Ont. Commncity Newspape Box 451 OAKVILLE, Ontario L6j 5A8 . ranun %m.aussssy imeompe vus. flX iw.ý wl Former organizer wants pre-derby anglers flned Sv ROB KELLY volunteer in a variety of Ophimast chuity through the wet houts, taki whiM they con of Thse Champion events, said bc thought il mas cgat" thai Mr. the fisb slaKs dhe Optinusta purchu tu Farrell bâad mustcred the conîmunity backing to benefit die childeen. Mîllton Optimit Club spokesimn Bruce bring off the derby successfüliy . Lqslly, the older anglers -Qe .he siopped i Fendiey wossld like 10 sec town counacl pass a Dut in order to ensure the protection of tht prescrit. But if the tbma appointait two byiaw byiaw prohibîtiaig aduits front flshing theough trout stocks organizers put in the water thetday enforcemeni officcrs for thte, la i future tbty tht night belote the annual children's fishing befote Vit event, it woulti bt best if tht tomai couiti bt wsaed off or ilntd. M. Ftaidiy derby ai tht downtown Mill Pond. ciosed dit Miii Pond, and iegaiiy taiforceid that belitvo. This year tht Optiamisi Club, puileti out of tht ciosure by having bylaw officers petrol the Tomai adnistnîor David Hipgrave saill derby they had tpoaisored for 15 yewrs. Boa mia, Mr. Ftaidlty suggcse< Mamdsy ht wm't saure mhew sach a by"a Farrell, a local sports nte owntr, atepped int Tht derby is held on. Saiurdays in litse April would bd under Müton's dile contrui, or le- the void ai the eievendi hour last week »d dit nàek the flirt full day of optn season for quie mmrn kind of provincial approval because pulied togeiher enough volunteer support tu trout fishing. But the probltm is that the seuson it deais widi garn muit. Ht id lamai staff resuerect the event, heid lait Saturday. . iegaliy begins ai 12:01 a&m, and mideightt.flsh- would look loin the laits if public pressue té Mr. Fendiey, who has long been active as a ing adule bave dropptd fines into the pond as BYUWon pop 4 Miltn my behom to 'Little loss' of park for- 'L1meL.h<J~ village p)arkmgJpftWengmqeer portabu&l aph4aît plan D !nR.MX Vs<lferno an tht PalkM&tt e By ROB KELLY The, Charnplos mili vtry Uitile loof ai: p e ". Thse Champion <%-' vii A mhusudgu.ay have An asphait plans that was rejected whto Dufsien Construction The led d t a m tht sho aisidng thti pan loi ue, atttmptd i0 installilI on the Niagara Escarpimtat may fint a home Ppdý nede eo i d ic~ed wîbavlen te ain lot camt insttad an Mîlton's Hîghmay 401 induste a k . 10 bu% iia aparking lot, aei: l lav mopue ofà M ie, ihissde Mondiy night town councd's general comrnitte agr~1 to HalE à ee akngnktr a lo Bt tht eincla "Mi gâchpt aiti. least consider the idea. pending fuether evidenceboatl3ufbsin Maiony parkl niee dBu h apinl" ' uprto h Constriction thii thet lling won't pullule .1£ Lona .ee ad3 anc pa li asopssibl lm cnuso Dufferin Constructici a jockeyingjoattletive advantsge tna s ekWd3muiia ts&a osil mcniso the bidding tu win th*uau s tchotes s widtai Highwiy 401 couacilor OtrTy Brooks lid exista caust lim miIi bo à mm front Highway 25 thrcug4î < ILIpi Une.d W iduht Hilton Region's plana in the petik mhlii conatraction la Cost wilhtecul *iffrin is aowtpu itpotabe apha- loirrebelidingGuelph Liu throgh oogoltg,Mr. Kitcbetssid. ."Wpbult nsaking pialna tq> the lsighway. Dufferin ays the saviags wili the vil*r meusi thetk Iof tmo- tht woek la hein dam., &*s no ht paburon tu Ontàro taxpayers. who aie footing t bill for thsrdst of tie Parkt as an adjacentl question il (the - vrest) whfl be brà&in Hy.40 fon furtusi lme.parking lot mas ealapd. dintrted,' ho p oui . Baut bttsdeaingHwy.401froa fur t si ises.Not su, said Hsltom's diractur of omc the cousartutica la over. out - ai A8PI4AIT UntPffl design and contucdti, Bhlce ladly velU the péri vu ta Kîtchen. "Thtee'l lit very lilsIe * SUSpAAK otpipi Earth Week, mmScm In mthe Wu-~, nationtal karcte chamtpion- -tl On Mexico City. See Page 22 Features ~OdiS..........13 Dlfline . ..18-19 Sports ........21.24 7 lbs St. Ummt - 87544M ni , OSc APPl«&Am-y gmt- -333-1212 lb @ueLMrud Heros gave envirqmpent Local enviro~ahIi haose mont hmue mOll apetai iviards durlng Earth Welt. .Mion Dieloit Hlgh School, E.W. Pouter Scitoci and »hfop Reln Secon- dary Sdxxca mWfale Ex- cepllonel Etsvimmmnta Lmdstshp Awanin during a spoaimhoring Apdl20. More hOn 420 Studonis and luicheina gadlheud lit Otio Plac for Haloan's second sudch awarde. -rïwtto - . Awutla more given to 13 dtjbe and Wndndiaul for thulr excepphanal envron- ment iclivOlse skating uhn Iboe achoola wm thog- nil for vatiaus a&vlo such as ouWodor complding abd v.nnlcompcetlin pro- gixene. lilelasa lunch pro- grans, mcpc", emimn- meUt claba. mondai dl- for mnvincnsnmrt causs. Digging in esa hsi culi. Iltd Semis 01111111011 5MW muiscle pamr 80 plant 4,Sl)0 ftbsa Sais isfod LU Ê"seio AM&s <Mcla abav)> Toy Weia (Ml>ut UUtes Rse~ m t li Um aows Immt Up la sitrt rin la i Utri a piantlng efflas. scoft Slave, 3, la tac yauttg lo bea Boum btit ho wau hos ta l.lp hi. brller Crslgcf tto t@MhtaiBlves. Photos by GifnIm Paine