Landscaping can make a differgence to your propeirty Stady r wofl.iamd d* amm seon "Vda > 111111 ple 1pmue, Win a aff W --Mm Matbb vh eà m a ~ ad Dandy mg l k. Kap fftowmao hit.i m e&mcuw Inapiq ,&kaud> epn aoa a et awblàwg ai maM aa*d cjmd o' uyt tacl Bncau peay ohao theq. id lae h.m dEntu agica hcd wo.tiag dl hk oudim >w plais M--a ot mepnce -ne of k; odwewioreil PmmSmI wwomneo. lie amu it dpwtmiMiu h«, in peintdemL c bo osedicl à"" 10proidig adecratve Muoahigyuw wit o oqeagFo If &a wok il hSry oeMv, or il Yomc 1on touhme a-s hml fiCmwu Pm unaime, Yom =ay wa to 10 eria o w daat hm *a dme Io do k yomul yéï, Che*i the Laym4 bpudding sba& aud priacy. . patio or -n4ece. but ySu .y umm coui- .aY ving t co.urac die job ont o a Iai gond Mu. 10 Iay out 7M. Wuo and amlea You wiah, but umpler làsemmerallyc e mi. yu amy dum wat go Cins- plais it Ioa eecw the l be lo penas for a Siopig yoed by mhq ling laI dm à0 poil ly dnle w A eâbnwpe poery mn ai- mau mescin&, O=c YOU*ve deomnincti uta 7w yotw vqs n %o, Oume you hmv enougt "yurequre a ient dm1l oi mmieui . You insul "u citeci yaqw peapeuiy for "ei l m i wa types of pute yooroe mcm lr eeerylitii 1o spread waui tiawm of Upikeep depentu o- lte "ype dange. ldeïlly, "vo yard uIudalp o M.tie maire &Il die .o ) gowth Fiaal à. hggesncu fiunitru dim J and wood chipa a- vezy popillar mulch or liuice fees oi fai for eviery 100 tees of Al~ wayu.hatdite rotaballs wldi cme. materiais because titey bep keep lte wedia horizontal la"d lfyou do n have adequige leraea dt as la be léssoepedad Oneayoswplaitmn acoilmyou amy ai bayatlnrvide ait atactive "fo"for drainage, Y018 ay have ta ioutitl a drainage ucbnae Or transplant any teS Or h118111a 10 wait go aid oeg ta keep ie etigea or lte Eri)SYtte. acconmiiodatie yaur design plan (ai amuie bd uifmtou. Laiducap tabrie cm aim bc Talkil, tayor l n centre or a When you begin ptauming your latcq> munaipaieies you -my mimd a permit w appird ta keeP du weeds. and m"ld cm landscaping prafesiona ta fte what types imig ucherne, keep in mlid Bhn tes m d novc e os), Tb niar i er Sites of the wwo b ulie on top Of iL of Plants and trocs would be hest for yow bushes donii Vow ta dhiu fui proorions flae aid diuub beis, fon an collne witi A careully ladsuapeti yard wilt gîve you sait type and nceds. Y-u mitay alt waam go oversmght Envision how yous proMety wil a gardeut hase, titen con k witi spay pain yuof aptsure. consiut a landscape arcititect anti laI- look in future yearu and lte titis poie scaping contractqu,, tiependang on te se factor mac accourit wben deurmining lim of your jobs. sfiace yau aille for cad i am. Fur MWmntice l'heme arc alto niany resource books avait- if you hapatiny lm oi, u pra&tably womi't JOYCE SCOTT REAL ESTATE INC JSIR able in boakstores And libraries dmta you warn toc pny Large bushes anti trocs. may want taconsuit. litpomographa ii After.j've careutly ttghtZevesylig ltent boaks prescrit many inîtavative ideas over. put your idemsdown on papr MOI ltai may be just rigitt for your pm uar ui (ria base plan which cuiane ail yaur cx- mmAu*mo situation. You shoutti also talle pitographs isting'condidm fIert lay saie aacing PRIME of tandscaping that you tilce andi ctip any Paper oîmer your baek plan anti draw it yooe. INDUJSTRA cal& helptul articles andi pictures from news- rougti plans. OFFICE »ACE * dauJ bal papers for future rcferencc. lt's also important to cansuit witit yow M Realize too, you dion'[ net to tantiscape tamily tw mate sure you consader Phomt Cams Au. AMarl.a thc entire propcrsy at once; it can ke donc in everyone'a needa and expettatians wlten 6 O000l aq S. * lnnvd,eOMOcoec. UIII stages over te course of a (ew yean. tonnultung a plan. Also malle sure you laMe $J"parCE SCOIT- a J But no mnat how big or sinai your par- existing teatures lite watkways, decits and JOYf~ V ~ ~CEsa uicutar project might ber Laite Uic time wo patios imita acouns. È «ir f"520Uow buying spree at yor loAl garden centr variables, sa retirat Yaur drawings as ai. 12t ffloUt CAMPBELLVILE EATY INC. t , IlIA LjA-U ~. w-Il Lookig for your Dregm Home? Look noýfurthier! Checkc tlls.woels listings tben layour, * - OLttc. Milton 875-2204 AvsauavOWNEREROCtti TMADTiONAI. VICONiA. 14 ACRES 'n beau,tlcrpeeO.ibd.2bie fuI, Seil a nub@eee. 3 le2 ban.. A bo MW. h* S- Ad.uiw , Ce hmC~ on =rptyli. ~bat,& lurge FF SItu weh Is m. o rt.NW~fO.C 90 MaJi St. N. Campbellville 854-2294 StS.CLAS31C ELIOMICE opinet Eneo v. oiettaty WPaded teatànng Beckene g,et IdiotIe., My.. note The wlonds hms béer, prileuboney hnd e iel kn ewawe, &Umme via0 SAdien d dirihi Fon. beeuiquj .0*1w. Futiv. iolcheit loger Ian.. gêth meCiCiji r=imieAC ottu on#j 4.06actes. rscpeu.saCe*neeCao As auMMh 0* aun.v 'Poue of sae,. Et ofl.COO ie toende onlde %reÎeed via., ove SMC sqil. of «bc". iieqn wIh 3 ce, garae. bei. or Ww*eiwP. nenni? qortagnd o M mCh Tr,y m du Cod ugei a M à ne. 3 bion, cottage ityh i,gp. . SAdlo UN000 col Angea LOI0 Lire. toué 10 ff Of a bp4bn ~ breua beaUOi bit son hqe ions 4? = =b Ont ACRESn#= 47auC PftICED TOSELL km ou Oun of etCaum*. Doni Nu deoL cf 9'