_f CALLING ALL LOCAL ENTERTAI NERS Downtown Milton is currently compiling a list of ail local talent for the 1993 Moonlight Magic. We need musicians, singers, dancers, magicians, comedians, etc. ... PLEASE CALL TAXI LTD. Anytime, Anywhere " Fiat Rates Avallabie " Parce Pick.u Avallable 875-305 875-3016 MILTON n * CALLING ALL NON-PROFIT GROUPS Downtown Milton is currently seeking non-profit groups to supply volunteers for the 1993 Moonlight Magic. Profits frorn the events will be donated to participating organizations. PLEASE CALL Anthony Nlwood Miltonl D.B.Aa Office 876-2773 "DOWNTOWN SHOPPER"1 Please call 876-2773 to Win! Con gratulations to last week's winner CAROL CLEMENGER 1-he Dowi>on il(Prwr jý à promoion oft he~ he Milon Downtown Bus.nes% Improvement Area DETRS hie L>owntownr ï A OOWNTONIN MILTON~ WEEKLV REPORT ON OOMMUNrlY NEWS, \flEW & nAPPENINGS > L O 199 I TInlitUMagi I FINA o WEEKS ra 3charI.S,MIftofl 878-95 3 875-1010 mi L Anthony Allwood Milton D.B.I.A. Office 876-2773