/L~ ~5 J iJ tit l j I {ont. Communht Newspap ' Box 451 OAKVILLE, Ontaric, L6J 5A8 % A Mtoand Ço!eriw Newspae VaLI 134 No. 36 WEDNESDAY MAI01 3t 1993 36] Lôcal dentist dies while scul Autopsy &i be held into accident offS Dy KAIWN SMITH toi prastioe on Wakefield Rand, it mite of Mr.ýAturiay's seife Mai- The Champon dei ah a 44. . garet. Thse couple knew Dr. Wilson "She wuaa very aulgoing per- for 25 years. SlieIllwup inPls- A well-rcspected Milton dertnst son," sait! friend Greg Murray of ton anid imaved Io Milton in the died Sundsy wbile scuba diving off Hamilton. "Site, wu thse kind of nud-1970s. the cous of Saint Kitts. persan you alopt because the wus A prailan af the Facidty of Dr. Barbara Wilson. a Camapbell-, in frindil Desntstry ai the Uiniversity of ville residesat wlio oçcrased a dcn- Dr. WonS was a college roofs- Toronto, dIe fit peucticedl in Mil- M Laten Stan Alen among med4-reéFpients Halion Northt MI'P NoeI Duignari to the conunnny or natuin -.- NichoIs; Deputy Connissioner wilI preseni Cammnemrnotuve Fariner Halton North MFF and Ronald Piera, Aduit Brigade Su- Medals for tise 125th anniversaiy Milton resident N»M'Oliol is Cet- perinemident Bruan RIl Majr of Csnadian Confederation ta 26 ting ans awpzâ, a are Mayor Goud Richsard Ruggle mid Fein Wolfe. artsa esidents Saturday (Apnil 3). irantz il Nussagaweya resident Thice of thse awards will be post>..Cildly Lunia. hurnous, twa of them to mil Whno Fariner Haltan Region Conserva- W ln s were prommeni Miltolhes. lion Autisority chair Brock Hais Thse lite Stan MfI, a fariner gets the nod. as does Hilton fp rth eIs Halton Centennial .Regional Police Chef Mar adunismor, Jaines Hurding. Environ- bMUIsVspgi wdwu F* w jîl receive an awurd. mental uctivisls Barbas bi u Miu h ~ Ile Manor has been HaIsalI, Rita Lmndry anmd 8goubodb plIDIêi renamed Allendale in Diane Vin de Valk seilIlesm ,as w éh bis isonour alsa be recognized. Hal- Sa~ The laie Lloyd Chia- ton HilIs Mayor Rosi ?uaw iao I h bles Isls a Canspielîville Miller gens an uwurd, m as U AswIu. horse grainer dma d mts lie Dicit Willis, tu" 00 lu~e . flgured stroisgly inte Halton HUIs' Citizen ai Wou i , o wdw pusls ta bning Mohaswk n the Yeur. i Raceway to tise area, will alto be Otiset recipieans arc: Bill Cisard; I loued Chief Wamnt Officier F. A. Gar- 1bsb é Thse aw"ads ta be preseiited ai butn; Ciptain Williams Herran; Ilhu thse Hilton HUIs Civic Centre tn Cadet Brigade Superintendent IN1oo b awmow Wwcl« Georgetowen st 2 pin., are ta Kl Laws, Bob McNeilly; Lesua 4 pa recognize sigjuifict ceatributiomt Mailais Laune"l Mil Besuice ba diving t. Kitts Officer assaulted A'Hil poice afficer mi amuliled Tkudy night uNIle tMM1n ta stop a flsolng Poila were culd to a dwbmodi dapuL& botwen itre mon I the paring lot ai thei Oplimis Cenire on Commercial Strset et 10:50 p.m. ConstalIlo o Mahaln wus lesatIng on@ of the mon Io Nés criser ulion the auspoat braite frite, police sid. Wh#@l hils pastl Con- et"N Sioptanio Millla wus attempllng la stop tnlm, hai knoCkod hon daun. SIte suifsrsd am ola o lN and brssl lier face. Thse mun wu mciptuncd Il ChIer filcers wlia arlvod at tIte saune. A 2-ysar-old Ontlaio Sîrm marn f ueu chrges af brsadh of proba- tion, autbng poile sint Menwffl, a bytne Whoa deolds la *luefon wau mac arrested. A 22- yoar-old HaywRnd Cruocon mani was chargsd sikh caualng a daltuubence and -btutn poie N1 14b" PhMl by GPAKW PANE feeling _bot MIxlng muffimer end wlnter geai. 1ul ,uu ofrroo ofmb duksvsag il grilt canUIons et Gien Eden Sunduy whist lsmpestwree his 15 igeoC. TMe local il «« wll lis open agin tItis weltmnd frrnt $.M. t0 3:30 Ilm ton in 1976 et a medical builing on Ma Street Eau and [itW rnovoi! tu Lamier Aveniic. As à reait of ber popularity. Dr. Wilson', chamle guw am sht pmmsd proçIes on Wakefield Raid. She mwnvusd m aid charcis Wbsd becaine lber- new ofice.n SDr.w¶Iséçk. di vorccd. ber rns home. Sise loved scolbe diving. under- Bfbi WllSos water phatogrqlly, il travelling. Mr. Murray descrlbed thse dential as a.fairy-experienoed mcbe diver - a hobby Dr. Wilson firas pur- soed in uoeversîty. She was on the executive of the Burlinglon Dental Acadesny aid morereoetly u eected io tbe baud of dil of tise Outilo Dental Associaion. Ca-waekers were ton uphet t0 talk about Dr. WUtls' detit Mon, day. Mr. Murray, muid fries lie b&ttd ta dliver thse diassal news rcacied in "absolsse stuc of shoek. 1 Thse cuse of ber deat is s0 fat usknosvn. Sise wu underwale with fellw merribeen of a Bur- lington scull diving club wbe mh lndicated Unit the was isavang trouble, muid Mr. Murray. By dms ie tse made lier way ta thse surface of tise Woue, she wu only sia-conscioss. "'Ibere wus a doctoir on tise boat wlno was scubia diving wiib theas. H4e siai¶ed 10 gave lier oxygen anmd CPI." Dr. Wilson eventnally lcat dIla acionanets. and effgwato lave ber lilc failed. Aài am*nsy wili be per- foreedAb determine tise csuse of SIte ta stsrvived l b ber parents Robnert and Hflda Wilson, anmd suise Elles Wilson, all of Madoc. a scail towll nonsh-eut of Belle ville. 14cr iasta was un the process of being arrsnged as press tante yestcrday. It ie expectcd ta bc Ild ai Gtacc Anglca Clairci euly neat wcek. wuhOf it orb4s ý tatse stë1 uAW rlr.a ...u.. -Il 0? _ eaVW lng l ain boad. See Page 4 Features PoiDo .......... Datel .........12 sports .......9-le Clsfed ..25-27 Reid Estate . RE1-RES Prepare Ynur Inom Tas Raetuin w0 Man St. tAnt. - 876-411 AilbM.ing- 330-121 Appbya&OlmMlR