Trial date for ol with attempt to A )une 2 trial lias been sat for a Halusn police oiicer cliarg.d with auerpting lo obstruci justice. Sgt. Rod Wilson, 45, appeared in Milton provincial court Monday in connection with an anonymous miea- sage lefi on a poltician's telephone auiswering machine. Plhe memsge left for Halton HdIs Regiona Councidor Pain Joliston in lune is rcloted in, an investigation sur- rounding an aismymous leuer alleging police wnmgdo. 1118. An mnvcsugation wui launched-by regionai police lam year Io determine the anth of ca cmoaversmal letier dis- zibuted by Ms Jolsmo ai a Jaie 3 regionaî ourcil Ne w parking lotft will shrink downto * ronsBROOKS on page , Mr. Lee said lie'd lie willing to support "any con- figuration duais ieute,, wids lesa CULS in parking." But lie stressed Usat ove, the lmi severat years dmia corner lia been a probilera," and Use opportunsty to fût it could lie aost if Milton drags its heels, since Halion plans on bcginning work in thse village snoa. Wari 1 counicillor Bnian Peaman said lie was "a lad confused andi cranly fr sased*'soUs hesitaijona ethis point hecause for 'ilhe l[m 17 or 16 years," thee liai been pressure to improve sale parking in dmc village. flic councillor added "hatle lia been "horified' hy lcer charged obstr'uct justice i ce tm v ile n p t wifé assaultb fi ce in1- 1983, The audior is sui wsknown, accoalng te police. 1 g frnq <""m ra"li Grod Làce> A subaequent OPP inveatigation ingo Uic adqeed 1 caver-up (mimd no evidence in, back the charge. N W O E miscondiiet charge undler Uic Noice Services Act in con-Th Qy eeu fteHlo oc lcfcsa* neb wc deannmosanwrigmalm e. N MILTON MALL 1 Plis lieaing bas be= put over until October 1, penttisi Floral delighte for ani occasions i Uic uuieme of lde culminaI cJge.i r Campbellville 1Aro-ndthe World Or ACros ToWn 'wn park: Brooks ~ 7-48 mun of ftm dengermu mâmeuvres orcescaied by cusn and pedaieswj on hoey weekends in Uic village. .8 5 4 0 Nt. Brooks admiced dut whmle woeked afterrnons I icere often plagmcd with traic congestion in Use village, L -- -- -- -- -- ------ -- -- -- -- -- -- --- '*for dic rest of Uic wcek thuere - re fe,. cm~ arun"" MenY Of Usm tkswaown business owners in Carnpbellville are wary of seeing a simnnken park, Mr. Br-ooks sad. "A lot of ic merclianis are ot in favour of doing mway witli one of Uic attractions Usat Ixinga people go Zainpcllville", LOWER PRIE f' ~ Arîc* cim& iI 8 unfil a u d ~ i 419931 RQSTD O o aiNysteh orfon ~CRNth 6/99 no. 1 grede l eA BACN 8~19' With 4 $20.purchase Pt Participating stores. reS OUR ENYIRE IN-STORE STOCK! 13(JTTERICK& Vogue 0 OFF M.S.M. 50-70%Pdc» UT R:2. 9 W ýý ; 60% OFF M.S.R. PRICE R rSCR 2.19-7.50 50%OFF 7 In.l-; Or :HEDIES99» corsai APPE JUiCL ROUGEM&#Mc puoci 9 *Lotiaws & () K OE wo 9 plui9b bFILE1111 ae 99 squeezé m 1 L cmele