Halton conservation offirer KCen Snowden. ITve been taking ta (HaIcon) poltce," ha said. "I kncw tsete's a problem. flsre's a his- tory of it (pcaching) in downtown Milton." 1Untier tie Fisiseries Act, people caugbst removilsa brout front tise ter by any meant during tie off-tesson caulti have tiseir equip- nçnt seizeti as weil as bc fined. lie said. Alto. any gear used un tie process of fisising or poaching, including tihe off6ntie's vehicle. could ha confiscateti on tise spot by a nsinistry officiat. White tise maximum fine under tise &et is $100,1 $1,000, caught b curred- Menais Hunter leave thse ..By ai magnifie disturb pesicti." tie local Secreçy cominon in abuse victùns, e e e asychooit teils court C:-S"Crown Aitaniy Kalserus tàvsngssws-Pîcketi. Champion list "a brecornes an inportant penc." s An expert in tIhe psycisology cf deafntess yest"riy testilied its nos unconunon for a se"Ialy abuseti child to keep usauts a secret. Dr. John Scanlan. a Minnescta psychmatrist who works wîth sexually abused deaf people. tld tise court deaf cildren often donst teU because they feel isolated with thiser handicap anti "ac educatios os abuse. lIn many cases. wlsere thse ses, abuse tsn't constant, victims beccme attaciset tc tiseir abusers ernotiotsally and accept ut. ha testîfied followîng questicnîng front afraid thi sometalng wili Isappeus to dise abuses." ise Ameucan docto teaiified in tise Milto. gena division court tria of Ronald Hadott 56, off lenstein.; lise forner E.C. Dntry Sdsool for fseic, guidance couttiello is cluasgd with indeccet usai in allogeti seJ aasatalts on a tSna&gd il he liveti his borne ithe easty 1970s. The wotnan, who la Dow 36. bas testified ha fud lier cver a 10-nmts perlod ti bis car and bone. ais SICAECY on page 3 Waroing issued to trout Sv KAEN SMITH Thse Chtampiosn People caught brout isitng out cf tesson cosld face a fine of SIO000 warts tise Minis- tuy of Natural Rescurces. While tis fisis aie curiently nsignating upstrearoi through Sixteeý Mile Creek ta tiseir spawing grounds, trout iason doean't oe untl Saturday. Fcllowing reports cf pezple pcaching as thse creek near tise Miii Pond. Msin- istry officiais wiUl ha patroUing tie area, said L6,1 51ý8 terlidc rsunsty Newspaper Vol. 134 No. 39 WIEh1»DAY AIL 22 OAVI3E Ontrl , oachers 00, penalties generafly range Up I depen<àing on thse nismier of fisis y thse offender or pasi penalties i- Second charge of the Four Seasons' Angiers and in stabbing also making a plea to thse public Io A Miftafl yot w- va trout alee atalbeti during a it out- 1 amants. take thse timte go vew dbese "~ a Main Stree pizza par- ecm fish frmm a distance, but de oc1tou ,.- be disargeti. temt during their critical spawning lThe 15-year-dd Youlh, saisi David Feattiersione, secetary cf Wh waa asauay irsiureti organuzation. aller being atabbed wsth a 'Error' oneto N le lie salreti thse ordeal: accaflng. k n ock s 4b aiton potic. A friand of out 70% fngtncourtMnM isapI proadted by a yOufits ftown' 's l aoe fN i« power loan hetndtsot Pv KAREN SMITH4 A friand cf thse food ourt The ChampSfion patron later go k9 a fight Humait error left most cf thse autside a pizza )arlour oth Milton in the dak Mcnday afser- t yodhf Mlo madie the nocm, catting chaos ail cver tcwn. ttweat. A pcwer failure as about 1:20 During the bral. he yokls p.m. Wlaked out 70 per cent of the pulieti cu a dmubW*-dged mue for miu titan an hour afler an iscie tramn instis a log Star- O)ntueo liydr woeker cornnussedi neas andi atabiset hlm once an .operasiossa errg." said Don in the lasee abdomen. litanie. muaaser of Mitoss Ilydro. The atabbng victflm waa lise wiw resulied tn a saii laiten. tbh; Millan District *explosion and rire at thse hytito Hospital WlOs edoues lr*flee, generating station as Main Street but has aince beetî releed. East anti Foutu Une. A 15-year-old Toronto Thse bisekout stcpped an elevatar ycusi was charget ialiee as tis Milton ccurtlsoise, ttWtng tisi mcjthJ in thse stabulsg two people, anti intemrupteti cout with aggravafeti aueal. a>k- proceedings. Firefigisters rescued sautih a weapo.r anti tOs pair about 45 ninutes later. carrying 4 conceaet lihe lights went out at Milton weapon. Mail, restauranud indestries. Haiton police quickly mnsned thse tcwn's major intalsectîons to direct nsooa& ellt t"Mfc sIgnala %" 'ion Fire DepZt5ett w "s1 cawe10othe scene orthexÇ- ik plouion. whicis eas descrshad as a "fireltell." But isydro woeken; cao- i saineti thse blaze and extittstu"le tise tire, said Acting Fise Cief Harold Pericm. Noone was injured in the ici- dent isowever Mr. l'honte sudt tise watte mnvolved vie estretnely fastunaie ta have eacaped iseing bunsed. Areas north cf Main Street (east of Mutin Street), anti sautis of Main Stre (eut cf Otaric potI Street), as wel as Catipisellville m eraaugmac up toNo. 13 Sideroad, were af- pragsum pagtldpated in a id fected by isepower failure. molo h okrd Despiée dme seriosature of the a ie eltni tlspo. .ars toredin70 See Pare 19-- ma linuates, 5001Ei: tIsit fgiiy retss id arkaby wellget- Fe1Itures ei tinr il bock an coosidering what .- - - - --......4 at hmp.usd M r. ls nte. at Severe dentel a s e ta, Datdifl .........-16 thtie trussafortser station. Power la ClsMe ..21-23 being moued tiseougs tise un- danUagm RelàIEtat .REl4RER