iDAEUN t * ot~ u b= c ps wigS esa. Or glais dao ma Mn lho8g moins inianls MUttiL *0 -u ld pe km. sc .M MWbu -bI aism f t bTeCia plon, 191 Wi. i., m R li aBS M i. k-- Oa. 0ti O r azo Iod IIII-aNa The hie duaiste M 'ma fore laI» W@* moob ai e IleUW % .da MMM lei gsun.mla ushud a Zb hb Corint i b. 65 MM"la Dr, bam7 to 8:30 p.i. ABE voluea. ' Co aissrs Md g e n uhwed go gaoui Acy>me ebo dm"is S5 or mm in 1992 bu voting lmivileues. R.SVP. o 87 '11% . NUsda Ma27 Mmt Victorien Otle cf Natoes boch a b«e cm dîne nt Mâtais Coannamlty Md Informaion Su.- Aid t*tl tIaâs tract if ai& 10 4 p... lis oui thhâs à babi, . Iligo paa -l bd- Ioa coïncds en - moan pniluh - i IA in Wble Gal Plaza ou rom Stres. gumdw B" 3 Haiton parents are invtted toe x- =Ploi s concept of commity c.- qiatve publie icils ai a public meeting whiich taket place mi tht Buetisfgto Spectatt aMrudtau, 534 Brait St., at 7:30 p. Maltg presetaslans aie Barbara Butrost. '*ielping Otikaien Ach.eve" mnd Michael Breton, 'Welington Coun- ty Alternative School. WF'VE !ýOT THE TIRES THIAT GIVL YOU MORE PLACE 0F MIND TI-IAN ANY OT-ER XH4 A ravolutîonary 4-seases tirs Guaranteed 130,000 km COME AND SEE Deigain 71re 88 Ontario St. 878-2859 XA4 Yhe pcsitively durable, positively @Il sasas radial, YOUR MICHELIN 11111IB LON IWX4 Michelin qualIty and perfarmance on dry, wat or sîcit covered raids DEALER TODAY! UIftown ire Lod 751 Steeles Avei Eest 878-6795 f ~TARR MTAC 5 FARM Ij7~~I~j!j 1716 0 Ild1 Il.Y 9 W)'.lls. nlr, ATENTION: IIOBiSE (WNEI<S N~w B<arn for IIopric BRsnrding N~ta Available! Ou>îr 12 arr.- irm ix mijîu..iing ilit- Ilamilton (Csno-rvalitin iulhc'Fitv'm «<( .7 Ni,. Rail11'rail iiii 15 km. ut sut, uni] picturraque [rail riilingt tbr.uugh naturai a.IJdIreî habîiti. Reusaîils Butea foir Twoî Cntî-grria.s ofl Btbartlitig.. .iao ruu 555 Main S. 876-4788 vies h bOpdali caes. 311 ma&a Mme cm h $15. Fat linhi h.: hami, or m qta a i di 8 1NRJIX4636). lMu Ut.b .11 Caum Grig m i g be Memo bad f lbe CMi CWa Society, 751 liga St E., hum 7:30 bo 9 p.n. Grcep iscuisiam providle emielm top port aid pMac"l guld*aIoa pails &"uy amd bMetef. Fat mmt anfatmii am a885228 Cu MS7-87 Deh . V I"a mm Sin th-m e ot Ni elsna hl Ch"i le 7 p.. Aun appteng li't moesy. Canidetial. Cou ftcy as 637-0135. oat-&Wda a lMu Piumsewe puo Asscatioan boua lia fugnt aussi lrmk Slle h thedco parking lin (cerne cf Tig ed osJm No. 5 SMitu) bi 10 &nt 10 3 p.I Tht mie. wbick incidies tee ami uned igl bée tale, mdi bubcu h",di t" pèc ta or at"a. Vendons mi -',,m. A qise mm go. W" i gai th lbmmlem Guebo DaIdiq Pmnd. Feasi-e,- 0 î Ciamc Wody i 883w3 at Bab At 876- 0929. %i r»0 hihai Sq.aku i laa Ce»"AiaAr Ca"hvios people bo view li 21 md " sapecic a John Toiel SpatiOu Cent i7p.z. lie public la elcaiictaoewidil -aggil Md dttamaaa Air ceuh a m ali atlomab or gairula fat Yclq - Md eau.. aud 12 l 19 yens. %i hie amfiy of Au" Messaurs à eMbu d.e h l M"a belile mIala WU mis- tiq a g :15 and 6:30 p.. lIk -agisgt inaes a bif baibsecc cI R b&' ,h detiMd lamageo a h inde ca. %i com hu $730 fat ad"a »d 34 * CMhI&m Eielêo caier fanti yeuu aid pay liciaI mr &Vaiu"e i lbe Mlieae 1%"k SI.q. Fce -gs hW tumiai cadi 9784141 or 878- 6607. Pm=&ed go bo Alkmhks ' uualq oumgétL Met Ontario Acideumy of Mmtie and IGA comilne foa sbd lle LaM& Amocams Coc ua a eome lbe seven-ses- m cw rese fu fa ve coeeotive mee il cast $95. Tu regisitz at fat inforatno. oeil 847-1033. Tht 'kdlaat Onrer of Niant b le« cm disit et d ie a- maoyCoutçqimma III Outio St, lian 1:30 bo 4:30 pin lie coin la $15. Fat faim àdfa or aa fnDD.u* mi& Cheli i 15h p fa. in lbe Wur Momatu" Hali lb University of 0«4ip et 7:30 p.u. fIcha farthb n1. W"âd la a h0haia, (W Haauez thhad Chweh. cmi $12 fat adlie and $10 fat di" ud "ecm, Fat mat inforsmaton, cd]i Cindy Iant i (3 19)853- 377 Percy W. Mary Scbaal prseu Spola Phi SeM eai 1 silm 7 p.D. Tht conert icludles a chair Prench play, book l"uncaid a spe- cli ccomudy NdiaY gaeiLca-. Thus-sday Juss. 3 Ihe ruictatiu. Order of Nuntes holc a hie cmt clik a MUtog Ccnnaaunity and Informtion Ser- vices hn tige Opdnusin cenire, 311 Commtercial St., froin 9 &. go noon. Tht cosi is 15. cF ualtego- formahion or an ippoînamarg, ci 875-NFO(4636). Saturday Jasai 5 The J.M. Denyes Parents Associa- tin hcala Fain Fair on dt Thomnas Street peopenty a 10:30 &m.i The day includes a barbecue. bake tables, raffles, famifly ganies, and cluidren's enterafleî hot Pieke. Fot tickets go the show, cdU 878-4642. The Na.agweya Slamped Fun Fait takes place au iltaokvtlle Scbool on Gutlph Lite frain 10 &mt to 3 p.m. Admission hs fret. %h Fut Rut begina at Brcokville Corn- nasnity Centre ai 9 arn. lhe til aMMi a"@ H 1111l-A1 Tin ar of lbe Naaiht Heliho Aasocda farthlb Deulepa.uiy Huae.d "a pla at or. Tht evet avat- sosd by Mqbl LcMp fWun.. m -Si %5-*m bod lise gidi -em - wMM i ch"d pi=t Md a cbuaS b a MW bk7&d. Pisiga rf me avalllh OR lieO Q~oesa. A.R.C. W- deies mdeay WhiL Fat mmt l*auda 873-8181. omu" d 1111Md cmk couso, aUoeil by lbg Cm" IWCieSciety begio. Spaoe h Mi&Ciii 875-1459 to pie- u nnfat mm Infesuda. MIfim CW» a hoc pstsA Puipimul Sa« as KSx Pmdeubytim (hmch on Main Smo si fai 3 pli flk anu $5. Cbl1iUméii gantiter 12 ye n àda- mdt bee. Tickeatsr aiaihble nt lbe Pqaie Fugmoy on Min Stree Bat aosil 875-3310. ltai Widdaf Sc"oo pesents Meiheva Mayfal - the tchool, 83 Campbelallle Rd' E, frong 1l &.m. te 4 p.rn Tht cacat includet gacits fuail âges, criAsi, luncheon. tu. mt, baked goods. flowers, dun- cms and poy rides. Monday MSay 31