Town ensures kids won't be bored tlîis summer W = 2,Mai four local public mehools - nwifoasu trip d oalter special 3010o Annua 13. ~ hCni)nRobeut Buldwn, M. Ocayes, Sain eem ar a & puaM ofh fûtsin the Thus progranr ai WlI Dick Middle i Sherm aid Broolevifle. progenus whidinran frent lune 30 ScImool offesa Iucud e"coui" be Towen of Milton bas soaiediig be proransoffer a vi>ayof aAuguusl 13. eviomm fllled m*al trendy J lndfor "od every wekday dui livities ina afde superviacd setting, New lus'ye la "Fabulent cnsfs. bIp pâmes, sud tnp., accord- stunnar. says Amenda BelUamna. 21, a sucs- Fridays," bld ai Rotary Put eves issiao Ms Benjamin. Aasag ibe Tawn's sunmamer youdi amer miodent avii lte Town. 'Ibey Peida>. me specia dacmm days wil %e ouila $39 pur woek ecre Sprovrns nre Playgrouad Prograna provide tonmefla strictrcd fer nc"id mou gamnes. barbecue Augiai 3-6 whem the cou i $29. for chaldre qed 5 Io 10 yens, The> kidsin thde suintr" liaiches and aflesmoon swims, melirat moa days fteprguI art being heïd once again dis nain Cras gantes. uitit studies. For Tl---d. a .....e, Mit rgai 'I I --,,.- -. "'I., închadig Mi ovengh caOpng ex- cuinai Kehlo Conservation Area. bave been oegaffi=d. Other destunaiuons ne Wild Wamoe Kiagdom. Tomoto Zoo. Teenal Science Centre, Bronte Creek Provincial Put aml Wil Waler Kingdom. The cost is $35 pet week, except August 3-6 wben th ucmn is $29. Or. puy $7 pet dey. %e Irm two days of the prpn., )une 30 and li 2, are ficeI b ose who regiswi for the wou ie. atoew se te coul i $10. AltO a put of Surtner youdi Peorams, exclusively fer aider cluldeo ased 1l ta 14 yens. is the Youih Adventure Camp fom Jute ENTIRÉ STOCK OFF HURRY IN! SALE ENDS THIS SATURDAY MAY 29TH amwMi Jumy 2, nre fit ta Ilios Who regimier fur the secondl week, odmwîse the o i si 0. The Town alto provides anl oppor- bu> for Youths aged 14 aid 15 yens ta develop thei leadeship SUiIS naw. 'llte Leader in Training Progmin ai Rotary P-t combines in-can train- ingwurbe wîd mit n-utcpacicalexpeturknceS. Planning. te"lmng techniques. chili developffneai, lem work, and nkli mre. % rga mni froi July 12 te August 13 aid omas $35 pet acel. Refer go the Town's 1993 Leisure Guide for uther detailb and regisrulion infernmau on ihese puy-lt.- -THE 820 MILTON SQUADRON ROYAL CANADIAN AIR CADETS INVITES YOU TO VIEW IrS 2let ANNUAL INSPECTION SATURDAY, 2»t MAY, 199U JOHN TONELU ARENA AT 7:00 P.M. Vou are welomen to watch the parade and the demnon- strations. This provides an excellent opportunity for anyone interested in Joining air cadets to sas the squadron on parade. Air cadets is an aviation oniented organization for young wornen and men êges 12-19. EXTENDED SERVICE HOURS GEORGETOWN TOYOTA 10% Now Offers wmcomN~ complote parts and sSfice on 7,~.qmpall~XSaturdays from 8 a.m. Io1p.M. SATURDAY SPECIAL OIL &FILTER. lI 95 CHANGE rmi modes à $16 I --------------- MAY SPECIAL l00 1 1 1l1B'P l. $ 1 ;Sc il0 0 I va «I Cotlis Inspe Tension Be@41 27ie"(;w Georgetown Toyota 15 Mountainview Rd. N, Georgmtwn TOYOTA 877-2296 IOYOTA Umm 874-4276 Hibcue RinonakvfPhcM dctie s in Okvil a idf Cnine Stpper, in asig fo Ihe pblic. usttja es dc- rifyîmg~~ lbpro ns et Beiwee Aptil 24 and 26. un&aw persn(s) ie a net BMW, mode[ 7401L, frmnthe car loi of Stuart Budd sud Sos LAd. et 2400 Souili Service Rd. W in Oak- ville. %e suspect(s) -ane eau>y ta tbe car b> umashiag oui lte dalver's side widow sud beaig the door lock. The cu4i&(s) alto psole from th I1 ot a met of Ontario license plaies bemla8 number 569 NBZ which Ëmy or namy Mo 1K used on ibis ace car anvestugasor would ap ptecie aay iafonMwon con- cerning dusi car or ly alter smoen vehicles. m1r car. woctli $73.000, as a 1993 b"sck tour-"eo BMW widi vebticle insuraice tmi- ber WBAGD432 1 PI)E61 069. If >tas have any lmatonap thar leadi Io an arrest in this ar any ai her case, yos mnay be eligible for a cash rrwand of up sa $1.000. You need piaf give your nome and yoaur ini- f tonii w,)) be tregad bWih camp) etc aiionymi . ry Cal) I-M0-W6-5151 or 825-TIPS, ihais 825-8477. Car thieves take brand new BMW FwtS Regional Police