Boys net silver in Ontario basketbali finals, As ine me a, a the pii fore tiet Milion Monarcit mialget *A* boys1 baskriball îeamt ai dic Ontario Bave lortball Association 'h&Mionship il tLîassa ith lIcnaekenal 111c boys playcd thrc gants% un Saîurdjy agansi Oniliga. PIé Col- borne a Barrie isnning fiçnaîches Mîl4. î1~ ama 61-42 rectively Claylon Magnus. Shayne Ridlcy anal Marc Biahti sacre the top icorers ini ti" gainte, sail Magnus pulllng an 21 points agaînsi Bame Excellfrnî henwh strcngth carre front (alos 'îzw;î l'al Bourl anal lAntan- Io In lte senit-final gante the Mlonarcli boys slefeaied Belleville ý7 411 %Coring cane front the dynafni duo of -Shayoe and Jermy Ridls saill 11 puiqs tari Magnaus aLda 14 anal Pal Ssaoeny 10 This adv.anced Monarcit 10 the chawnpoon- stip gaine againsi Conwsall l'hi, final inach provid the het esslltetiei of rtihe iuîanm. en- dîng in à 53-49 sain foi Cornwsall 'Aîîh the teai houncing hack anal foulh tieen îht challengers. Doiag (X;amgait anal Siesr Liddon caine off tht bhenst I prosîdt tenaiouas detensise support 1 ary in thet ird qarier. Cornwsall loîk .a lie pint tad Contining le keep the istht 15 econrlh tin thetrime, Maîlýnarsits ailsancel lthe h.all îîp courtn saîll thtîr lasI ba Io SsaeeneN iho lok a îun11ler front :h lc hree point lot. sinking t shot os hing Monarslt sithin al basket (orn.aII. howeser Ilvesa a long pas' do%îsn the cout in sink a basket andl the win Il ,gb sssoSr, loi Mlonarch saetc Pal iS.ceney aal Marc Bubs, wiilî 12 points caclt Midgets ascive on The Milion Monarci mialget girls baskeiball terni reachal ite quarter- finals in a fctl of 22 teaurs ai the Ontanio Baskclbal Association provincial chamnpionshWip in London on the saeetsnd A 31-27 ilefeat aith îhanals of Orillîa siaica the action Fnalay nîght The Icami' slrong effor sau hinalercal by erratic shootîng. espe- cially front die free-throw lut Thetiourmantent fonnai alloweta the teann qo continuae an thc chant- pionshîp riou destine the lois and! the Monarch gis rcnponalea saill a sum UONAACI on popa 22 i»U. BAU GM 15Oi UIa beoM.ST.& i'.87K>CKS - M4257 ai 4 t 1~ v s~ - -M ý -- tibirit, OIIAffu ^%** Pick me! E. C. Orys Kuin O'Don.ul Uldh uMWt Wbt lscSnil bae m Sidas i usscn N.up, lhm iSu mim i In Oranreyile Pre-competitive Sprîngers launch season icasKa Deshaw vaaalied to a deuil plane lu tli die prc- Il0 place. competubve Mülton Sprisgers Gynuantca Club enty as Deéaw along wath chber level tico pre-ccqtaotivc te firir cotnpeuston of the linon s Orainsevile lam tan te-c Kadihoce Remit and lie Smob ut Siandy. tht ei wt"o a ris - -e rng ive mure ée Io te Kmr Fine casse houm math a tiBIa place nbêic Uic hac up fclloqietillon Ibeyli face nexl yeu - meue of alait ai ber flent-ecer nge'lion. Odho rookm ata. the U couttgudde -m O'Reilly. Rebecca Dépclmo ad AI"a Rossutiae liat lbev l Mo gica Ws In unie fer 9th pian rimeait outil a fem erro due t0 theizm, cpueiefoe mai âaàed as R..u ma S"l esiât crack SPGKRTS Riggin off to camp Top-ifikcd Junor A hockey player Travis Riggin ofi the Millti Mer- chiens will bIc amnoos tic 69 players ad 30 coootis to take pal in Uic Ontario Hockey Associanon's regsona canip Goea to players undcr site 17, the carnit nîli in ai th1e Univeniîy of Waculon front May 7 In09. fic canII feajare attraction wîll lIe Allait McCuley. 16, of the Kmgsann Voyagcurs of die Menu Juior Hockey Leagiac. the haghest-eanked canidat for the Ouaio Hockey League ruadge draft tn Mayý 7, ,, 77,771 \\, Il -I