe due dusplsy cf f»os*s fcm due Red Sos bots. "satisfied" selti bis peornmnc ~lt wain't do any boerur.trlking out In bots trips e ae dueisig record of 4:40.95 sei lia yeur by Catchser Deug Dunet crushed tino lin drives my boss gamv. I made a lot cf muisukles tdma plaie. scodur W 1. Dick selay tsa. ovii tdte lefi field fence. givieg bint thmc "'dt boit lt." Sunday afiennoont, due Red Sox travebedtiS Tise interedase boys 4 X 400 mmse tant bottiers in Aive gaines ta go &long seiti 12 rns "V/e needoti tise sein," said due 50-yeur-cld Glulseook te play due Gilsilies aid cuite plâoed idin a a ie cf 4:29.34. Teins menm- ' ianed in. Paul McCuiclseon atidet dms bits Mao.e wbs seas alsc happy that Turner lefi sseay oue ushort end cf a 6-4 score. So it ws bor ws Braisdon Mallette. lobmny Muette. and Mau McC&ndkes increaset bis tamm leed- bise in du due full gaine sa lu cassa bala op bock ta due dkasing board for due Red Sox. Ted Lusomeo md Steve Tuarner. i'g basting average tc.429. bus am ismili and seask on bis catirai. seo mamgir Tanneu believes me a atchs bat- Tise junior boys mms of Gens, Ibe Lake. I seu ail oser but due Barring Sclsoosbouse noting tisa b cault psy off lit su ta Imm s timel 1-5 secost Das. Ulllcsp mnd Saiis plaSdt fifin he u4 by due tbiid iening sei Milic jusqiml Sa a "lt's a ise prae. I ee te Sahav eveiy- "Rigla nom. see dont lave du bilmo lW X 100 m i in ayIa disse of 58.7. coisassding 7-0 le&&. 0f course, it dide't tlting going fat nu Salae effective." sinci. Tmm pbcbiisg bas hut ise. mai due a 1