Events will fqcus attack on educatfional jargon =v NGLA BLACKBURN Acronyms like SEAC Md IPRC lawest level of une: =nhgg o truage or Plieriez? What's Best For 1p.a ta ls Champion are sebar Woardland calls "jargon sehat', gains on mea ansp Kieta"' daeeble-whamenies" wbicb take con- portive." saud Mr. Woodlud. Spca eet -4 é Most of us know sehat trusteeî. âge- plex ternis and alibreviate dsem, In - l Hadron tirat cavert 60 per cent miueps tat". counability and co-op education coenpounding thse problerni for ofdse populion.iaefrquin s.Iulaged meas. partents, business and ste public. sArs h ein ewDlesio o rghautio But what about sehole language, Mr. WoodlUd atnied there seere lundmcing alciem pgaes or Mr hn20atvge elb benchmarks. IPRC, SEAC. out- even terens tdm showed op in the -ulcfo a vnst pr n oetai20abii ilb conses, transition years. destreamning. survey which tee had ta gmt ex- clear away tie 'jargon jungle' tisat oc seethses local sdeools, . and even nneacogninion or plained - like psychonsefficlus - somgetings but ýwals between cluding trditional shopping maIl psychonseeician? ironically explained as a psycho- -~education aned tis coummunity," sad dispisys, orlebration af Strident Ex- As education uncreaingjy conmes educationa consultant. M. Woodiand. oellenc tomaerrow <nrsday), srt under criticisigts tihe Hilton Board of "Over thse lut <lutte yeurs. even six l'b **e hit lira" w4 uaed tuodevelo Nelson Higs Scbool and a regional Educatian is using tis ytr's focus montis, we've scen s ernendrajs niese Educatioe: Explaisted com- kick-off evene Monday Agril 26 ai (preveausly education week) toats- amouint af attack on education," le bomne ta scisools. munmey evenes naming over ie next Allendalle <forner Haito Cesseennial tack educaisnal jargon. said. Many parents seitis chlkken in Iwoa weeks witb tile like Man-) in Mi"-on lt's 1,eing dont in die bogies-of Eveey indeesery bas jargon boseever ac s are fuieiar wids local "*Whatsver Happened Io the A shoecan ut stuident puefarman- reachiug out ta tise 60 per cene of the uchool systens holtis a utake for pulIfic schools. but those wiehot Basics?", ,"Whats Wrong wieh ces ofmusic addrana will beheld Halton taxpayers who don't have masy people. "No Jargon Zones" in children in thse system and peaple in Ross' "Cooiperative Leuuling Md t die Sir Jao CIlbpum Centre in chuldren in the public scbool uyseem. schools will ty go get the nmessage te business am "the people with the Othber Coneroversees"ol e in Oakville Aprel 278ai1:30 p-ni "Wt'se decideti ta take aigri aeues j ron a-id deal wieh et lsead on," seed the boards communica- tions officer Brean Waadlasd in ex- plaiig <bis year's tiseme Educa- cio: Explsiesed! sebecl us April 26 tu May 7. A "bit lise" af thse top 10 jargon tenus was compiled in a snrvey af caenssty business snd pauent/ [cacher orgarrezaeuons. "Tise unanituous respoune was gtai there is a remrendons rnouut of jar- gon in the school system. As the board cammunicatjoos officer .. 1 cas sites ta the fact that tUne schaol system has ane ubelievable amount ofjargon," satid Mr. Williams. Tise l*ii lise' tenuee show up as sewhnir language (69 pur cent). beuctsnarks (44 pur cente); IPRC One-* dividualîztd Placemnent and Review Careurnitec) (44 pur metis); SEAC Special Education Advisory Comn- mate) (44 per cent), ouicomes f42 pur ceut); equity (36 pur cent), tran- sition ytaxs (36 pur cent); coupera- rive learning (33 per cent>, active (earnug (27 *per cent) and Tise B 'sics )27 pur cent). Mîr Woodmnd said one business representaeevt's response hie the maurk, Stie from 'A" and go aon ta i *1 I