M m is l h Il aia a uw M l d am l% es IIIIIII MROWm oli nu bd 1liw nung.u MuadfobiUwaoe AIWIU. Aux1liary gi donation ye Fu"a shows. bnagos &Wd gi 8ho Mu, hclpei au cap go tit 560,00 sit NU»c Distrct Hospital Asudh.y wffb.a o u hataibndd yu Tbc lartet loBa tc date, ws ai li1W event serves go reogauze lait rilcmwt momoef"mda providle apecia services a the local hidi.é oc a mDi SSwn, a Guh 10 udMalet Dddmçbc Rudaog wu pris asiedaw alhe boai Pu mm * She bas doeaaed 198 bouts ince joining the bospial Piogreans in 199) oi hm allemand no ci bonhe. vol- gammes litwu ibd woek ai en, in "W&ud" Un cuncd the bonour, -Rcui.w tal -epimo vaimése MAI AEWR' SAVINOS E VENT!1 m 'umi w avesuum IL Au. .uhumh m.-npmup Pm Unv 819 88 4~ M M-111 AtW m N hm .uikf MWý1-4wD unv $149 . U e $219 899% a 27911w b1M UabuMIMuVbpWerpfsooîy M 0 toi WttL 30 tunthet mirniorylf.IOO8 8) -ieE OM tls vot store names wuht4 fie $49 co, raenbe's 48 no nien, 17 tom0 rnrrnOry Bu'"in retatie an. ftennfa 171 9149% W V W 1 a ?isfiers noDm ol vefhicle Io amiother 30-n ormy tl 10m SAVE Ut PCOFAX tfie7 Duu 4030499 Si oMbJt SAVI L Horn ale, f770 Il Cl§MaL Abat 24 95 m 110 SAVI $111. 1Han0 tIl- ur 1701~ 9995 aux» ~ ,~, à1u 87102 lisM ,r nn*,nt, Fox mie" lu yW 59!W smvi 29921mg ~~ ANO FAX hi bul in0 aut lphÔntaJ ý 9" 2 c _ _IcIit 120 ~ 4 I hn~~Mn., 10 Channel codless fias Sound Commander nou e duc n ol. ef,,nnate inlerlenence IffiM on.e .ay pig 10nums. mhent.,7md oGne/pwls dalrng 43 8»6 - w w w 6- gsftI-0 nnAf aronntfWnomto tr ans erbefffln hh o ke vcersicaons or a deSktnp madel Intes batteries 65-939 vam TV s- ftg 4npur Db ulthrs CannWt laa TV - - Vmiiine, Par moruandn corneeefldstfeasia Paw t oo OfehouSe -17, 5-0i of90 mm2020 fAu sînppet; ointeno Oa ln ISA a ae ln a u a mny- Ri o IL WV À .M .ccepteo = " Mb Mmm Mr kt am a"I auii oruWB infl àimun ayî TV 5 28 ôb&Wu lani mmtic mmr Ram fo St >Mnur o typogeapate ra, Pne gms, i ou a mpneu CWOUOfiniaMv icaWt.fua ves Iargest t to. hospital * Mi Snow apeads bul volualer b outs with Cbroitec. med"a Mid muia UWolUa She hffltraIxae in bicicnac calzn an qoonam l a- moaplrling tu a cas.e lin gmedicîne g1 the ecîpeni of thc Ouîsaanding Fing Yeur Junior Nbalismer Awud, Uaiday Bruce. Thec IGraile, 10 sgudeait as Milaa Disgricg 111g Sdagoo spenàd mcd cf libuttne in the ckroic cme aai fedus rid Senior volns Doma McMuJken wua tic recipicai of accU.e aarprse avard Hu cO"mmllna go tic ai11- iarys acu bingo farkasa the gARt *»p mnddhy chroec ue lmad par ficipation ini special ercails aas cird &84is depummm * She's thequiet type wogets chinoi akne,aadvuu ocrilians Joy Ole la ahcàdy a liki ri-dm ch local aumay but Thurgsky grc was gaven tic hlgbcst honour cf Pgoviad UPc Mmba SeIl pck up à ber âward a( tic annual Hospigal Auxibnica of Ontario Convention on Novembar 9. lim ew lru Mcnabnhs uene an- couiccd aq thmeetccing. Ilc bonour, sid pleutr surpise wcca (C B=emo Mayez. publicnîy convecor »CI gift dmp uekoer, Joyce Bon, boutd mems- be, aays aid nau directar aid gift shop %vister nid BoeiceCiocu, boyet for tie hoapia gaRt &hm aid acaive lme Sa ite cf officeas waseimc- cd. makicg Dicky Dcaamur president ind Czcd Wilso poi-pMsàM. Jun (kifiu au cari finis vwbeidu Euch ycar tic aaaxiliary salîtes ntlset cf he axmaunsy Who usait in ibir uor. Muc recipients wcre: Marie Haside anmd Judy Gnly for donating a aicu aiviîy acceu theUi nil; Johai Tmmcwaky, of tbc boipial amicaicem staff for bs ouadi mature and g icam n a&mma*i nant; Run Shannon, coo& aa the annulai Saaubm Social Md Sm ù ales- man; aidl Doug Hcggi for donaiaig ad caakgiag lomi d ie au"i Thme aaaxiliary cmlied on lis oua ceasi go proviao excaniasment . MacLachian College WC mr a coauaénlprtaIC x-hSn, Junaor Kindefganien III Gradei 19/OAc In I, omll but pontIl thN. awm ofnet prl mid bki'ngltngt perwklc wh.h cnvowers nI, %lideni, ti face thse chu1lfrng .t. pern and academ,t u,,c, Our fuglIy quilificil. erineed cher, irm dedaaad Ci) helping rah studcna uhre txrse,% ni a ...rtng. upprifli.e aftnophCr WC (effet à challengung ýaamec prtUratme (or stuleat,% wlo -.uh Io nhjomîre the,, tîportunui t> i, acepmae nto top Un.ver,,ars Adm,%sut by pernonaf prenions, induem. eod Rellisaranicann irc m.w ls<agt iccoped For Sepiemtr, 1993 SchMu bu ame la aralidh for Galanli aéad si suaarroun. @rem lmeudq amlqom, MM« Gegarla. 337 Trafalgar Rondl. Oakvillc Tcleplionc 844-0372