-~~ w-q CA S lmm..nenm OWW.o Zmon Kt"el Wu m*l usée. kSuuPeli 11.. ..,ote.o.o .*b W. .e o 1woi,, Tb« cenfic.pnon' sel" F0. io,0,SOM . Rmm" REALTY SMCIALISTSC *pm"AtoWf»hà *I.IEIM k rauAmoçdoe o Cao& INDUSTRIAL CONDO.FOR LEASE * Office Space. * $50per month. ti Approx, 600 Sq .l *Ieu. 1UItU * Available Apritls * laise i fiie EVERYONE'S READING] MI[LTON'S entJr 51 1 t ir h 188e lUbant barri o' osm, lamge country Sîftte 21 . 2 1, Cd.=e = ognaAefOMrS & trin. Pnlced ti 8a us e 711-20956 * rOON TO NOAU Sapanate n-le. Sortie - 5 nutoes ta 40 quiet couontry Y'4 ace - unique celton bn- la.. neutrel decor - a«-A t.lcnen*rma d 14 Martin St. Milton 875-2294 SYLVIA eul'SEV C $110m" TtM Dm o.. ho .*iM rO.l.. fwcar. 84SO. On Fo h.-.l o «--" ore,.Wa 5W.. k-* u W ffol $0110a CO .A roo mt wM nptace, metW Iitet, fial cè <00111, foOhId dt o effinW liutu Sa. buelna PMs«u. Cam Wotre Sr se 878- 7,000 sq. M.i ndustriel building on 1.9 acre. 550 sq. ft office. Caii vonne Christis 878- 2105. RESTAURANT BUSINESS Weit established, licensed, seats 60, ample parking, 2 bedroorn owner's suite, located near Campbellville &, Mohawk Raceway. Cali Carn Gall 876-4532 or. 878-2095. BUNGALOW WANTED 1 have qualiie pUrchasrs lnterested ln a bungalow wtth an ln-law suite. Il yôu have been thlrtklng of moving and have a home similar plais cadi Cern Gall for a confidentiel chat about your proparty et 876-4532 or 878i' FOR SALE 90CainbSt.lW 90 ain St. N [ 854-2294 eACKEP Loo..t.W hif o... -, çi .o1Wohd woo. .1. vaO ".ooolIy -.o. lfit.S* I.., - W.ling d,.t.no le oc0191. ptt. .nd ...U Ad" $21.00. C. .9 FM C4 e FARM FOR RENT 100 acres, large 5 bedrofom, 3 bath home - suiable for 2 femille. Excellent bank barn, heaeed «Oorlshop, drýive shed, aId tenced. $1.750 par nmonth. CaoI Sytvàa a 47 ACRES DRASTIC PRICE REDUCTION Beautiful hardwood bush octdMin. from the Village )f Campbeliville. Don't miss hies orne. Aak about C-101. arma TM WufuY I meTLm M UDW E*Iy hék lta boa ft Md% eur. muort- ptuf mm hml. bie Mû mnu i 1 .78 mm a o f 14 u oun 541.1 ponli -uise ý 1,1111 illofib4 i ipât fevoi lembi t..... IliM 3 SedM«Mo, à.W &"bu ëi t.R - e i 11W.co inLxmai l Wodry foc, li . r"li.m * Son.. à office en lever de WI.Aekio, - d* al., l 'h 0-141r E.1.1.1,0W ol1.,.d und.of .. of Soi. fi um a .1 *Su- 5. Wêoi..Loi. .Od Nos 2 peod. on. lo ub é 4 m VALtI FOR Voun le >b déofoo no h- .,1é oC -* -» ««J. M..d on .1 . à pot M1.- foooo 4 b" . W.be, é'd* Wt..W W. lo ...?i~o *hW' fo C.a. M urnefl§% cl --ý kiLelou o m mo M Countrywide- CAMPBELLVILLE REALTY INC. k *1. Your most complete source of real estate listings and information. CHRISTIE& W000S .HI, %, un REAL ESTATE LTDý